Ludy_b's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by ludy_b  —  There are currently 216 poems total — keep up the great work!

Spring Skips

A self-appointed green knight
is watching –arms folded–
over the empty concrete

The days have hardened
with the rains
and grey walls blame the fungi
for their moist insides.

In vain, stones stretch straight
to be trodden by...

by Ludy Bührs

added 1 day ago

If they had met
like two regular waves
at just the right tide,
their momentum
would have made them
roll fluently and
in a strong heading
for the most clear and calm

They could have converged beautifully,
but accompliced no more

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 days ago
Getting old

tree is full-grown
less flexible now
wrapped in rings of earlier life
that cut back its flowering
and slowly force to give up

forces defied
shaped by the past
readable in hardened layers
that support the tenderness inside
until they...

by Ludy Bührs

added 29 days ago

Behind each and every
practical and focussed thought,
lives a wide world
of dreams.

With every breath, every
micropause in all that I do,
I wander off in it,
because there it is,
I find...

by Ludy Bührs

added 1 month ago

She was sitting in the den
writing her heart out loud
on the lid of a garbage can
while her introvert twin
that banned her that day
felt homophobic upstairs
in their shared bedroom
with a dear school friend
because of that one’s

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 months ago

Clinging to the wall,
this frog with its sticky legs,

by Ludy Bührs

added 4 months ago

Nobody is right:
truth has its colorwashes
between black and...

by Ludy Bührs

added 4 months ago

Her grades achieved,
plans to travel pretty cheap,
young Florence received

rigorous questions
about where she’d spend the night
and shocked reactions

from both her parents
when she provokingly said
“Beneath a...

by Ludy Bührs

added 4 months ago

When you're feeling sad
it's helpful to remember
victories you've...

by Ludy Bührs

added 4 months ago
He's moving closer

He's moving closer
to his truth, in registers
of a composer.

Thoughtfully trying,
he's working on his dream day,
aware of prying.

Restoring old times
from the grey of memories
and lead-footed chimes,

escorted by cries,
in ecstasy his...

by Ludy Bührs

added 4 months ago
In Juvinile Days

In juvenile days,
the whole world seems promising,
with exciting ways.

But growing older,
limits get the upper hand,
grieve a beholder.

The horizon bends,
when mortality is felt;
a road ahead...

by Ludy Bührs

added 4 months ago
All Talk

People gabbing have me often confused,
simply stating things that are not founded.
It’s to their views I will have to get used,
as the stories come from mouths unbounded.
Accuse, they will. At times it has sounded
like questioning my very right...

by Ludy Bührs

added 4 months ago
She Howls for Him

Like a she-wolf she howls saddened for him
because he goes –merely some traces he leaves
– taking the road as life is turning grim.
It hurts inside, the silence she receives.
How silly it seems the way she still believes.
But from her heart she...

by Ludy Bührs

added 4 months ago
Resisting the Storm

A strong wind blows this land into the sea,
and only rocks resist its pressure. Still,
they go along, as if they all agree,
having no clue, their choices now ill,
without control. The wind breaks their old drill,
is blowing on, only stopped by...

by Ludy Bührs

added 4 months ago
In Touch with the Past

minerals in my body
long for those left behind

within this moment of time
I carry these with water
for the sea didn’t leave me
when I let her be

the tears I now cry
witness salty of regrets
eternity of simple life
and death I...

by Ludy Bührs

added 5 months ago

Because of who I became, I close the gaps
as a mother moon deep into the night,
expounder of emotion in a notice,
a female voice that mitigates the chill,
a child laughing courageously even in tears.

  Grief is pain still waiting to be healed,

by Ludy Bührs

added 5 months ago

With membrane-thin covered brittle bones
her old eyes dull
she quietly enjoys the smoke
sucked in with deep tugs

Hanging in her knotted mat
she is waiting if that one customer
will buy from her stall

looks at the youngsters
that drive...

by Ludy Bührs

added 5 months ago
My Turn

seems like a light
with a dark presumption

for life phases
in chained rings
of love and regret

the appearing and disappearing
and even this not yet

everything ends
except for the circle

what if I make one up

by Ludy Bührs

added 6 months ago
Good bye dear old friend

A part of my life more than 40 years,
we’ve shared love, laughs and also tears,
traveling through all the stuff that came
our bond was there to always remain.

From the start when we had met,
I knew you would try to make all glad,

by Ludy Bührs

added 11 months ago

soon as the shadow nears my feet
reaching me the concealment
of my inner existence
the door to light opens
and sharp beams violently break
my bond with darkness

it is no escape into the night
this scanning for what light hides

by Ludy Bührs

added 1 year ago
Out of Control

Where the powerful control the press
They can do anything
To those who are powerless
Morals are mere painting
What‘s wrong is made right
Things do change over night

Faces with false emotion
Are shown each day on TV
Most viewers have no...

by Ludy Bührs

added 1 year ago
Feeling Warmth in a Smile

It is the smile of a child
that feels happy and free
bringing joy to my heart
setting goals for me.

It is the laughter with friends
that don't mind my mistakes
turning cries into joy
till the morning breaks.

It is the light in your eyes

by Ludy Bührs

added 1 year ago
Your Birthday Night

It's your birthday again today
and the early hours pass steadily
but I'm back in that night
when I alone kept watch over you,
listened to how your breath sounded,
in a room that reeked of disease,
my laptop on my lap,
working for my bread,

by Ludy Bührs

added 1 year ago
On Waves of Love

When I was young, my heart stood open wide,
still unaware of what might happen next,
It welcomed in and rode love’s very tide.
My heart felt strong the way with waves it flexed,
Withstanding blows, resistant to reject.
As I grew old, my heart...

by Ludy Bührs

added 1 year ago

years between both
couldn’t suppress the joy
with equal wits and whims
they knew one another
from the first glimpse

this click of recognition
laced a natural mirth
and lasting mental nutrition

the infant savored grandpa’s lifts

by Ludy Bührs

added 1 year ago
Cultured Fog

Do we humans really want each other,
really seek a bond that will never break?
We're losing it, each single word may bother,
grief oppresses, the pain of distance aches,
with questions thick fogs we cultivate.
Each on our own, we inhabit a...

by Ludy Bührs

added 1 year ago

What’s happening in this entangled time
of fear and strife? Where do we go from here?
Does no-one hear the bell of slanting chime?
Sure it will hurt. Do feelings disappear?
With having doubts the mind’s a puppeteer.
We come across, but won’t...

by Ludy Bührs

added 1 year ago
Crossing the Border

No grasp and a terminus had been reached
definitely, not leaving any aim.
Of going back all views had been bleached,
as it would have been losing all the same.
Oppressed by fear, his legs had been lame,
but despite this, his works he extended.

by Ludy Bührs

added 1 year ago

Did things slowly grow sheer while his time passed,
or is it he, did he loose onward sight,
only aback regretting things don’t last?
What once has been, there is no chance it might
revive again. Thus passing is a flight:
dreams that don’t get...

by Ludy Bührs

added 1 year ago

He just stood there. For comfort he still longed.
His fists he kept hidden in his pockets,
and from his mouth came not a sound that wronged,
although he’d tried, words bounced at sockets.
He had been told not to show his dockets.
“Keep to...

by Ludy Bührs

added 1 year ago

Nobody is right:
truth has its colorwashes
between black and...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Under the Surface

Deep down there are implications of things
seemingly hidden and yet sharply expressed,
proofs that the heart in fact heavily sings,
is signaling more than by voice addressed.
Carvings of pain, a self-punishment stressed,
the failure felt etched...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
My Love Isn’t Light

My love isn’t fading
like clouds in the sun.
Like a rock with some grading,
it cannot be shun.
It stands cold at the top,
any fire at its feet.
Its streams won’t dry up
in the drought that they meet.

My love is for you
to hold with your...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

Words were blows that dunned me
when I considered myself still untainted

the sour pitch of what's lame in things
had been snitching the song of my heart

a first shot of sorrow passed
and many more would follow

held off by my syllables

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Sparkling Someday Dream

Waves of thought flow and show
images that remind the senses
of beauty one may find in life
with eyes enjoying sight and
capturing for recollection.

Someday things may fall in place
as of a thought connection
that brightly sparks between...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

Still free from burden, we arrive at this earth,
fresh from a womb into the flinty world
hoping to grow, get some kind of worth
to stand upright, have your new leaves uncurled,
moving straight up from the fragile and furled.
For some it works....

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Not Alive without Loss

You shun being if you block emotion,
and disavow all feel that may be there,
just out of fear that a new devotion
to grace well found around you somewhere
will end in loss, a hurt you couldn’t bear.
Still, of this sea, the waves urge you to...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Valentine's Smile

It's the smile of a child
that feels happy and free
bringing joy to my heart
setting goals for me.

It's the laughter with friends
that don't mind my mistakes
turning cries into joy
till the morning breaks.

It's the light in your eyes

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

Ask your questions,
Weigh my words.
They are not adequate,
just crumbs, grains of sand
of what needs to be said.

And also take the in-between realm,
the white in which they are caught,
because no story can exist
if not with sight and...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Growing Love

Truly nourished in their early days,
the seeds of love prepare to spread its flame,
to care and lift with open arms in ways
that keep minds free from horrid fears and blame.
These seeds well fed, no minds will grow apart ̶
nor wary hearts that...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Familiar Places

Looking back at the journeys that I’ve made,
there is this strange sensation of feeling at home
at some of the visited places, right from the start.

I know it´s something in my heart, an older
stream that resides in shared memories,
a sense...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

The mind both dark and light
is our struggle the mere stride
not accepting that within
it’s really about the same thing

In spirit as one undivided
taking life as it so beautifully is
ride the tides to their wonder
and fulfillment of dreams

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Catching Shit

So many years I’m floating free
explaining waves surrounding me
residing on a savage sea
alone as proud as I can be

The harbors I have visited
as just a site to find some rest
provided merely crumbs of bread
gave me no pass, they...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
At Home in Darkness

The empty streets are home to me, a spouse
to deep darkness, that’s aware of my name.
From street to lane, from the bar to her house
I know the chill, the blind walls all the same.
And rightly so you’ll loath me with the blame
of hiding there....

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
No Name

I am no more than the things I leave behind,
I dispose of, stamp with my being here.
I am the one making mistakes, the kind
Seeking escape from the pain and the fear
Of my failure. My deeds too small, it’s clear.
For ills I show to have such...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Soul Mates

This crazy world we live in,
has been drifting us apart.
But still there is this feeling.
We’re together in the heart.

Money has made you worry
and put your love for me aside.
It wasn’t you weren’t sorry;
hard times had made us fight.


by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
From Purple to Lilac and White

up in deeper layers
gradually I lost grip on days
let wind and rain commit for long

but bare roots still kept reaching
a hold in this fidgety life
taking pains to regain solid ground
they branched to a new summer’s light


by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Gauging her Eyes

Her eyes glared in a special way. They
had a shimmer and there was a mist
as if what she perceived wasn’t only there
but somewhere

or in someone else’s past. And yet she held
she pulled inside
like a black hole sucking things in

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Ascendancy & Responsibility

If prosperous, with all culpability
of humans’ strive, let your remorse be true!
You have the lead, thus responsibility,
to clear the path for other humans who
are willing to fight their selfishness too.
Please envision your sweetest legacy,

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Valiant Tongue

Grace good grades
but not for the girl
at the immigrant’s
traditional home

With pride her tongue
found a good reason
to deviate from his rule:

“Speak your native,
you’re not in school!”

So she sniped her consonants
and aimed...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

other eyes do see
the merrymaking still in me

the dancers that came and took
names of who I’ve been

here it reads like a huge void
after a private bal masqué

my smile jerked off casually
and all that’s left is a sigh

no mouth...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Teeth in Time

birth glitters
in the light of longing
a mouth opens

white crystals
dawn inside

sparks of hope
are fitted and matched
in a more factual form
to the devourer’s socket

light reflects as far
as the solstice in laughter
pushed off...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

The metaphors in my mind meander
through old glows and signs that hold
the deepest felt and found by fearless
eyes, the eeriest aching losses molded,
the strongest grasps in love unfolded.

Full color they could stray around
so why am I not...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Forever Is Lost

Corrugating, the rough waves stretch so far.
They carry me to later and often throw
me back to things, that in course of years are
gathering with pain. Still, in a while, I know
what I have known, surprised by the flow
my life’s taking and how...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Nothing Is True

Nothing can be fully traced; the steps
were made, but when, and what was the reason?
Nobody knows. The causes, they perhaps
have been altered by the blunt mind’s treason
that randomly stacks, lavishly seasons.
No certainty exists, and wrongly...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Can't Get to Sleep

This sleep terror of mine
I could kill the bitch
It is as unwieldy
as this chicken
being butchered

Without a head, up she flies
to blindly drop on my just
sheets-freed braincase
and there she starts to irritate

The headstrong wretch

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Our Cruel Kind

On airborne waves human emotions float
in directions guided from high above.
Foul voices widely spread a dark loath
of all strangers, promote but selfish love.
People adrift the hate-armed forces shove
into corners where it’s hard to survive,

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Open End

Might there be, after this, yet another we,
will we ever meet again, will we last?
My heart, it feels robbed, too empty to be,
and our goodbyes, you really went too fast!
What’s left of you, it belongs to the past,
I’ll leave it, but not the...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Broken Wire

Only one wire still connects with your side.
I’m hanging on, for this line can tell me
why I still am, what I might still provide.
You, I value and always like to see.
But there’s silence, tormenting me fairly,
inquiring me about how I have...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
My Existence Flattens

How do I pull myself up from darkness,
where is the light, will my eyes find a hold?
My cold hand is but searching, baseless
without its fit, it slides in my shade’s mold
and it reaches just to find an untold
empty space of uselessness,...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
First Know my Darkness

You hesitate, I really understand.
I too am afraid of the obscurity.
The darkness shuts my throat with its hand.
But come along, look at my nudity,
my blackest fears, irrationality.
I will explain, what caused these to arise,
and tell you...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Exhausted by Need

The icy stone stairs I am sitting on,
they repulse of how much I lack you.
the tenderness I’m longing for, I only
own these hands I can hardly ever trust.
I imagine you, your scent, you woman
who, intensely soft and proud, lets me in,

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
A Dog's Wisdom

In your eyes there will never be blame -
Things will become the way things are set -
But then a bond forever stays the same,
Each departure you will deeply regret.
With sorrow felt and still no nagging, yet,
You’re perceiving how often humans...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Tearing Weather

Rainy, these days and big pools aren’t asking
for warmth no more, lying all satisfied,
having no real complaints while they're basking.
Empty dark days and all wetness is shied.
He should as well; satiate, he has tried
with no invite....

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Put Forward

Seeing him leave, broad and slightly bended,
I’ve put this preview in the list of cold chums.
He’s going for sure. Today by then has ended
in a vacuum cleaners mouth, with crumbs.
Sterility, the house, soon it succumbs.
Without his eyes, why...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Rhyming Me

Both my parents live inside me all the time.
The stains of grieves, I have inherited,
their crying out. A child’s mind ate their rhyme,
this burden, o, my ease was ferreted!
Watching their fights, my heart was forested
with such strong poles,...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

Do you notice too, how heavy
a blanket seems to rest on life?
Sometimes it moves a little,
there’s a breeze, but it falls back.

The season doesn’t alter
its thickness. The same vault
pushes and oppresses. No air
left to get things...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

Artists and poets of our time,
they paint, they draw, they rhyme.
It has been done for thousands of years,
expressions of love and deepest...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Little Resemblance

In your small sunny face,
surrounded by dusty strings of hair,
your dark sparkling eyes are asking.

And you speak with friendly sounds.
In combinations I can’t track
you cheerfully...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Tonlé Sap

Her great pulsating mother heart
impels a yearly still returning wonder
Her stream bears life up to a high plain
and flushes loads of dust to the...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

frown chilled my colors
bleak silence shoaled me
denial had shattered windows
and callously broken my view

frozen tears I caught
deprived of any warmth
to surface the regrets

how deeply I miss
those flows of bygone...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Snowed in

Coldness summarizes earthly tears
in a white crystalline glittering.
Covering up like a cloak of love
huge number’s closure...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Forbidden Fruits

The small apple-like fruits from the tree
hanging there ready to eat
picking them is hard, I agree
The best are too high for you to...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

author blew reconciliation
into a drained narration
a pen his divine instrument

in just words he projected
actual men – descriptively
shaded and traced by...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Attempt to Glue

a little girl is pulling
nerves out of a plantain leave

tries to bring separate strings-
still wet of their life’s fluids-

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

Beneath a stripe, man summarizes
his being in his own words,
reaching his essence,
and breaking up his views.

He claims a fixed denominator,
explaining thus his coverage
within it all fits,
and then he closes his...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Love's Climate

have been pushing us on to later
on waves of pleasure and hope

but resistance broke their flows
in a chilling concurrence

now the restless words of your heart
are rigid like molecules in frozen...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

fulfilled is a man
before birth

but then he stands
as one


how intricate
he tries to suffice
break boundaries
while sticking to matter

he parries and wrenches himself
into unwanted twists

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Cursory Capital

for long and it’s completely gone
this punctured monetary balloon
that already chronically weakened

much too greedy we breathed
of the fortune gilded air
forgot that all of the rich fat
had already been sucked ten...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Old Story

The story of your life is written
in the sharp and softer lines
across the tight dry features
of your sun tanned being

my eyes read sorrow and love
your frail hands – these formerly
strong but tender implements -
they now rest on your tired...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

ago I had the life form
of an astral glittering worm
drifted borderless in space
dancing with exquisite grace

no solid ground, no tough existence
and not even any need of wings
to travel in my...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Cats 'n Birds

Somehow all cats I’ve lived with
developed a special bonding with birds.
Like my first, a female, she watched
over the ouzels foraging in my garden
chasing off other cats so they could find
worms for their female or their...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
A Dog's Loyalty

He was someone else’s dog
that probably liked to wander off
but still he was my mate.

Daily he pushed his shiny nose
under the lit of the front door’s letter box
rattling to ask me out for a walk.

Never did I have to look at the clock

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

Rains don’t come, the crops don’t grow.
With tears unseen, the hurt will glow,
eat out the heart of many men
who struggle to get just one out of...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
She Cycles Away

My mother is cycling away. I can feel it
as she sits with me, on my lap.
All her strength seems to be aimed at leaving,
pushing forward and talking in the past.

She’s like the girl again, hardly a woman.
Desolated she repeats the track in her...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Over and Over

a willow on its way
to winter
softly letting leaves drop
boughs stern in the wind

before long the sickle
will pierce as far as the trunk
and nothing remains but to wait
for a...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
XL Dreams

The open mind flies beyond horizons,
borders are crossed on wings of thought,
with widely stretched shores to land on,
freedom is found where it’s...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Power Cut

“I like to be fat”, the poor Cambodian said, “for fat means power. But at this hour I am poor and lacking things. Not able to pull any strings, nor to make myself a living. Skinny means no one is giving, nothing to expect, easy to...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Weather Forcast

clouds collide
above the fainted festival
strong wind and fierce flashes ride
with heavy rains into unfolding walls
and onto roofs with leaking...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Have to Dance

sounds caress my senses
my whole body comes alive
have to move
have to dance
in rhythmic waves I have to dive

a loud guitar cleans both my ears
the drums do pound my stressed beat
freed my head of silly tears
right back on my sore...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
High Jinks

washes from the eyes
off the child’s face
a tear

rolls twinkling
along a waggish slope
curling between the cheek and nose
pickling in a sweet lips dance

a sort of cycle shed spreads
and framed in high jinks
coos a pink...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Frog's Leap

trodden upon the oozy
earth is suctioning my thoughts
distancing me from all concerns
that won’t be due...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Affirmed Friend

for a warm hug
he’s looking wary to the top
of my head and decides
to comb my hair for attention

how softly he pulls with
his nails splitting strings
until I bring a hand to his neck
place a kiss on his...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

Trash throws the traces
of pompous exuberance
straight into faces

We take all and spoil
relentlessly ignoring
future needs of soil

Left barren the land
clear water’s been ransacked too
descendants will strand

We could better soon

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Senseless Attacks

revulsion chunks
lie thwarted in vitriolic streams
of a gulping, thickening numb

thus pressure-feed prepared
rises a raw aroused rejection
vapored fizzes mere bitterness
in uproars from the...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Lyrebird's Message

Driven by a strong impulse
to show off with your throat
you open up like a stereo;
through wood sounds float

Your golden gob, it scratches and cracks
or clicks and rattles sharp and robust
You mimic and banter all sounds
invading the places...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

by patch I melt
the flow of a frozen stream
beginning at the strands

warm my stiffened hands
at an unearthed fire
to feel thawing veins...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

was her son
who said: “ma
just buy a bra

I can see my friends staring
when your breasts are shamelessly
showing through your tight shirt”

and sure, she gave in
now wearing a nice balcony
on which her breasts rest
and pleasantly...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Skewed Division

This house is leaning over
with time as the bending joint.
Broken light is burning, and I,

a chandelier without candles
hanging here heavily
with frosted glass tears
on a sinking...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
What's It About

me, please
don’t read this
to pieces

don’t even try to analyze
just try to sympathize
it isn’t angling for fame
just a pleasant wording game

maybe it isn’t wise
in your experienced eyes
will you feel deceived
then it’s not...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Bitter Need

decided to take this course
one gets lost so easily here
among spongers and criminals
help which by default fails
being present...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Brief Bliss

on each other totally
the young couple drifts in pink
the bride still veiled

and he ponders on their dreams
seeing these fulfilled in a vision
pushed by mere promises
gleaming at the...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Ten Birds in the Sky

I am the way I am
meanwhile I then

the twists
in the paths of my mind

have tried all detractions
the subways
the walk-across

trotted roads
but biased weighing
is still going...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
New Days, New Chances

I am prescribed
and the past has written me
still nothing is a fact
nor am I as you

this life remains untraceable
can only be explored
it shirks out of the court
of all industrious...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Tabula Rasa

a tunnel of time we’re
traveling towards the unknown
self-confident in our present
but ignorant of what later is

as the outside and the inside mix
there is a hope of higher powers
measured with concepts we think...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Abuse and Decline

self-declared rulers just arrived
wealth gained from cruel exploitation
still make those who are deprived
fight wars destructing their nation

in all empires that came to an end
people were paying forcedly
taxes and dues to...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Encouraging Cows

pair of hands at my mouth
I lay there and stick it out

the cows glued to the ceiling
friendly look and smile at me
they even seem to laugh out...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Garbage KIds

Poisonous gasses fill the air.
The rotting smell is everywhere.
The sopping layers under my feet
seem to breed
pools of black oil.
No trace of clean soil
can be found
for several miles...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

image of his back
broad and slightly bended
I’d already put
into the frame of future facts

because he would leave
today or tomorrow
I was going to miss him

in a rear view
this has been an anticipating
coming to terms
with a house without...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

There is stuff all around to be picked
Up and put aside again. There is a cup
With some fluid inside, no joy though.

The windows show an empty street
At the front and in the yard more
Weeds have grown in the...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Still Feelings

You left me
but still we can’t let go
We are just friends now
but damn
I still love you so

Still feelings
so dear that it aches
Did you know it
Back then
We would never...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
To Anger

Although I know you're a kind that from itself
won't speak out with an open mind, I hope to get
some answers from the movies in your narrow view.
Can you tell me what their end is, and did the plot
in your natal dreams still have alternative...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Cohen Is Going

His sound’s no longer what it used to be
colors vanished, drowned in misery,
his tone’s now mat, just like the wetted grass,
on which the wind won’t spread its whispering
but drudgery, is tending to defeat.
The thud with which he thrusts his words...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Eyes Feed Flames

An ocean of ancient calmness
surrounds a smoldering fire in the heart.
It eases most of the rushing waves
that eyes cannot but...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
In and Out of Darkness

these loads weigh
gradually poured into me
the pressure so strong
black holes now form
and light will be gone
some strength still lasts
thanks to long lost suns
I’ve seen set boldly
in their days swallowed
by the depth of...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
A Froggy Smile

Evening sky clouds purple and red over blue
softly marking the sun with a froggy smile
The straight blue mouth above is silent now
as if all has been said when planes have left
this wet land for those they went
And so each sight shifts in a similar...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Life’s Upsetting Shows

Empower me; let me enjoy my strength,
some dignity, grant me a kick in the ass.
Talents wasted, the whole dreary days’ length
I feel useless, aimless, no more than flesh.
But moan and groan, always lacking the cash
to go outside and mingle among...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Those Walking Lonely

Those who’re walking their winding path of life
over time more crooked due to concerns
and at it so completely alone, their fife
pitches high for support, a door that turns
into future, the hidden light each yearns
for, floundering, weighed...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Beyond Time

Ever since the very day,
when deep silence surrounded me
waiting for green light at an empty city-crossing,
I saw two cars come from ahead and aside
and inevitably collide
before they were actually in sight
and an irreversible moment later

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Touching Fog

It is foggy, this world we try to get
the meaning of, the reason why we give.
It has the feel of a book to be read,
sucking you in, its content you’ve to live.
And while you do, always be combative.
In dreams, the guts to try this book is there,

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

In the silence of night awareness fights to see a light.
Silly me.

I image to see a flickering that halts at my door,
willing to be found,

and look around seek the source, but of course
there is...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Shared Night

Is it here then, a path for my two feet?
My grip is gone, it´s such a useless life.
Only in dreams I am allowed to meet,
in phantasy I do not have to strife.
Empty all day, with you as lacking drive,
a yearning grey, a gap that doesn´t heal,

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

With his caring fingers reaching out to mine
he’s made his touch known to my fingertips.
My eyes closed I recall -over the wine and dine-
how it felt to then finally kiss his cautious...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Work in Progress

everyone’s an artist
immersed in one’s own masterpiece
growing day by day
getting dimensions
new hues and

these carved
and cut
drop shards
that patched with tears
provide essential...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Estimates and Abstinence

over to depicted light
I approach the hand engaging
as it seems

the moth in me is scared of burning
prevents the untamed hankering to
set in beams

prospecting I round about the source
assessing all its sides
till I’ve...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

I cycle
through the night
turning pedals
around in darkness

as if I could reverse
passed time
before even missing it

speedier than by light
moving past
the sight of familiar things
like grass
and trees


by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago
Written without Redemption

Building me requires strength
I have to get and still I wait.
Empty words get loads and strains
to make me stand up...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

Take poetry away from me
And I'm a mail repeater
A broken tachometer
A man without wand to be.

Pull away the masks of me
And I'm an official suiter
A graduated mooter
Seeking his marble...

by Gerrit Komrij

added 2 years ago
Hooray, I live!

it is to already have it all
no need to ask for anything more
no longer feeling an urge to call
anything special or worth fighting...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago


The very day Bob Dylan dies,
princes will turn into toads,
and all blacks are dyed in white.
The moon girds its armor...

by Coenraed de Waele

added 2 years ago
Love Poem #2

Does she rock her tulip bulb belly
past the events' fierce gangrene strap?
Does she, moreover, take crazy things as calmly
as marine fish, at error in an eel meant...

by Coenraed de Waele

added 2 years ago
Intertwining Rules

Stretch sits on your lips!
 The armor of intertwining rules
 tightens around
 the inflatable doll of your ego.

 The rancorous, gigantic, right dressing ghost
 sucks the juices
 from your virtual...

by Coenraed de Waele

added 2 years ago

Sunday, August 29th, 1966,
90 Fahrenheit.
Just after midnight.
No wind.

by Coenraed de Waele

added 2 years ago
Opening up

Worrying about
your concerned questions
I feel obligated
to make sure that you will get
crystal clear answers.

The year round I experience
my inexplicable...

by Coenraed de Waele

added 2 years ago
The Way to Hurray City

As sudden as suddenly the sunlight drops.
A series of raging thunder.
Then the light plops on again.
Off in the distance, roars, and rumbles....

by Coenraed de Waele

added 2 years ago
Admission without Excuse

His name is like a mission,
as words try to confuse,
his sharp sword without use,
he aches of thwarted ambition.

I'm watching his transition
to escape from his recluse,
his working days profuse,
a shattered past’s...

by Ludy Bührs

added 2 years ago

this sealed

  with a cork


  it stores


by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago

incapacity to show respect
appreciation fouled up
by fear of neglect and
lack of chance to practice
the traditions one knows

groups enforcing powers
to prevail as the strongest
while others are...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
A Fisherman's Meal

Each day he goes to the same beach end
where he then finds his nets and his baskets
calmly pulls them all from the sea to land,
checks the inside as if it were caskets.
The sea creatures he caught go to the markets
but some are already dead....

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
A Woman's Strength

From your warm felt being, the waves exalt.
Your inner strength, a tap that's turned open;
the flowing of feelings that trust and halt.
With each bustle of love you have spoken,
bringing new hope, even with fires woken
trying to take what...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Prostituded Child

Dwelling Bambi eyes
exposed by neon lights
with your slender girl’s physique
adulterated in its growth.

Served with spirits
to the shameless filth
that’s bubbling up
high after...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Exposing Cards

a stop to the played-out
I want
to know
things will be alright

it would be great
for you
for me

we could finally
trust each other

so lay your cards open now
and I’ll show you mine

no more
hunt ...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
World for Real

Cattle is as browser does
It just walks the fast-food lane
Takes it in, no fingers crossed

In cattle’s lane it’s always right
Tugs translate to poor excuses
Dork-mind fed the thick conclusions
Lacks reasoning to see the...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Secluded Beach

Many years have gone by
since the blissful departure
of the last nosy missionary.

From up high in a mangrove tree
an Orang Belanda reluctantly
still keeps an eye on the ocean...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Digging to the Limit

Today’s dubitable Easter light
had me going outside, to see
if some gardening would help
to make the day a little brighter.
From the high grown pile,
where I had been massing cuts
and plant waste, broken branches
of the pruned butterfly-bush

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Briefly Touched

Out it streams
from my breaching core
as I pen down longing words
write lines that seek rhyme
in pace with
all that’s around
and crawling inside

the very dimensions
of past and future times
in one endlessly transforming...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Slipped from Dust

an attic’s darkness
I catch small patches of light
and retrieve
the sowing-seed I had left behind
heedlessly I had hidden it
out of sight and henceforth lost
on thick layers of sluggish dust
now steadily revives
a more colorful life ...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Tempting Green

Lack of money disperses families
in current days, as sons and daughters go
when no job there, a fact each of them sees,
and they set out: "I’ll find something and grow."
Far from their homes, forced to live with the flow
that’s insecure, all...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Foggy Sight

Looking forward, there’s nothing much to see,
no sight further than one step of your foot.
Now’s what it is, only in this you’re free:
still unsure that what you do will be good.
Your own body makes limits understood.
From things that come, the...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
At the Floodmark

Right on the line between flood and damp sand
you move slowly, with swirling wind entwined,
not knowing what to choose for, to which end
you should go and seek the kind peace of mind.
Your thinking seems like a sea, it won’t find

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago

For who I was, I shut-write all the gaps
as mother moon in deep and darker spheres
interpreter of messages and traps
a woman's voice relaxing undue fears
a child still bravely smiling while in tears.
Sorrow is a pain but waiting for its healing

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago

Smooth is the spider,
sliding into morning light,
till its moisture...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
No Thanks

As your life seemed to be over
at the young age of only eleven
due to a tumor in the brains
but strong as you were, you survived
and had to learn everything all over again,
how grateful should you...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago

Yes, Neil,
I'm getting old too.
But no, I'm not searching
not like you do in this song,
not for a lacking heart of gold.

I already know where it is,
and how it has...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Warming Sound

tunes are just gleams
our song hasn’t been written
it lingers in a far land of dreams

it wants to passionately flow in tango
move sweet strings of life
unleash the silenced grief
in beats that boisterously free
the pains of love carried...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Captivating Life

To matter we should be playful,
even when the weight of sorrow
is slowing down our legs,
and tightness of plain duties
stresses aging...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago

Sometimes a song triggers memories
of past days when the heart felt warmed
in the cozy company of loved ones
sharing in their meaningful...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Careful Approach

Time is passing day by regretted day
I'm waiting for the sign that it is okay
for me to come and open your door,
dear friend, I've been deeply longing...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
After the Drought

Droplets effervesce on passion fruit,
Defiantly dangling on its stem.
Mature plants reopen their sweet chute,
Vividly regaining terrain, each one of...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Ten Commands Men

The decimal system was selected
to prevail over all others, that might
have been as good, and strongly directed.
People throughout the world counting alright.
But - despite similar numbers - the fight
still does go on over values and fate;

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Forever Lasting Love

Sweet thoughts of you, they firmly reside
in echoing waves of the warmth we shared
before our path broke off in a foolish fight,
knowing that in the end we both still cared.
The grief caused by the loss has bared
the depths you've reached within my...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Following Rules vs Creativity

Herd’s moving, moving out to common land,
where there’s the rules, the frame to close one’s eyes.
The master and his willing bending band
are on the run for maybe-s wanting the whys,
just marching straight towards not art but fries.
Those who stay...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Freed for a Moment

Turning around a playground bar
a child is blowing off the thoughts
of awful fights at home
and nights no sleep was...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Spring Thoughts

No, they won’t disappear
these thoughts of sufferings
and losses that were felt

still we hiccup in gushes
an echo of happiness
burst like a bell

but our court again is brimming
with seeds from fruits that fell
signaling the...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago

fixed with gold, displays two sides
of a...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago

In juvenile days,
the whole world seems promising,
with exciting ways.

But growing older,
limits get the upper hand,
grieve a...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Collapsing Empire

increasing warmth water rises
up to the numbed people’s mouths
and the inflated money plops
like blown bubbles of soap
out of the stock hero’s...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Sunset Land

coherence then finally
at the upper in our sight
like these gilt-edged cumuli
on which the last blazing light...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Deadnettle Date

you stand in the field
amidst your tangy cronies
as if you’re really matching those
in their stinging strife

you threatening me with burning pain
makes me laugh, it’s just in...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Poverty’s Circles

All poor and misled people,
like bridled horses
without any means to escape,
blindly run in circles
all their life’s...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
There Lies a Woman

There, in front of the old pagoda, lies a woman.
She blocks the driveway quietly on her side.
The local traffic passes by like a hoodlum.
They seem to think here ignoring is...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Bedtime Animal Poems for Children

The chimpansee

When it gets dark, I climb the highest tree
To watch as far as I can see
High in the top I bounce my chest
I then bend some branches to make my nest
I like to do this every night
To sleep tight until the morning light


by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Positioning / Plaatsen

The human mind
is like a tropical rainforest
at a storm plagued coast.

Broken and carved stone
offers the temporary hold
at which the stirring takes post.

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Unnoticed / Onopgemerkt

well in the midst of hills
-caressed by wind- it softly echoes
complaints of the unobserved

adrift along the bricks muted by moss
there is a still unnoticed...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Reviving [Poem in English, French, and Dutch]


Descended in an icy silence
to recover from dark furrows
long lost merriment

How to blow a warm glow
to imparted images
How to paint the colors of enjoyment
in having a simple...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Rembrandt Has Seen

Beauty lives of shadow sides
along which darkness meets the light
and colored glowing takes
the chill of death away.

Red of blood smolders the pain
of being temporal and...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
In Passing

Lovebirds, o yes, most couples really are,
for a while, sure, but then there is the tail.
Flying, chasing, time to reflect still far,
it will be there, later, when life gets frail.
In the meantime, trying hard not to fail,
with fluff, feathers, a...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Letting Go

Lend me your hand, simply mess-up my hair.
I’m so tired of the ongoing brain,
this senseless mill, grinding on a past pair.
Give me a push, force me to just restrain,
so I will thus pay attention once again
at what binds me, apart from deep...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Behind the Lights

Reluctantly the darkness has defined
what fervid lights have been hiding from us.
It has and keeps all verities confined,
and only roofs with a filtering truss
can pilot in the facts from all the fuzz.
Those in charge, who share a wicked plan,

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago

Your chest up high, you accept the reward,
given to you just because that’s what’s done.
Upright you stand, although the stink of bored
cowardice seems to thrive in the show run.
The words addressed to you – like shrimp wonton,
and soup served...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago

Tiny flat stones, those smooth ones that will skip,
bounce right on, and concentric, push ahead,
if they were gauged with lyric before their dip,
then, rapidly, by their waves, sound they’d spread,
and their conquest, as by nature, was led.

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago

He's moving closer
to his truth, in registers
of a composer.

Thoughtfully trying,
he's working on his dream day,
aware of prying.

Restoring old times
from the grey of memories
and lead-footed...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
View from my Roof

looks insignificant, this threatened lake
lined with so many wooden houses
topped with corrugated sheets
overheated and decaying
unsteady on their stilts
in mosquito...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Mona Lisa’s Smile

Probably woman maybe man, the look
of this person’s face, it still hooks.

Is it the thoughts kept deep inside;
was there really a secret to hide?

From everywhere people arrive in rows
to see the painting from up...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago

I’d switched places
with the knots
in those delicate leather strings
around your golden calves
softly tightened to set
as your legs were bending
they caressingly strolled
with your every tread
gladly I’d been that open shirt
around your...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Let’s Hush

and moving, that’s
what words are for

name something and it’s gone
or covered like a secret
with superficiality

the border that people cross
and pass or are

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Floral Guerilla

fighters of the past
refined by human hands
shield their offspring weakly

but the old herbs will rise
from holes and cleaves
greening on poor soil
even in polluted...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago

Streaming water takes the things along;
set images are scattered on its way.
In light that drops from houses, and all wrong,
I’m exploring my fears and hopes astray.
As if this stream’s been flowing through my day
all is present in these odd...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Let it rain

Sometimes I wish for a rain in droplets
to wordlessly wipe the dust that landed.
Then I meet you in their silent couplets,
you softly glide on the skin I‘ve handed.
Then glitters moist from a bond unbranded
driving the urge to play game after game,...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
The Significance of Difference

Life isn’t choosing from mere good and bad.
If that would be the case, we'd win the plight.
Instead we can’t but try and just feel glad
when things succeed, and they don’t cause a fight.
There is no creature fully in control,
and nature always stays...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago

his rock headstrongly defied
the hails and hurricanes
he was torn by the unheard rains
of the tears he kept confined

his gems dripped down in grief
to dark and misty oceans
hiding in the commonness
of fears and felt...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Lost Metaphors

Off course
they show up and then
already gone,
because the poet
just didn’t hold...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago

Back then, the sky was golden, in a harsh way
holding glimmers against a dark blue blaming tide.
Clouds set dreams aside. The sodden fields
confessed their empty furrows.

Like begging hands, branches reached up
to the alloyed light,...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Bridging the Gaps

All talk a lot like wild birds on branches
Taking every chance to say their say
Sometimes there’s a gleam of advances
But most of the time it’s just a...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Thoughts of Sand

The brown sand of the unpaved street
blows into open windows with speed
and sneaks in through holes and cracks.
Of course, you can ignore these attacks
or fight back this time and once more
to momentary have a stainless floor,
feeling free from...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Without Words

A fool posted all of his words
without thought on the Internet
While outside they would’ve hurt
there they were grasped like...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Status to Date

We are infinite shades and hues
with just as many valid truths…
There have been days, I felt this way
but they soon passed, I now can say
as if you turn a...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Butterfly's Song

clasps your trembling heart
oppresses your fragile lungs
aching for some clearing air
and space for your frail songs
you rarefied and injured wonder
distress cracks in weakened cries
only vaguely the lament is heard
and hopeless are...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Choked Truth

With shrines merely built
as a camouflage
for not revealing the causing acts,
the past masks in sanity misfits,
and future hardships lie...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago

Let others have it when you’re deeply hurt,
it’s easy, but won’t solve the pain that’s there.
In fact your mind’s reflections will be blurred,
and you could well be bruising those who...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago

My nose still filled with scent of your sweet skin
enjoying thoughts of how -- in playful love --
your smile broke through, not just a silly grin
but one of new found ease with force to shove
the burdens off your chest. It makes me glad
I had the...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
New Age of Manipulation [Noam Chomsky can start a new book]

Goodbye to the manufacturing of consent
so it seems, cause in the media nowadays
it’s apathy the powerful seek and amend
among the masses that block their scheming ways.
More information is spread due to the internet
but news seems no...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Mollusk of Old Days

Opening up parts of my past, I sadly see,
there have been low days in September,
that I would rather not remember,
because they’ve revealed a lie to...

by Ludy Bührs

added 3 years ago
Gladly Seen, Has it Been?

We can't keep reaching for the sun.
Even skyscrapers high up in the air
are no more than a sign we all run
to an end. And if we don't...

by Ludy Bührs

added 6 years ago

floating on a wobbling sea,
carried almost weightlessly,
aware of and simply surrendering
to the waves' caressing appeasement
in their marine...

by Ludy Bührs

added 9 years ago

Here I ponder, planting one tree of thought
after another. Put up in my brain's core,
they define me like in a deep dream, caught
in dark forest that I've seen before,
infinite book of which the old pages...

by Ludy Bührs

added 9 years ago
Facts or Fantasy

There is nothing that can be traced; steps
were made, but when, and what was the reason?
Nobody knows. The causes, they perhaps
have been altered by the blunt mind's treason
that randomly stacks, lavishly seasons.
No certainty exists and wrongly we...

by Ludy Bührs

added 9 years ago
Words Come Out But The Essence Stays Within

The precious brain keeps arranging thought
in clusters making sense of outside things
and while with words a hold is always sought
the overload is leaving mouths on wings.
But deep inside the traces still remain
of what the eyes and ears with shock...

by Ludy Bührs

added 10 years ago

How to change fixed convictions
Show the things from another side
When people keep claiming to be right
While in fact, with their every stride
They sink into circling reflections
Following a forever narrowing path
With all sight besides it blocked...

by Ludy Bührs

added 10 years ago
Leading Incompetence

Wipe the smirk off your face,
you hypocrite that's here to take
just pretending that you share so much:
you've dropped mints for god's...

by Ludy Bührs

added 10 years ago
Pompous Display

Stark words in convinced display, seamlessly well defined
they like to make a lot of sense from way deep within
where the substance appears solid and fully blessed
but behind the fashionable bricked and cool facade
they, in fact, may cover up a...

by Ludy Bührs

added 10 years ago
Lesser Page

grey clouds
intoxicate his brain
elusively locked
in personal distress
about another
too bad
it's not me
how nice it can be

by Ludy Bührs

added 10 years ago
Nothing Left [DIZAIN]

Put it away, with the other old stuff.
The collectors will come and fetch it then.
It's worth nothing, just silly guilded bluff.
You won't even sell it to crazy men.
Yardsales full of dreams one didn't plan.
Make one more round, maybe there is...

by Ludy Bührs

added 10 years ago
Travel Light

Today settled itself on a rim, the edge
of this rusty wheel, with a look
at the wings of back then, down there
next to my feet.

They must have dried by now,
clearly are at rest, as if
mud never splashed...

by Ludy Bührs

added 11 years ago
In My Higgsy Element

Because there's proof that nothing
can become a whole new universe
I'm writing these lines here
and personally fill an emptiness
with thoughts of what might rise
when I start giving...

by Ludy Bührs

added 11 years ago
When Silence Gets Reticent

they spent hours
silently immersed in books
each of the two hooked
to a different certainty

after that emotions would burst
and urgently had to be vented
till one day things really ended
in it's enough and...

by Ludy Bührs

added 11 years ago

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