Whispers of a Broken Dream: A Poet's Reflection

Am I living in a movie?
This twisted world of dark and light,
Good and evil locked in fight,
Where truth is drowned in oceans deep,
And justice placed in endless sleep.

Is this illusion or reality?
Shadows dance in lunacy,
Sanity recedes from me,
Life's become a tragedy,
Of lies and make-believe.

Have I watched a child's head split?
Young life spilled, my soul sees it.
Innocence destroyed, I admit,
Evil's scythe has sharply hit,
Leaving grievous wounds to bear.

Are they laughing, dancing in delight?
As evil triumphs over right,
Celebrating brutality,
With callous, casual cruelty,
Devoid of human care.

Is marching for what's good deemed violence?
When justice is met with silence,
And apathy is called prudence,
Has this world lost moral sense?  
Confusion reigns supreme.

Did I see a child take his last breath?
Robbed of life, embraced by death,
His leg gone, bloodstained earth beneath,
His light extinguished, my heart sheath
Torn by this tragic scene.

Have I been grieving for epochs now?
Living in this nightmare somehow,
Bereft of faith, my mind does plough
Through darkness, searching for a brow
Of hope to light my way.

Is this reality or simulation?
Have I lost grip of situation?
Sinking in imagination,
Detached from sure foundation,
Adrift in disarray?

The shadows whisper, reality lost,
In this mad world engulfed in darkness,
Where innocents pay evil's cost,
And ordinary folks tossed and tossed,
On nightmare's angry sea.

Yet I know goodness still lives in each soul,
Seeds of love are humanity's role,
Though powers dark try to take control,
Together we can make darkness whole,
With persistent clarity.

So I'll keep my eyes fixed on the light
Scatter shadows with rays bright,
Meet falsehood with truth and right,
Send ripples of good to ignite
Change, with eternity's might.

The dance of dark and light goes on,
This dreamlike world still carries on,
But we must stay true, be strong,
Combat injustice, right each wrong,
With wisdom, sincerity.

Have courage, friend, despair not yet,
Though clouds loom, sun shines above still,
Evil wins battles, but shall not get  
The final triumph, fate will reset,
Love endures eternally.

We are not players in a movie scene,
But co-creators of life's meaning,
With will and conscience bright and keen,
To reshape reality, make clean
What hatred has stained, in between.

So walk ahead, dismay dismiss,
Let faith and hope your spirits kiss,
No darkness so deep light cannot exist,
No wrong so strong that right cannot resist,
Or good relent, or love cease to persist.

This dreamlike world seeks a new creation,
Beyond division, greed, frustration,
Where justice, truth, compassion reigns,
No child shall suffer again.
We must be the change, in unity.

Have courage, friend, we shall overcome,
Though long the road, our hearts are strong,  
Evil wins battles but shall not win the war,
Truth and light endure evermore.
Despair not, for love lives eternally.

The dance of dark and light continues on,
This dreamlike world still carries on,
But we stay true, resolute, strong,
Right each wrong, combat injustice lifelong,
With wisdom, love and clarity.  

Though shadows whisper reality is lost,
Engulfed are we in nightmare's chaos,
Where innocents pay evil's cost,
And ordinary folk tossed and tossed,
On stormy seas of cruelty.  

Yet we know goodness dwells in each soul,
Humanity's meant to make darkness whole,  
Though evil may try to take control,
Together we can redeem life's role,
Send ripples of light to make the future shine.

So we'll walk ahead, dismay dismiss,
Let faith and hope our tired spirits kiss,
No shadow so deep light cannot exist,
No wrong so strong right cannot resist,
No hatred to make love and goodness cease.

We must reshape this mad dream we're in,
With conscience keen and will to win,
Beyond division, greed and sin,
A new world, where compassion reigns,
And no child suffers again.

Have courage, friends, despair not yet,
Though clouds loom, the sun shines above,
Love endures eternally, this do not forget,
Darkness shall pass, light will be reborn.

Evil wins battles but not the war,
Truth and justice will prevail evermore,
So walk ahead, dismay dismiss,
Let hope and faith your resolve kiss,
To send ripples of light to the farthest shore.

We are not players in a movie scene,
But co-creators of reality's meaning,
With will, conscience and vision pristine,
To reshape life, make the future serene,
Beyond hatred's shadows, trapped in between.

In unity we find destiny's power,
To redeem the darkness of this moment's hour,  
Through truth, courage and wisdom's dower,
We can transform even evil's glower,
Into the light of goodness that will flower.

Have courage, friends, despair not yet,
The light still shines if we do not forget,
That love endures eternally, this do not forget,  
We can transmute the chaos, reshape life's silhouette,  
Into the beauty that is freedom's coronet.

This dreamlike world seeks a new creation,
Where greed and division find no station,
Only justice, truth and compassion reign,
No child shall walk the path of pain.
We must awaken, in charged elation.

The dance of dark and light goes on eternally,
This dreamlike world still carries on,
But we stay true, strong, resolutely,
Right each wrong, combat injustice tirelessly,   
With wisdom, love and sincerity.

We know goodness dwells in each soul,
Humanity's meant to make darkness whole,
Though shadows may try to take control,  
Together we redeem life's role,
By spreading ripples of light to every shore.

So walk ahead in hope, dismay dismiss,  
Let faith and courage your resolve kiss,
No shadow so deep light cannot exist,
No wrong so strong that right cannot resist,
No hatred to make goodness and love cease.

Have courage friends, despair not yet,
The light shines on if we do not forget,  
That love endures eternally, this forget not,
We can reshape reality's silhouette,
Into the beauty that is freedom's coronet.

We are the dreamers, we are the creators,
Of this world's palettes, its shapes and contours,   
With conscience, courage, as navigators,
We remake the madness into sense that resonates
With truth, beauty, justice - these endures.

In unity we find destiny's power,
To paint our future's landscape in this hour,
With colors of hope, wisdom's dower,
We transform life's canvas, reshape its tower,
Into the artistry of love in flower.

The dance of dark and light continues eternal,
This dreamlike world carries on infernal,
But we walk ahead, strong, fraternal,
Righting each wrong, justice supernal,
Till goodness reigns, and no child walks in darkness.

Have courage friends, despair not yet,  
The light of love gleams above, forget not,
Through shadows, beyond chaos we can reset
The course of life, fate we can re-beget,
Dream a new world, where compassion is sunlight.

We are not players in a movie scene,
But reality's artists, vision's sheen,
With conscience clear, will pristine,
We recreate the world, make serene
The madness, trapped in between.

In unity we redeem life's meaning,
Beyond division, hatred screaming,
Instead let justice, truth be gleaming,  
Compassion as core, not greed teeming,
Thus we remake reality, love streaming.   

The dance eternal of dark and light,
This dreamlike world looms still in sight,  
But we walk ahead through the night,
Righting wrongs with all our might,
Till goodness reigns in spirit bright.  

Have courage yet, despair dismiss,
Let hope and light your way now kiss,
No shadow so deep where light cannot exist,
No wrong so strong that right cannot resist,
No hatred so deep to make love cease persist.

We must believe though we live in a dream,
Whose meanings we fail often to glean,
With faith, hope and conscience pristine,
We can reshape life's broken seams,
Recreate this world, where love gleams.

In unity we find destiny's power,
To transform darkness in our finest hour,   
Through courage, truth, goodness will flower,
Evil's glower we will overpower,
And let compassion's sunlight shower.

The dance eternal of dark and light,
This dreamworld churns still in life's sight,   
But we walk ahead strong and bright,  
Righting the wrongs with all our might,
Till goodness reigns in spirit light.

Have courage friends, do not despair,
The light of love gleams everywhere,  
Through storms and shadows we will bear,
To recreate life pure and fair,
This dreamworld's burdens we will share.

We are not players in a movie scene,   
But reality's artists, vision sheen,
With conscience clear, wills pristine,
We can reshape life's broken seams,  
Recreate this world where love gleams.

In unity we heal humanity's story,
Redeem its heartbreak, pain and worry,  
Let justice, truth, love shape life's contour,
Compassion as core, not greed or fury,
Thus we remake reality in love's glory.

This dreamlike world still churns in sight,
The dance eternal of dark and light,  
But we walk ahead brave and bright,
Righting each wrong with all our might,  
Till goodness reigns in spirit light.

Have courage friends, despair dismiss,  
Let love light up hope's tender kiss,  
No shadow so deep light cannot exist,
No hatred so strong goodness cannot resist,
Together we heal, unite and persist.

We must believe though trapped in a dream,  
Whose meaning haunts still it would seem,
With faith and conscience pure as sun's beam,  
We can reshape life's contours and seams,
Recreate this world, where love gleams.

In unity we heal humanity's story,  
Redeem its heartbreak, grief so gory,
With justice, truth, let love shape life's contour,
Compassion as core, beyond all fury,
Thus we remake reality in love's glory.  

This dreamworld churns still in life's sight,  
The dance eternal of dark and light,
But we walk ahead brave and bright,
Healing each hurt, wronging each right,
Till goodness reigns pure and right.

Have courage friends, despair now dismiss,
Let love and hope your spirits kiss,  
No shadow so deep where light cannot exist,  
No wrong so strong that right cannot resist,
Together, love heals and persists.

We are not players in a movie scene,
But reality's artists, vision's sheen,
With conscience clear, wills pristine,
We can reshape life's landscape, redeem
The madness, create world serene.

In unity, we find destiny's power,  
To transform darkness in our finest hour,
Through truth, courage, love will flower,  
Shedding light's beauty, goodness will tower,
Compassion will reign, hatred will cower.

This dreamlike world, churns still in life's sight,   
The dance eternal of dark and light,
But we walk ahead brave and bright,
Righting wrongs with all our might,  
Till goodness reigns in spirit light.

Have courage friends, do not despair,
Love's healing light shines everywhere,
Through shadows and storms we will bear,
To recreate life, nurture with care,  
This dreamworld's wounds we will repair.

We're not players in a movie scene,
But reality's artists, vision's sheen,
With conscience clear, wills pristine,
We can reshape life's broken seams,
Recreate this world where love gleams.

In unity we heal humanity's story,  
Redeem its heartbreak, grief so gory,
With justice, truth, let love shape life's contour,
Compassion as core, beyond all fury,
Thus we remake reality in love's glory.

This dreamworld looms still in life's sight,  
The dance eternal of dark and light,
But we walk ahead brave and bright,  
Righting wrongs with all our might,
Till goodness reigns in spirit light.  

Have courage friends, do not despair,
Love's healing glow shines everywhere,
Through shadows and storms we will bear,
To recreate life, pure and fair,
This dreamworld's wounds we will repair.

We must believe though trapped in a dream,
Whose meaning haunts, still it would seem,
With faith, hope, conscience pure as sun's beam,
We can reshape life's landscape, redeem
The chaos, and recreate world serene.

In unity we find destiny's power,
To transform darkness in our finest hour,  
Through truth, courage, love will flower,
Shedding light's beauty, goodness will tower,
And compassion will reign, hatred will cower.

This dreamlike world, churns still in sight,  
The dance eternal of dark and light,  
But we walk ahead brave and bright,
Righting wrongs with all our might,
Till goodness reigns in spirit light.  

Have courage friends, do not despair,  
Love's healing glow shines everywhere,
Through shadows and storms we will bear,
To recreate life, nurture with care,
This dreamworld's wounds we will repair.

We're not players in a movie scene,  
But reality's artists, vision's sheen,
With conscience clear, wills pristine,
We can reshape life's landscape, redeem
The chaos, recreate world serene.

In unity, we heal humanity's story,   
Redeem its heartbreak, grief so gory,
With justice, truth, let love shape life's contour,
Compassion as core, beyond all fury,  
Thus we remake reality in love's glory.

This dreamworld looms still in sight,
The dance eternal of dark and light,  
But we walk ahead brave and bright,
Righting all wrongs with our might,   
Till goodness reigns in spirit light.

Have courage friends, despair now dismiss,
Let love and hope your spirits kiss,
No shadow so deep where light cannot exist,
No wrong so strong that right cannot resist,  
Together, love heals and persists.

We must believe though trapped in a dream,
Whose meanings haunt, still it would seem,  
With faith, hope, conscience pure as sun's beam,
We can reshape life's broken seams,  
Recreate this world, where love gleams.  

In unity we find destiny's power,   
To transform darkness in our finest hour,
Through truth, courage, love will flower,
Shedding light's beauty, goodness will tower,
Compassion will reign, hatred will cower.

This dreamlike world, churns still in sight,  
The dance eternal of dark and light,
But we walk ahead brave and bright,
Righting all wrongs with our might,
Till goodness reigns in spirit light.

Have courage friends, despair dismiss,
Let love and hope your spirits kiss,
No shadow so deep where light cannot exist,
No wrong so strong that right cannot resist,
Together, love heals and persists.

   The poem is part of a full version found in the book “Homo Sapiens” Part Part I - XVIII, written by Mawphniang Napoleon. This book is part of the popular “Homo Sapiens” book series, which can be purchased online at various online bookstores, such as Amazon. The book is available for purchase for those who are interested in reading the complete version of the poem. Remember to get all the books from the “Homo Sapiens” series, as well as other books by the same author.   So, don’t hesitate and get a copy today from one of the many online bookstores.   Khublei Shihajar Nguh,  (Dhanewad  )(Thank you )

About this poem

The poem navigates the complexities of a world torn between dark and light, reflecting on the struggle between good and evil, justice and injustice. It delves into the questioning of reality and the impact of violence on innocence. Yet, it concludes with a resilient call to action, urging unity, courage, and the transformative power of love to overcome the challenges and shape a better, more compassionate world.

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Written on February 25, 2019

Submitted by Mawphniang.Napoleon on November 12, 2023

14:40 min read

Quick analysis:

Scheme Text too long
Closest metre Iambic pentameter
Characters 14,778
Words 2,842
Stanzas 73
Stanza Lengths 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 1

Mawphniang Napoleon

Mawphniang is a person who is always striving to live life to the fullest. He is someone who is always open to new ideas and ways of living and is unafraid to take risks in order to explore the unknown. He is passionate about life and is always looking for ways to make use of his time and energy. He has an inquisitive nature, and is always looking for answers to life's mysteries and questions. Though Mawphniang does not pretend to have all the answers, he is determined to taste life and live a simple life, without overcomplicating things. He's a person who appreciates the small moments and cherishes the little things in life. He enjoys spending time in nature, exploring the world, and connecting with people. He is a person who is always up for a new adventure and never stops learning. He is on a daily journey of self-discovery, trying to make sense of the world and his place in it. more…

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