JokerGem's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by JokerGem  —  There are currently 74 poems total — keep up the great work!

There Will Come Soft Rains” (War Time)

There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground,
And swallows circling with their shimmering sound;

And frogs in the pools singing at night,
And wild plum trees in tremulous white;

Robins will wear their feathery fire,

by Sara Teasdale

added 6 days ago
The Waking

I wake to sleep, and take my waking slow.
I feel my fate in what I cannot fear.
I learn by going where I have to go.

We think by feeling. What is there to know?
I hear my being dance from ear to ear.
I wake to sleep, and take my...

by Theodore Roethke

added 13 days ago
The Voice

There is a voice inside of you
that whispers all day long,
"I feel that this is right for me,
I know that this is wrong."
No teacher, preacher, parent, friend
or wise man can decide
what's right for you - just listen to
the voice that speaks...

by Shel Silverstein

added 1 month ago
Be As You Are

From the daily, humdrum mindlessness
some have justly wrestled free
indulging only in temperateness
in existences free of undue stress
exuding predominant peacefulness
they’re forever all at sea

To join the ranks of unburdened health

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 month ago
Adverse Undertow

The travesty of a snipped and bridled lifetime
is a diagram of splitting an essence
One can witness such in a soul’s survival
Establishing miraculous manifestations beyond belief

Is a diagram of splitting an essence
synonymous with taking a...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 2 months ago
A Miracle for Breakfast

“Miracles enable us to judge of doctrine, and doctrine enables us to judge of miracles.” - Blaise Pascal

At six o’clock we were waiting for coffee,
Waiting for coffee and the charitable crumb
That was going to be served from a...

by Elizabeth Bishop

added 2 months ago
Vardøgr (fetcher spirit)

Will one’s co-walker return to their own herd
no longer from to be heard
after the mortal shell’s interred?

Without reason to walk ahead
whistle, scuttle, mimic tread
whereupon that life is shed?

Wool-gathering of a mental sort

by Jeffrey Powell

added 4 months ago
The Science Exists

The novelty has since worn off
What fickle, frail, and aimless feats
of distillated, senseless beats
have been evincing all ken doffed

If circumstance could grant the lease
of exemplary faculties
in lieu of glial casualties

by Jeffrey Powell

added 4 months ago
U and I

All the letters of the alphabet

  The righteous way should choose,
But two of them, especially,

  Should mind their P's and Q's;
A deal of trouble in this world,

  And much that goes awry,
Could be prevented easily

  By these two, U and...

by Pauline Frances Bishop Camp

added 5 months ago

Do not stand

  By my grave, and weep.

  I am not there,

  I do not sleep—
I am the thousand winds that blow
I am the diamond glints in snow
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle, autumn rain.
As you awake...

by Clare Harner

added 5 months ago
The Summer Day

Who made the world?
Who made the swan, and the black bear?
Who made the grasshopper?
This grasshopper, I mean--
the one who has flung herself out of the grass,
the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,
who is moving her jaws back and forth...

by Mary Oliver

added 6 months ago
The Lonesome Tender

Silky mitts - Rugged grit
A hockey player must have their wits

One is masked - Tallest task
Keep the puck out is all that is asked

Mental game - Often blamed
In defeat they’ll suffer the most shame

Goalie speak - Answer dekes
To chase...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 6 months ago
Seven Signs You’re Livin’

¹)If those adopted tunes of your youth can
bring back crisper, clearer memories
than any olfactory freeze-frame

  You know your livin’

²)When life won’t seem to slow down
you can always meet it halfway
and act your age another day


by Jeffrey Powell

added 6 months ago
See You Later –in My Dreams

An exclamation from my brainstem
after I have slipped into slumber,
Calls my precepts of perception to:
Those sleep notions— those occasions of reassurance
and awakened, elapsed experiences
That seem to have my number
I’m back in those halls...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 8 months ago
Circus in Three Rings

In the circus tent of a hurricane
designed by a drunken god
my extravagant heart blows up again
in a rampage of champagne-colored rain
and the fragments whir like a weather vane
while the angels all applaud.

Daring as death and debonair

by Sylvia Plath

added 8 months ago
Light Dances on the Ceiling

Light dances on the ceiling
as remnants of a feeling
stay locked up in my mind
Despite what my belief means
there’s an ambiance that convenes
upon places only I can find
And still clinging to these thoughts
while wondering over lingering lots...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 8 months ago
Once More Again

“ ʂɦɸɯ ʉʂ ɧɛɾɛ
ɬɦɛ ɱɛʈʈɭɛ ɸʄ ɥɵʉɾ ₱ɑʂʈʋɽɛ „

  ~ William Shakespeare [Henry V, Act III Scene 1]


Once more again we join the fray
Because behind we cannot stay,
The aim of course, to be kept...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 9 months ago
Work in Progress

“Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself.
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)”
-- Walt Whitman

We want things in halves, easy to comprehend,
but it’s not that simple
when everything contains its own opposite.

by El Collie

added 9 months ago

If you dissect a bird
To diagram the tongue
You'll cut the chord
Articulating song.

If you flay a beast
To marvel at the mane
You'll wreck the rest
From which the fur began.

If you pluck out the heart
To find what makes it move,

by Sylvia Plath

added 10 months ago
Neuroleptic Skeptic

It’s just a little pill
that they say will fix your nerves;
An antipsychotic
- which will normalize your aim.

“We need you to fit in
and we need you to be tame.”
So take it every day
while the casuist observes.

They don’t have any proof

by Jeffrey Powell

added 10 months ago
Little Things

Little drops of water,

  Little grains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean

  And the pleasant land.

Thus the little minutes,

  Humble though they be,
Make the mighty ages

  Of eternity.

So our little errors

  Lead the soul away

by Julia Abigail Fletcher Carney

added 10 months ago
Time Won’t Hold You

Game’s always changing
You don’t always win
Pick up the pieces
And begin it again

You can look back
When you’re on the right track
At how far you’ve gone
And when you’ve had enough and the moment is up
You will overcome

‘Cause time will...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 10 months ago
Live Your Life

So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart.
Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view,
and demand that they respect yours.
Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life.

by Chief Tecumseh

added 11 months ago
Discipline ain’t right and wrong

Discipline ain’t right and wrong
or staying within reason
Sanity is heretofore
doing all that’s pleasin’
But hedonism is the art
that avoids all possible ache
Though fatalists know it best
alls is the logical...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
Whose Face Is This?

I want to remember you
the same way you used to be.
But what’s frightening and scary
is soon you won't know me.

The person you’re becoming
is a husk of who you were.
What’s worse is I can't tell if
you're seeing it occur.

Will you regret...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
Reliance on the Science of Circumspection

Is it still a cabal if there's no hiding what it's
about? – also
How does an invention unlock the key to different
planes? because –
These two questions must conjure our
tendencies. except,
Perhaps just being...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
Catch Up

Never one to express how l felt - always kept it to myself
Always been about the peace - trying to keep it in the least
Getting by people-pleasing - this asserting game sure ain't easy
I'll put myself in other's shoes - but they don't let me pick...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
How to Paint a Water Lily

To Paint a Water Lily

A green level of lily leaves
Roofs the pond’s chamber and paves

The flies’ furious arena: study
These, the two minds of this lady.

First observe the air’s dragonfly
That eats meat, that bullets by

Or stands...

by Ted Hughes

added 1 year ago
We Must Give Up the Dream

That song that you made up in your own head
takes on a new life if- you can one day hear it
really playing out loud instead

To the taking in of all the beauty of a lake
despite all it’d been built up to be
you must be there to see what nature...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
One From One Leaves Two

Higgledy piggledy, my black hen,
She lays eggs for gentlemen.
Gentlemen come every day
To count what my black hen doth lay.
If perchance she lays too many,
They fine my hen a pretty penny;
If perchance she fails to lay,
The gentlemen a bonus...

by Ogden Nash

added 1 year ago
Have A Nice day

'Help, help, ' said a man. 'I'm drowning.'
'Hang on, ' said a man from the shore.
'Help, help, ' said the man. 'I'm not clowning.'
'Yes, I know, I heard you before.
Be patient dear man who is drowning,
You, see I've got a disease.
I'm waiting...

by Spike Milligan

added 1 year ago
A Birthday Present

What is this, behind this veil, is it ugly, is it beautiful?
It is shimmering, has it breasts, has it edges?

I am sure it is unique, I am sure it is what I want.
When I am quiet at my cooking I feel it looking, I feel it thinking

'Is this...

by Sylvia Plath

added 1 year ago
God's Garden

THE Lord God planted a garden

  In the first white days of the world,

  And He set there an angel warden

  In a garment of light enfurled.

  So near to the peace of Heaven,

  That the hawk might nest with the...

by Dorothy Frances Blomfield Gurney

added 1 year ago
Intro to Chapter IX. Campaign of 1783

When we see th’ end of strife and war–
And gain what we contended for;–
Remember that our thanks are due
To Him whose mercy brings us...

by Joseph Plumb Martin

added 1 year ago
Intro to Chapter VIII. Campaign of 1782

A man with morbid pains opress'd
Who feels the nightmare in his breast;
Rejoices when the pressure's o'er,
And the distress is felt no more:
So war and tumults, when they cease
Bring comfort in the thoughts of...

by Joseph Plumb Martin

added 1 year ago
Source Code

Splinters imbedded in the fissures of my cortex
complexities of feeling ever-ready on recall
fallout scattered amongst the deeper impression
regressing the mind's eye and with it removed
approving of flowing perception
The dawn of novel...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
Dirge For A Joker

Always in the middle of a kiss
Came the profane stimulus to cough;
Always from the pulpit during service
Leaned the devil prompting you to laugh.

Behind mock-ceremony of your grief
Lurked the burlesque instinct of the ham;
You never altered...

by Sylvia Plath

added 1 year ago
Hey, Those Are MY Words!

I do not like when I happen to see
the same words appearing and
evidenced in my contemporaries'
works of intelligence –seemingly
symmetrical to mine.
There is this sense
of 'pirating of meanings' or, that
that which I opine
will get watered...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
Intro to Chapter VII. Campaign of 1781

I saw the plundering British bands,
Invade the fair Virginian lands.
I saw great WASHINGTON advance
With Americans and troops of France;
I saw the haughty Britons yield,
And stack their muskets on the...

by Joseph Plumb Martin

added 1 year ago
Do Stones Feel?

Do stones feel?
Do they love their life?
Or does their patience drown out everything else?

When I walk on the beach I gather a few
white ones, dark ones, the multiple colors.
Don’t worry, I say, I'll bring you back, and I do.

Is the tree...

by Mary Oliver

added 1 year ago
Intro to Chapter VI. Campaign of 1780

The soldier defending his country's rights,
Is griev'd when that country his services slights;
But when he remonstrates and finds no relief,
No wonder his anger takes place of his...

by Joseph Plumb Martin

added 1 year ago
Treading the Backwater

drowns us
the rising
depths consume us
But with patience we're resuscitated
Never stop swimming - a promise to keep
whether it is
shallow or
we're in

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
Are you searching

Are you searching for the happiness that does not fade away?
Are you looking for the joy that lives, and leaves no grievous day?
Are you panting for the waterbrooks of Love, and Life, and Peace?
Then let all dark desires depart, and selfish...

by James Allen

added 1 year ago

We find the Good by being good, the True

  By being true, the Real by dissolving
Our fond illusions, thereby piercing through

  Shadow, and knowing substance. By resolving,
We can attain, and by attaining, know ;

  And, knowing, who shall...

by James Allen

added 1 year ago
Intro to Chapter V. Campaign of 1779

You may think what you please, sir. I too can think—
I think I can't live without victuals and drink;
Your oxen can't plough, nor your horses can't draw,
Unless they have something more hearty than straw;—
If that is their food, sir, their...

by Joseph Plumb Martin

added 1 year ago
Worthy Pursuit

Should we seek fame and fortune
and lead mesmerizing lives,
all at once, all too often,
the fool's errand arrives.

Why yes, seems we're better served
finding our own heartbeat song,
with the same effort incurred,
we find where we...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
How I Go to the Woods

Ordinarily, I go to the woods alone, with not a single
friend, for they are all smilers and talkers and

I don’t really want to be witnessed talking to the
or hugging the old black oak tree. I have my way of

by Mary Oliver

added 1 year ago

I pray for no more youth
To perish before its prime;
That Revenge and iron-heated War
May fade with all that has gone before
Into the night of...

by Aeschylus

added 1 year ago
Intro to Chapter IV. Campaign of 1778

A serene and cloudless atmosphere
Betokens that a storm is near;
So when dame Fortune proves most kind,—
Be sure, Miss-Fortune's close...

by Joseph Plumb Martin

added 1 year ago
Wicked Humans Need Enemies

When strong, appear weak
if preparing for war.
When forgetting the Tao,
make events to abhor.

The blackouts expound
crises– lay of the land.
Contracting the common,
the supply and demand.

Indefinite peace
is extended cease-fire.

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
Intro to Chapter II. Campaign of 1776

At Uncle Joe's I liv'd at ease;
Had cider, and good bread and cheese;
But while I stay'd at Uncle Sam's
I'd nought to eat but—"faith and...

by Joseph Plumb Martin

added 1 year ago

Diverted eyes
Thinking about trying to read minds
when making up my story
gets stale but ongoing

Diverging lies
Knowing the headlines aren't the frontlines
is false solace anyway
illusion = delusion

Diminished cries
Misery is the price...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
Downside Up

Sunken template - fevered pitch
Vicissitudes of turbid bliss
Or speaking of indulgence
How about flippant reticence?
Heavy icing on the cake
Doesn't mean facts won't be opaque
When alacrity's immured
The picture becomes quite obscured

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
Suppress and Manifest

When that day sets that has kept you from rest
it seems incessantly
hard to maintain
The train of your brain when there's no waylayin'
nay, it makes you pay
in relation - which is to say,
"You can't always portray a way that your mind will...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
Graveyard Wandering

Here, I walk, on that precious ground
of the bravest souls to be found
Of, they that bled on distant tours,
ones fortuned here after their wars

I'm encountering aging stones
one, –somewhere here– my father owns
No less deserving – left to...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
We Have Come to be Danced

We have come to be danced
not the pretty dance
not the pretty pretty, pick me, pick me dance
but the claw our way back into the belly
of the sacred, sensual animal dance
the unhinged, unplugged, cat is out of its box dance
the holding the...

by Jewel Mathieson

added 1 year ago
Once I'm a Goner

Once i'm a goner
i can ponder
no longer;
Or is that just a trendy ideal?

Maybe it's pointless
to try to enjoy this
perpending the choices;
Though troves it can reveal.

It is quite hectic
to keep it protected
should You elect it;

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago

They make to their demise posthaste-
those who deduce that they know best.
Assumption being all the worst
When intuition's not immersed.
Faltering intellectu'lly
Eludes from what the facts should be.
Supposing the distance betwixt

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago

As fallen ash through the hands of gods

We look to our lands and see as they today are disgraced by our name
That in our pointless existence of fulfilling nothing
They both now bare our shame
The pain of being raped and misused
We are man...

by Michael Dietz

added 1 year ago

Stupendous, upended, and beleaguered,
The conduit of conditioning
And advanced happenstance
Is allotted, not forgotten or meager.
Framed under a rainbow of auspicious deliverance
Though tickling persistently at a turbulent prime,
It fastens...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
Preserve the Integrity

Terminate the promenade.
Elucidate and line up straight - this
Frivolous conglomerate.
Envision with provisions made,
But with motivation to be moderate.
[Categorized as lacking vision
Yet immune to mass derision
And, without sympathies bayed...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
Intro to Chapter III of A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier

"Long sleepless nights in heavy arms I stood
And spent laborious days in dust and blood"
- The Iliad by Homer

Campaign of 1777

When troubles fall within your dish,
And things don't tally with your wish:
It's just as well to laugh as cry—

by Joseph Plumb Martin

added 1 year ago
Common Carnage

this is not somewhere inviting.
Eviscerating skin and nerves-
effacing and obliterating
swift removal of lands and tribes
brings devastation.
No reasoning or rationale,
the freshly arrived just have to go....

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
Collateral damage

How is there order in this chaos -
I can barely breathe
That speck of dust
which landed thus
is definitely out of place

How can you find what you're looking for -
I can scarcely move
That mound of junk
upon your bunk
screams this is not a...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
Evident to Some

Existence as such
Experience what we know
What else could it...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
Something Inside Has Changed

Something inside has changed
everything now becomes
charged to the shift
An old, new face lying in wait -
Beckoned; in the limits of a scream
waning waste from former fuel
Pierced by the discovery that
safety does exist, in that obscure...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
aspect excerpts

Tasked to endure the inescapable crash of the waves
Stricken by the power of silent majesty

  Floundering and fumbling
Challenged by the upward struggle

  Tumbling, turning
Lost in perpetual wonder

  Falling and...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
De- Pre- Scribe

Flummoxed by the numb fits
I get while off the clock
It's not to my advantage all this damage and the shock

Confounded by the chemicals
-not truly fit to take
saddened by a movement
not fit to decide my fate

Hopeful for a freedom

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
My Symphony

To live content with small means.
To seek elegance rather than luxury,

  and refinement rather than fashion.
To be worthy not respectable,

  and wealthy not rich.
To study hard, think quietly, talk gently,

  act frankly, to listen to...

by William Ellery Channing

added 1 year ago
The Sun Is in No Race

The sun is in no race
as it has nothing to chase,
it just makes its way
'cross the heavens each day.
The shadows that it casts
land upon the things that last
amongst what's missed in our midst.
But the funny twist,
is what are we to that

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
Fearful Voices in the Wind

Fearful voices in the wind
or is the dread in the one who hears
solitude, yet creeping in
personification of one's sin
But the abuse could be on both sides
to those whispery ones comes a silence
shivering their otherwise
cheerfulness, a ghost...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
my brother taught me

My brother taught me
someday I will fret
o'er his health journeys
stones could bring gurneys
weathering the storm
many turns I stand
heavy the head is laden
struck by misfortune
struck by...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
The deviating Spiral of my Divine spirit

I am a majestic, maladjusted maladroit
with the recalcitrant, reprobate mind of a rebel.
I happen to be an ethically nihilistic nirvana seeker
who never found a niche.
Solitary and not terribly social,
I solicitously search for solace.
I have...

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago
jocund ditty

Climbing towards the bottom
and sinking to the top-
sleeping in 'til morning
having cut short a nap
The epitome of everything
yet always falling short
Can't real in the constant
when it proves of some import
Down with the majority

by Jeffrey Powell

added 1 year ago

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A Robert Browning
B Elinor Frost
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D Emily Dickinson