Alanswansea18's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by alanswansea18  —  There are currently 308 poems total — keep up the great work!

She sleeps as I weep,

She sleeps, and I weep.

Walk lightly; she is here under the snow; speak softly; she can hear the daisies grow. Her bright golden hair tarnished with rust; she was once young and beautiful. Now she has fallen to dust. Like the white snow. She was...

by A J C

added 21 hours ago
Faith and hope.

Faith and hope. 

I hope you find someone who will treat you right through the darkest night. Just someone who cares and loves you and won't let you out of his sight. Someone to hold your hand, give you a kiss, hold you tight, and tell you good...

by A J C

added 1 day ago
The long journey.

The journey begins as you delve into the depths of your mind, clearing away cobwebs and shedding the pain and sorrow that linger. Now, as clarity sets in, what do you see? It is me, sitting before you, longing for your smile. I have been here...

by A J C

added 2 days ago
The tide may rise and fall.

The ebb and flow of the tide rises and falls. The twilight darkens, and the call of the curlew can be heard as the sea laps against the damp, brown sands. The traveler Hasten for the town and can see the darkness settle over the town's rooftops and...

by A J C

added 2 days ago
The sea of green.

Green fields lie before me, stretching out as far as the eye can see. A farm stands in the distance, with cows peacefully grazing in the pasture. The beauty of the countryside fills my heart with joy and peace, bringing me serenity and solitude....

by A J C

added 3 days ago
Till the end of time.

I have lingering feelings never fade away, overwhelming emotions that come what may. Vibrant and strong, for a long, long time, endless devotion, a love pure and prime. Until the church bells chime, I will always have you by my side. Till my heart...

by A J C

added 4 days ago
My angel.

There, you stand, in your clothes that are brighter than snow. But how can that be? You died a decade ago. But your eyes still shine like the moon, in the sky. All I can do is sit and cry. You came by to say hi. Can you please stay with me for a...

by A J C

added 5 days ago
Two friends meet as one.

Two friends meet as one. 

To my good friend, and that is the one thing we both agree on. I'm always here for you and you for me. I know all your hidden secrets, dreams, and hopes. We hold each other tight on life's slippery slopes. I might not...

by A J C

added 5 days ago
The secret scrolls.

The secret scrolls. 

It was your sunny smile. You do a lot of giving. But in the light of the mornings, you scattered the night and made the day worth living. You keep me warm, in all the winter storm's, how can that ever be wrong? When I grow...

by A J C

added 5 days ago
The sand in The hourglass.

The sand in the hourglass.

I can remember your beauty being like one I have never seen. You had golden hair with pretty blue eyes and ruby red lips; all come with pride and fame, silver and gold, yet I look at you now and you are getting old....

by A J C

added 7 days ago
The lost souls at sea.

The lost souls and shadows. 

Why do I cry? I don't know why. My tears come from a sadness making their way into my eyes. I look at the joyful golden daffodils, and it brings me back to the past. These tears are like the first sunbeam hitting a...

by A J C

added 7 days ago
The locked door.

All depression brings is pain and sorrows, and only you have the key to open that door and find tomorrow.

If given the choice, which would you prefer: to be insane or to experience depression, pain, and sorrow? The insane person always thinks he...

by A J C

added 7 days ago
The oak tree and me.

The oak tree and me. 

If you could ask an oak tree what it has seen, what would it be? I saw men with feathers on their heads with bows and arrows. I saw men cooking and rolling their barrels. I saw little log cabins with their candles glowing. I...

by A J C

added 9 days ago
The field of poppies,

The field of poppies. 

We go to the field, where the poppies blow, I can smell their scent in a row between crosses. But it marks a spot, and I can see in the sky that the larks are still singing and flying by. Then I look into your lovely blue...

by A J C

added 9 days ago
The small glass bottle.

The glass bottle. 

When I was a child and did not know anything, life was easy and, I would sing and, all things were new. Late at night, my mom would hold me tight and give me a kiss goodnight. Then she would put me to bed. The phone would ring...

by A J C

added 10 days ago
The two cats at my door.

The cats are scratching at my door.

I had two cats, and I think they were friends. One was fluffy, and the other was gray. They would groom each other, then they would play. But when one died, she was gone. Things in life do go wrong. The other...

by A J C

added 10 days ago
Move the queen to square.

Move the queen to square.

You know the game and all the rules; if you move the queen, you will lose. So you move the king and lose the ring. But the pawn gives you a smile, but it's only for a little while. The knight you have him in your sights....

by A J C

added 12 days ago
The whisper in the wind.

The whisper in the wind.

I couldn't go to school or play outside; all the other boys passed our way. Then my mother said to climb into my lap and take a little nap. I only napped for an hour or so, my long legs dragging on the floor. It was late...

by A J C

added 12 days ago
The country fair.

The country fair.

It's so noisy at the fair, but all my friends are here. There's a girl down the aisle; she turns to me and smiles. As I find her hidden note, I can hear the word she wrote. So we go under the stairs, and she gives me a glare. We...

by A J C

added 13 days ago
The fancy words you speak.

The fancy words you speak. 

 I do not care if your poems are right or wrong or if one of the commas is gone. I'm sick of hearing that love is only a word and all I see are paper rings and things. I want to hear you sing it doesn't matter if it's...

by A J C

added 16 days ago
The past fades are love will never change.

The past fades, are love won't change.

I don't really know you; you were just another friend. But I did get to know you, and I ask my heart why. All the memories make me cry. I will forget my first love and give you a try. I'm in love with you,...

by A J C

added 16 days ago
The first snowflake of Christmas Eve.

My first snowflake. 

As the first snowflakes falls, I see an endless beauty of white. I can see the magic skating on the frozen lake or sticking out my tongue to catch the falling flake. The forest floor is frozen, and it's freezing. The trees...

by A J C

added 16 days ago
You hold my heart in your hands.

My heart is in your hand.

You hold my heart in the palm of your lovely hands. You don't see it because you don't understand. I cry every night, knowing that when I wake up, you will not be by my side, but in my mind, I have to run and hide. The...

by A J C

added 17 days ago
The dagger you put into my heart.

The dagger you put into my heart.

I loved you for many years yet with your dagger, you stabbed me in the heart, ripping it apart. The words you speak cut me deep. You stole all my emotions, making me weak. In the mirror, I look and can see the...

by A J C

added 17 days ago
The lonely man of 65.

A lonely man like me of 65. 

At 65, I learned the truth: the Friday night charades with you and the beauty queens with clear skin smiles only make me sit for a while. The knock on the door that never comes, and the girls with names I can't...

by A J C

added 18 days ago
The oak tree and little boy.

The oak tree and the little boy.

I sat down and spoke to the oak tree. We were young and green. We talked about growing things, the wind, water, and weather. As I grew older, the oak tree grew so high. Now it spoke of newer things: the clouds,...

by A J C

added 18 days ago
A stream of glass.

The stream of glass. 

I see dreams of you and your blue eyes too, and streams of glass. This cannot last. Then I see a ring of gold that can't be sold and daffodils on a lilac hill. I think to myself, I will give her a whirl! I see your golden...

by A J C

added 19 days ago
Chains of pain and sorrow.

Chains of pain and sorrow.

The love we have will never leave. I have no tricks up my sleeve. Love brings back old memories and pleasure, but I want you to be my wife forever. We will break the chains that hold all your pain and sorrows and create...

by A J C

added 19 days ago
We must choose a path.

We must choose our path.

This world is just a place to stop. It's only a resting place before we reach eternity. We must choose our journey, and every path we take is different along the way. We're all here to learn, but we're never meant to...

by A J C

added 19 days ago
I can hear the drums beating.

I hear the drums beating. 

Show me not your mournful life; it's all one empty dream. The soul is dead and slumbers. Everything is not what it seems. Your life is real, and the grave is not the goal. You return to the dust, and the grave becomes a...

by A J C

added 20 days ago
The pain in your eyes you cannot hide.

You can't hide the pain in your eyes.

If I could live life over again, all the happy moments you have given me through the thoughts of pain may linger. The one thing I do know is that our love will never die. It will always come to mind every...

by A J C

added 21 days ago
The whispering of the trees.

The whispering of the trees. 

One more night, I tried, but could not go to sleep. All the thoughts flooding into my head are pushing me down and sinking me deep. So I woke up and had to leave. The pain was strong and streaming down my face, so I...

by A J C

added 22 days ago
The flicker of a flame

The flicker of a flame.

The fear in me was growing stronger. I know you belong to me and no other. Somehow, everything was lost and forgotten in the shadows of the past. I lost you for lust, that was the reason, and now I lay here crying for you...

by A J C

added 22 days ago
The one empty pillow.

There is one empty pillow.

When you left, I could see the things you had scattered around the room. Frames of your father and black tank tops you used to wear—you said we would be together forever, and in some ways, you were right. But I still...

by A J C

added 22 days ago
The troubles and strife of my life.

The trouble and strife of my life. 

My dear, you are the love of my life. I just want you to know that every day I'm struggling and dealing with strife. But to you is always where I go. I can see the trouble looming, and my problems draw near. I...

by A J C

added 23 days ago
Why do you look the other way?

Why do you look the other way?

Why do you look at me with your eyes closed? Don't you want to see my soul? I'm different from you in so many ways, but you still take the time to judge me anyway. Every cloud that floats by is different in its own...

by A J C

added 24 days ago
The pain in your eyes.

The pain in your eyes.

Your eyes show a soft glow, yet your pain, I can see a shadow. Your heart whispers, but it's unheard. I can feel the gentle touch and your warm smile, yet I can hear your silent scream that hangs in the air under the moon's...

by A J C

added 24 days ago
Hold your dreams tight.

Dreams do come true. 

Hold fast to your dreams, for if dreams die, life is broken, and winged birds cannot fly. Hold fast to your dreams, for when dreams go, life is a barren field of frozen snow, and always let Your Love show. But this you...

by A J C

added 24 days ago
The darkness of the night.

The darkness of the night.

My love of the night let us be true to one another, for the world that lies before us, a land of dreams so various, so beautiful, so new, does not have neither joy nor love, nor light or certitude or peace or help for...

by A J C

added 25 days ago
The love we once had.

The love we once shared.

It was early in the morning when I heard the alarm. We searched for words unspoken, and you touched me on the arm. There are no more tears left to shed. So, pull the shades down on the window and let's go back to bed....

by A J C

added 26 days ago
The wine upon your lips.

The wine on your lips.

I love your hair. When you kiss me, the strands touch my face. It feels like lace. As for me, the cold, calm kiss from your virgin lips and the love from above makes me bliss. Having your young and warm body in my arms...

by A J C

added 26 days ago
The ugly girl like me.

The ugly girl like me. 

In my high school days, I learned the truth. The ugly duckling girls like me were never seen. I was a brown-eyed girl with hand-me-downs. Whose name they could never pronounce. The beauty queens who would get to serve only...

by A J C

added 28 days ago
Just let me go.

Let me go and let it show. 

I guess I got what I deserved. I kept you waiting for so long. Did you think that I would forget? I do have many things I regret. The special love I had for you, my Kathy Lu. All those days became so long. Did you...

by A J C

added 28 days ago
The Man and the Sea.

The Man and the Sea. 

I stand and look over the sea, I can smell its salty scent and feel its breeze. I saw many dreams of all the men that were lost at sea. Every wave is just another dream to The widow that sits and weeps on the peak, waiting...

by A J C

added 29 days ago
In the fog the lighthouse sits.

In the fog, the tower sits.

As I approach the lonely midnight hour, I see the lighthouse tower, and then I see the distant things in purple: the kings. The color of the air disappears; only God knows exactly where. However, the tower of the night...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
In the darkness I stand.

In the darkness, I stand.

Here I stand deep in the darkness, peering, wondering, and fearing. My dreams are doubting. Then I heard a soft, sweet whisper of your voice in the air, and the silence was broken and not another word was spoken. Then I...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The mother and daughter.

Your mother is always right.

As the clouds float by, I stand on a high mountaintop in the windy sky. I can still see your mom in the stars, and the sparkle in your pretty blue eyes and soft ivory skin is no surprise. I can see in your mother's...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
My Man and the Sea.

My Man and the Sea.

She sits on the rocks. The ocean is quiet, deep, and alone. I wish in my heart that my man would come home. The waves whisper to me, and the soft sands of the sea sweep over my feet and surround where I stand. I need my man....

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The whispering of the leaves.

The whisper from the leaves.

Here I am, sitting on a hill in complete and blissful solitude. You can look, but don't make a sound. Look at the leaves dancing in the wind. Stand still and listen to the sound. The subtle blowing Breeze, when there...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The owl in the a tree.

The owl is in the tree. 

As I walk into the deep woods, I can feel the heap, rubble, and stubble of the leaves and branches crackling under my feet. I know I should retreat. But I will stay. I will never walk away. The owl, perched high in the...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
Still the children cry.

Still, the children cry. 

I can hear the children crying in the middle of the night. They whisper in my ears the things I fear and never want to hear. They're here from the past to ask me to help them at last. Furthermore, They all told me a...

by A J C

added 1 month ago


Put out the sun. Pull the stars from the sky. The universe has ended. My soul has died. The pain in my heart forever will stay. I longed for your love. You walked away. But I will always love you at the end of every day....

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The diamond pendant.

The diamond pendant.

I gazed at the diamond necklace around your pretty neck and gave little thought to what I bought. As I lay on the couch in a vacant mood, my inward eye could see your beauty and ruby-red lips, which made me Bliss with...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The little boy in school.

I was old schooled.

I thought I was cool when I left school. I never learned the golden rule. Then I said to myself, What a fool! Why did you leave school? So I played it cool and took some of the tools I needed to survive. That is the only...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The poet and the painter.

The poet and the painter.

As i watch as you write your poem's it's like watching a painter; only the painter uses a brush and paper. It still remains the same, sooner or later. Isn't the word teardrop and the painted picture of a teardrop drop...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
Behind the steel door.

Behind the steel door.

As I walked into the deep forest, I could see a steel door. I was handed a skeleton key to open it. If you dare open it, you will end up crying on the floor. No man should ever see what's behind that door. But I asked...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
I sell dreams.

I sell dreams.

You want beautiful woman, gold and silver, and a house that glitters. There are always white clouds that float by. Don't forget the stars in your eyes. But with every dream comes pain, sorrow, and lies, and you may not live to see...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
Life is a struggle.

Life is one big struggle. 

When your funds are low and your debts are high, you want to smile, but you have to sigh. When everything comes crashing down a bit, take a rest and never quit. This life is full of twists and turns, but with every turn...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The end of the line.

The fine line. 

When you're in between life and death everything in this world, it doesn't mean a thing. It's all becomes vanity now that you can see. Your dreams of pain, hate, and sorrows fade away like the clouds in the sky; they move on bye....

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The Field of dreams.

The field of dreams. 

As I sit in a field of soft leaves, surrounded by trees. I looked and, there stood a young girl with stars in her eyes, the moon in one hand, and the gold cup in the other. She spoke these words like no other. She said, Why...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
Into the night.

Into the night. 

As I walk down the street, I meet you, but I fell in love. My heart wants you; only without you am I am lonely. You seem different, and you have your own ways. It's the month of May, and with the scent of fresh flowers in the...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
In the green fields.

In the green fields. 

I see large green fields and farms lying ahead of me. Cows are grazing in the pasture. In a place full of serenity, my spirit is filled with joy and peace; it's a place to get rid of all your troubles. A place where the...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The Wilton rose.

The Wilted rose.

A dream is a magical thing. A secret place where no one can go. A path to make a new start it lures you on it never stops it always one step ahead it never ends if you want you can send them to your friends. One day, it will...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The stream down below.

Your Love flows.

As I sit and look at the stream, it flows like a dream; that never stops and always grows. I smell a sweet scent that hangs in the air. I glance behind me, and you're standing there. So we go for a walk as I hold your soft,...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
What we once had is lost.

What we once had. 

Are you cold or warm? What we once had, we were strong, and we once shared laughter, playfulness, wishes, and dreams. You pulled away, and I pulled you back. I was being too needy and clinging to my own feelings. That made you...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The dreams I leave behind.

What is my name? 

I forgot how to read or write, and I don't know, my name. Every day is the same. They roll me onto my side to clean and change me, then wipe the teardrops from my eyes; I have no concept of pride or shame. I can see shadows and...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
Childhood living in is easy to do.

Childhood living is easy to do.

All my days have come and gone, and all my memories end up in the past. My childhood living was easy to do but now it's faded I leave it up to you. And my carefree days do not last. The wrinkles I can notice, and...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The candle glows and the bees hum.

The candles glow, and the bees hum.

The clouds are strong, yet they float along in the breeze, holding a lot of rain, and the teardrops make a song-like sound as they splatter against the window pane. I look and can see the glow of the candles. I...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The last knock on my door.

The knocks on my door. 

There's one last knock on my door. It's one more heartache that sends me to the floor. They are all in my soul, and I love them all. I am not cold, so I keep them in the cloud in the sky. But now that I'm old and gray, I...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The words you speak cut deep.

The words you speak cut deep.

You may cut me with your eyes and kill me with your hatred, but I will always have my faith, for heaven's sake. But like the air, I still rise, but you have to stand on the other side. You can't take my pride away...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The keeper of the Stone.

The shadows I see. 

It's a beautiful day as I walk through the town, stop by the old church, and look around. Gazing behind it, I discern an ordained shadow. The shadow points to an old graveyard with slate-smooth stones. There is a picture of a...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The owl in the tree.

The owl in the tree. 

 I sit and listen under the tree and see the moon light and smell the moonlight air, I can hear a howl from an owl from nobody knows where. He yells out his howl, but I'm the only one there. He sits up in the old oak tree...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
People on the street.

People on the street. 

When I watch where people on the street meet, they stand in line, warm and breathing through the street. I lodged only for a little while. I give them a big smile. Then I climb to the top of a sand pile to get a bird's eye...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
I Will never surrender.

I will never surrender.

I will never surrender. I am in love and will always be. I love you even more, no matter what faith has in store for me. I refuse to surrender; I won't go down with the ship. You might find yourself falling into his arms....

by A J C

added 1 month ago
In the heap and stubble.

In the heap and stubble.

As I walk, I think it must be queer to stop without a farmhouse near. I can see the frozen lake. It was the darkest night of the year. So, I give myself a shake to get rid of the downy snowflakes. The woods are dark and...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
Just take my hand.

Just take my hand. 

Your eyes have to be stars that fell from the sky. Your soft, sweet lips must have come from a tulip. Take my hand, and I will take you on a journey. Where there are bright lights and the moon shines bright and the scent of...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The day I found you.

The day I found you.

Nicole was mine from the first day I found her. Then Sue came along and loved me strong, I thought me and sue she died too. I need a girl who will stay and not run behind me. I had it up to here, where love is a small word...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
I have no reason.

I have no reason. 

I went to the mouth of a graveyard. I seen people all around with tears in their eyes. I seen a tiny white coffin with a baby inside. I seen death all around, with no place to hide. I looked into my dog's eyes, and she knew she...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
All I need to know.

All I need to know. 

I was your love for many years Your tears remind me of a cloud that holds a lot of rain, and your pain and sorrows fill many of my tomorrows. If I could borrow the stars in the sky and put them in your eyes, the moon would...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The harvest Moon.

The harvest moon.

I look out my window and can see a bright orange harvest moon. It indicates that I'll be seeing you soon. Your beauty is like the golden wheat in a cool summer breeze. I smell your scent on my sleeve. You are the wheat, and I am...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The song you sing.

The song you sing.

I can hear the song you sing, and I do understand. You hold the key to love and fear in the palm of your trembling hand. Just one key will unlock the door. It's there at your command. I won't make a stand. Because I know you...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The ruby red bird.

The ruby-red bird.

I looked and saw a ruby-red bird with a broken wing on the ground, but she would not sing. So I took her home and put a sling on her wing. A few days later, she was playing on her swing and singing. Then I looked down at my...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
Somewhere, someday, somehow.

Somewhere, someday, somehow. 

There is a place where we can go for peace, quiet, and nice, clean air. It waits for me and you and I can take you there. It's time for a new way of living and a new way of forgiving. A time to spare, a time to...

by A J C

added 1 month ago
The 57 Chevy.

The 57 Chevy.

The moon rises and your eyelids get heavy, but you look great in the back seat of my 57 Chevy. I know the load you bear is heavy. But I will make it light, even if I have to fight. Because I love you, I will make it right.Every...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The clouds get in my way.

The clouds get in my way.

Now the time has come and gone. To say I love you can't be wrong. But I'm weak, and you are strong. I can hear the storms far away, but it's the clouds in my mind that get in my way. They rain and snow on me every day. I...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The leaves dropped there tears.

The leaves dropped their tears.

I love the woods; they are so dark and deep. But I do have one promise I will keep. I will try to make it before I go to sleep. The woods are chilly on my cheeks, and I love it when the leaves weep. I can hear the...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
Nothing lasts forever.

Nothing lasts forever.

You used to cast a spell on any man with your beauty; and the sparkle in your eyes and ruby red lips and hair of silk they were at your command. They would stare and gaze whenever you come near, Now you're old, and like a...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The lost car keys.

The lost car keys.

Part of losing is not hard to master, and filled with intent, that is no disaster. Well, the loss of your car keys hurt's but is an hour poorly spent. However, the time you put into losing them is not hard to master it gives me...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The candle glows.

The candle is lit.

The light of a candle glows. The cool summer breeze blows. The stream down below flows. The world turns slow. Will our love still grow and flow? The raindrops fall from the clouds, and when lightning strikes, it's so loud. But...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The Sea of people did come.

The sea of people did come. 

A pack of wolves surrounded me as I walked into the woods between the piles of stubble and rubble. They were not there to do me harm; they were there to keep me calm. They were there to protect me from the sea of...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
A Castle in the sky.

Castles in the sky.

Castles in the sky.

You construct your fortresses in the sky, but you refuse to allow anyone to come by I don't want them to I don't know why. But you don't mind splitting hairs; you would rather climb up the stairs. You...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The girl in the window.

The girl in the window.

I looked up at the window. My disabled friend can't grab a clasp in her crooked hands. When she does they end up on the floor and makes me cry even more. As the sun goes down in her lonely land. I do understand. My hands...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
Feathers in the tree.

Feathers in the tree.

Hope is the thing with feathers—that purchase in the soul and it gives you a smile—and sings the tune without the words and never stops—at all, and sweetest—in the gale is heard—and sore must be the storm—that could abash...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The string and the kite.

The string and the kite.

If I let the string go on my kite, it would blow in the wind day and night, wherever I should find it. The wind was there too, and I guess that's why I love you. I found you, too. I guess our love is like the wind;...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The lady in the silk gown.

The lady in the silk gown.

There you stand in the dark of night with your silk gown and your golden hair; it shines so bright. Your eyes are like neon lights. Your skin is like the finest ivory I have ever seen. You put your hand out to touch me....

by A J C

added 2 months ago
My pains and sorrows.

My pains and sorrows.

If I do not dream and I do not sleep, then why do you sit here and weep for me? You'll hold all your dreams in like a cloud holds a lot of rain. But your sorrow and pain I can see you can't hide. Take my hand; so I may...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The dreams of Summer.

The dreams of summer.

Nature's first green is gold, and her early leaves are a flower to hold. But only for an hour. Then the leaf subsides to leaf, so Eden sinks to grief, so don't go down today; no gold can...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
Under the mighty oak tree.

The mighty oak tree.

Even though you are old and have gray hair, you continue to turn me on and I don't care. My eyes may fade like the waves in the sea, but your beauty will always be there. I love you more than you can count the stars in the...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The clock is ticking away.

The clock is ticking away.

Like clouds, they hold a lot of rain. Love holds a lot of pain. Your tomorrow's hold a lot of sorrows. And all your sorrows will still be here tomorrow. Yesterday holds a lot of two days, and today holds a lot of...

by A J C

added 2 months ago


When you put your dog to sleep and she looks into your eyes, she knows she is going to die. There are no more rides through the countryside, and there is no place for you to hide. You sit there and cry. Every teardrop is one more day;...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The words you speak.

The words you speak.

You may shoot me with your hateful words and cut me with your eyes, but like the air, I still rise. Does my beauty offend or hurt you? Does it come as a surprise that I dance like I have diamonds in my eyes? When you look at...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The wet bed.

The wet bed.

I made myself a snowball; it was as perfect as it could be. I was thinking of keeping it as a pet, and I would let it sleep with me. I put on its pajamas and made a pillow for its head. When I looked back, I saw that it had run away,...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
Show me the way.

Show me the way.

You have no fortune, and men disgrace you with their eyes. You kneel down and weep all alone, and heaven does not hear your cries. So I look at myself and curse my fate. I have nothing left to lose; I'm an outcast in the state....

by A J C

added 2 months ago
I had a vision.

I had a vision.

When I was a child, I had a vision that  your lips moved, and I can't hear what they say. I look once more and see something that I cannot place my finger on. I would never wish you any harm, but there was a photograph of a child...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The knock on my door.

The knock on my door.

I know there won't be a knock upon my door. You're in love; I can't see you anymore. But I won't go down with the ship; I won't hurt myself or surrender. I'm still in love and always will be. She may have gold hair and rosey...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The drinking hole.

The drinking hole.

We're here at our drinking hole cannery row. I see the ship sway and turn as they bring in their catch. As they dropped their nets, what a mess! We gut and clean the fish as they flop on the deck. I believe one more beer is in...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The tropical island.

The tropical islands

We live on an island where there are two volcanoes, and their hot, steamy lava flows down into one and hits the ground. Just like are love flows into one when there is no one around, Your hair blows through the tropical...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The shady Lanes of May.

The shady lanes of May. 

I love a field of green and shaded lanes. And the scent of the garden's and woods running through your veins. I can see through your eyes brown streams and soft, dim skies. The feel of your smooth, soft lips upon mine. I...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
Out of the heap and stumble.

Out of the heap and stubble.

As I walked into the woods with the branches crackling under my feet, I reached down into the heap of rubble and stubble and pulled you from the ground. There is no one else to be found. You're bare-naked; your skin...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
Your hair of woven silk.

Your hair of woven silk.

You are standing there with your silky black hair, which required the finest silkworm to weave. Your eyes were stolen from the stars way up high in the sky. Your ruby-red lips are soft and sweet, but I have to ask. I know...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The Sea of people.

The sea of people.

As I walk through a sea of people, I can feel that some are good, some are bad, some are happy, and some are sad. It makes me mad. Then I look and can feel their pain and their sorrows, and they don't have any more tomorrows....

by A J C

added 2 months ago
Love is like a cloud.

Love is like a cloud.

Your love is like a flame, and it burns you when it's hot. But it also hurts; it's like the rain; it fills the clouds as they turn gray. Some are weak, and some are strong. You may think I did you wrong. Can you try and help...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The fields of green.

The fields of green.

As I walk into a field of green, I can see you standing there. In your white lace gown, it's not a dream. The stream of glass is on one side, and the tares in wheat are on the other side. There are two paths, one to the right...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
It has been written in the scrolls

In my heart and soul.

It's not like your beauty and youth are my own. And a teardrop from your cheek ase it hits the ground. But it does make you more dear; there is no heart that has truly loved, never forgotten, or has any regrets. I can see...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
Just one more year.

Just one more year.

The moon glows brightly as it lights up the night. The night turns into day, and the day turns into night. Tomorrow turns into yesterday, and yesterday turns into tomorrow. My pains turn into sorrows now,  I wish for tomorrow....

by A J C

added 2 months ago
December's bleak roar.

December's bleak roar.

December is bleak, as the cold wind is howling. As I lay here, drowning in my tears, waiting for summer to appear, I looked and could see the fields laid bare and waste. The weary winter is coming fast, and I lay here cozy...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The girl in the front row.

The girl in the front row.

When I was a child, I was in a classroom where boys would pull my hair. I was a kissy little girl with curls in my hair. I have a charm up my sleeve. When the boys look, they do not leave. I'm like a panther in the...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
I can touch the Stars.

I can touch the stars.

I forget what we once had. It's still there, but when I look, it's nowhere to be found. As I search up and down and all around, I see people come and go, and the lilies of the valleys, I watch them grow. Maybe one more...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
Gowns, buckles,and slippers.

Gowns, buckles, and slippers.

I look, and there you stand. Your gown is made out of the finest wool from the pretty lambs we pull. I see on your feet lined slippers for the cold with the buckles made out of pure gold. A belt made out of straw and...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
My dear Nicole.

To my dear Nicole.

To my dear friend Nicole, being with you makes me never feel old. As we lay side by side and your head sinks into the soft pillow, I can see the sparkle in your eyes. They're like butterflies flying by. As I touch your cheek,...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The mighty oak tree.

The mighty oak tree.

She stood beneath a great oak tree. And she glanced at my face, sad with pain. Then I heard the crackling of branches. She came by and sat by my side, taking her hand, which felt like a cool summer's rain. I do not know me,...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The lonely seashore.

The lonely seashore.

I love the lonely shore as my feet sink in the sand it feels grand. Where no one intrudes. I look out at the big blue sea, and I can hear the echoes of its music in its roar. I don't love any man less, but nature even more....

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The end time's.

The end is near.

They say the world will end in fire, and others say ice. But what I have tasted is desire. I hold on to those who favor fire. If I should perish twice, I know enough of hate to know it will be ice; that's also great and would...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
My father lies down and sleeps.

As my father lies sleeping. 

He gave me life and kept me warm through all the storms. Now here he lies with his arms beneath his head, and as I look, he has fallen cold and dead. I feel his lips, and they are cold, pale, and still. So I feel this...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
She waits for with me.

She waits with me.

My captures locked me in a room, tied and blindfolded, for one year. It was dark and silent; there was no one there. So I dreamed about a girl with golden hair that would blow in the warm summer breeze and her eyes sparkle...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
Way up high in the sky.

Way up high in the sky.

It's time for me to go to sleep. There are 100 meds I have to keep. The room is dark and silent. And my eyelids grow heavy as my head sinks into the soft pillow. Now I'm ready. My dreams are days, and my days are dreams. I...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The old house up the road.

The old house up the road.

As I walk down a dirt road, I see an old home with peeling paint. Many years ago, the person who lived there, whom you may know, The reason was that a chilly wind I felt on my skin blew out of the house, a small, tiny...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
The Garden of Eden.

The Garden of Eden.

When I look at you, I can see your beauty and smell the scent of your sweet lips it does not compare to anything in the sky or air. I love you and want to kiss them soft, sweet lips. And when I look at you, I feel the golden...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
My angel in the clouds.

My angel in the clouds.

I want to walk through your dreams. I want to feel your heartbeat and be a part of your soul until I grow old. I'm not a bold man. One of your teardrops can fill 100 clouds that float by in the sky. I will not run and...

by A J C

added 2 months ago
Are love will never fail.

Our love will never fail.

Life can sometimes hurt, and loved ones can betray. Emotions can get shattered and leave us in disarray. My love can be broken with the words you have spoken. Hurt causes bitterness, spreading hate and fear. It can...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The storm and the lighthouse.

The storm and the lighthouse.

I sit by the lighthouse and look up at the sky. I can see the puffy clouds as they float by. Then I was amazed when the angels arrived. They float down in their silky white gowns with diamonds in their eyes. I guess...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The diamond necklace.

The diamond necklace.

That you take as a gift and wear around your neck. You stole my heart and have remade the necklace of diamonds that blinds me when they sparkle. Then I see your eyes peer through the night into a never-ending, timeless...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
Sometime life is a battlefield.

Sometimes life is a battlefield.

So many nights I sit by the phone, waiting for someone to call. All my dreams I kept inside alone in the dark; I did hide, then you came along and a light came on, giving me hope to carry on. I can see the waves...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
If I only had one.

If I only had one.

If I only had one breast, would you still love me, or would you go for someone else? If I can't whisper, I love you in your ear. That is one of my biggest fears. I have one remaining wet teardrop; if that is not what you...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
In my time of need.

In my time of need,.

When you have arrived, I can see a glow in your pretty blue eyes, and I can see your golden hair as it blows in the cool summer breeze. Just one touch of your silky, smooth lips would make me freeze. But in your eyes, I can...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
When a Man loves a woman

When a man loves a woman.

There are a lot of things I do not know. So I make the rules up as I go. Can you try to make me understand that you will be my girl and I will be your man? I sit here, throwing punches in the air. Do you even care? Your...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
You're that one grain of sand.

You're that one grain of sand.

As I walk along the road, I can see long fields of barley and rye that reach up to the clear blue sky. On the other side, the white willows quiver, and the cold breeze of dawn makes them shiver. I can see a roll of...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The light shines bright one wintry night.

The light shines bright one wintery night.

The sea is calling for me, and I can hear the echoes and whispers in my ear. The lighthouse shines bright through the cool winter's night. You can hear the waves smashing on the rocks. I can see its...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The shadow of the night.

A shadow comes by late one night.

When I go out in the moonlight, my shadow is by my side. Her eyes gleam like a cool summer breeze. When I go to bed, she is there in my dreams. When she has spoken, all the silence is broken, and when she walks,...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
You stole my heart and soul.

You stole my mind and soul.

My mind is yours. So you decide whether I should sit, stand, cry, or die. You don't have to run or hide. I used to see fields of green and hear the golden daffodils dance in the summer breeze, and all you offered me...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
You place a rose upon my stone.

You put a rose on my stone.

The soul of the dead slumbers. Life is real, and life is earnest. You want to go back to the dust and returnest. You have no joy or sorrow. Yet you look for tomorrow. As long as time is fleeting, the sound of the drums...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The shadows of people in the street.

The shadows of people.

As I drift into my dreams, like the clouds floating by way up high in the sky, I can see a sea of people talking, but no one is listening. I see a young child crying as his mother lays there, dying. I see people in the...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The cool Summer Breeze.

The cool summer breeze.

I can see and hear the wind stirring softly through the springing grass, and the river flows like a stream of glass. Then I look and can see a field of golden wheat blowing in the breeze, and I see a row of trees with no...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The skipper and the sea.

The skipper and the lighthouse.

The last night, the moon had a golden ring. The skipper with his weather beaten face blew smoke rings from his pipe. The wind was so cold, it could chill your soul. The wind was so loud as the white snowflakes fell...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
As I lay by your side.

As I lay by your side.

As I lay here, they shut my eyes. But I can see you; I'm right by your side. I do not sleep; I'm awake. For heaven's sake, you whisper in my ears the things I want to hear. I'm still in love with you, my dear. I can't cry;...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The grave site on the hill.

The grave site on the hill.

My dreams are like a field of golden wheat that sways back and forth through the cool summer breeze. As I walk, I can see a shack with one candle glowing on the window pane. It's sparks a flame, and I see shadows from...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
A walk through the woods.

A walk through the woods. 

I took a path into the woods, with the branches crackling beneath my feet. The field opened up, and I saw a host of golden daffodils beside a lake beneath the trees, dancing in the breeze. Then I saw a beautiful girl...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
As I sit and gaze one summer day.

As I sit and gaze one day 

I sit here and gaze at the trees as they sway back and forth in the cool summer breeze. On the side of a stream. Like the stream that flows, so does the blood in my veins flow, like our love that grows like the stars. I...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The shooting star.

The shooting star.

I wonder, like a shooting star, above the sky that flies over the valleys and hills. Then I saw a host of lonely daffodils next to a lake by the trees, fluttering and dancing in the breeze. The stars shine and twinkle. The...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The colors you hold in your hand.

The colors you hold in your hand.

I can see the colors of light you hold in your hand. But I still don't understand. You come from a distant land, and the colors are low in pitch, deep purple's emeralds deep, and rich where Autumn's flaming and...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The lonely fields of green.

The lonely fields of green.

I love looking at the fields and the sights of green and shaded lanes. I can feel it running through my veins in the ordered woods and gardens. The brown stream of soft, dim skies. It brings a teardrop to my eyes. But...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
When death stops by.

When death stops by.

When death has come by. It will be me you see at your side, and the flash from the past will go floating by like the clouds in the sky. I will grab them and put them in a jar by your bedside. He can't touch you; he can't pay...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
One cold winter night.

One cold, wintery night.

I'm standing in the darkness all around me. The cold winter winds blow right by me. The giant trees are bending, and as I can hear, the crackling of their branches as they bare the weight of the snow. The storm is coming...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The girl in the white lace gown.

She has a glow that flows.

You walk in beauty like the night. Your sparkling eyes shine so bright. I can smell your sweet scent; it smells so nice. That's why I love you—you're out of sight. Your thoughts of serenity are sweet, and they express...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
Between the pages of a book.

Between the pages of a book.

Love is like a silky red rose, and it sent is so bold. But it grows old, and it wilts. So you put it between the pages of your favorite book. And years later, you find that book and take a look. But now you are like...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The clouds in the sky.

The clouds in the sky.

A cloud can be whatever you see in it as it floats by in the sky. They tower so high as you look with your staring eyes, but you have never found a cloud sufficient to express the sky; it's the sky that swallows up the...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
My friend in the wall.

My friend in the wall.

You can see the fields are a waste, and the very cold winter blast is coming fast and cozy here beneath the blast. Where will you dwell until the cruel past you once had? That heap of leaves and stubble. It has made you...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The forest is a token.

The forest is a token.

The forest is a token of trees. We live quietly and at ease. All the neighbors are by our side. Just like the cities are so wide. The buildings tower up to the sky. The wind blows intimately through the trees. I hold a...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The fire was burning bright.

The fire was burning bright.

My blood that runs through my veins is brightened, and my eyes are blurred with the flashes and crackling wood on the fire I can see and hear. Then I hear the rustling of leaves in the trees. They tower so high that...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The grain of sand in my hand.

The grain of sand in my hand.

I see visions of dreams as I stand by the roar of the shore. I hold within my hand one grain of sand. Through my fingers, the grain falls. Then I wept on the beach floor. My dreams are still dreams, yet my hope has...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The last kiss.

The last kiss.

One kiss from your pretty lips would drop me to my knees. Maybe it's time for me to leave? But if I should stay, I know I'm going to pay. So I think I should go and pray. Then the skies won't turn gray, and the sun will come out to...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The friend I never knew.

The friend I never knew.

As I walk through the cemetery for my daily exercise, everything is quiet and silent, but the summer breeze blows on my sleeve. I could smell the fresh scent of flowers on the graves as I walked by. I can see the shadows...

by A J C

added 3 months ago


Childhood living is so easy to do. But now that I'm older, I don't have a clue. I watched you suffer a dull, aching pain. Now you've decided to show me the same. My faith has been broken. Tears must be cried. Let's do some living...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The secret of the locked box.

The secret locked box.

As I look upon you, I can see this power that no woman can possess, or it would put her to rest. In your eyes that sparkle wide and your golden hair that blows in the cool summer breeze, I can see. I can smell the scent of...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
My Angel by the sea.

My Angel by the Sea. 

I can see the gray clouds rolling in, and the wind is howling. The ship is tossing and turning, and you can hear the sails tearing. The waves are crashing over the bow as the mist hits my face. But there is no other place I...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The spreading chestnut tree.

The spreading chestnut tree.

It's a hot summer day. So I go to see my friend in the blacksmith shop. I can hear his steel hammer as it hits the anvil, and it makes a clang. You can hear it in the air for miles. He takes a break under the...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The stirs of echoes.

The stir of echoes I hear. 

I hear echoes whenever you are near. Men gaze and stare at your beauty. Your spell is in the air. You have eyes that make even the stars run and hide. The sun won't set and the moon won't rise whenever you come by. The...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The silky lips of a rose.

You're silky lips of a rose.

As I lay my head on the silky pillow by your side, I can see your eyes fluttering under your eyelids; they hide. Then I think, Are you dreaming of me or a stranger I can't see? I can smell your sweet perfume of apple...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The Moon over The village.

The moon looks over the village.

As we walked hand in hand by the village bandstand, the moon was out; it had a glow that shed a light on which way we should go. The night was silent until we went to the lake. Then the silence was broken by a...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The contest and promotions.

The contest and promotions.

I don't need your contest, and I don't need your promotions. You look and see nothing, and your eyes are blind. But I don't mind. All these poems are mine; every piece you find is a puzzle in your mind. The pain and...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The chimes of time.

The chime of time.

I can hear the chime from the church by the seashore. The scent of the apple blossoms fills the air, and I can see the pretty buds of May are already here. As I look, I can see you standing there. I am blinded. By the light,...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
You're pretty blue eyes once shined.

The eyes that once shined.

As you lay there with your head on a silk pillow, I can smell the scent of a rose upon your chest. Since they put you to rest . I can see into your eyes. But you can't see me. I know the reason why, and one teardrop...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The lonely red rose.

The lonely red rose.

I look at you and can see the pain, the fear, and many tears and sorrows. I think you ran out of tomorrow's. I do have this lonely rose you can borrow. When you hold it up to your eyes, I can see a sparkle. The thorns will...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The lonely daffodil.

The lonely daffodil. 

I look and see that life is full of care. So why do you stand there and stare? Don't look up at the sky and watch the clouds float by. The sun shines and the birds in the tree sing, but if you are waiting for that smooth...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The rains came down.

The rains came down.

I have a promise to keep. And I have miles to go before I sleep. I can hear the echoes of your heartbeat. My perfect world is torn apart now that you are gone. The conflict I have is between love and hate, and I know it's...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
Why do You weep?

Why do you weep?

Why do you sit by my grave? I'm not there. I do not sleep. I am the wind that blows through your hair. The sparkle that's in your eyes and the sunlight on the field of wheat and ripening grain. I'm the gentle autumn rain. You...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The love that came and went.

The love that came and went.

These things I bought, I bought them for you, and now that you're mine, I want to give them to you. Childhood living was easy to do, but now that I'm older, I'm still in love with you. The sun shines as it gleams off...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The Shadow by the seashore.

The shadow  by the seashore!

Huge, cloudy symbols of romance, and you in your nice silk gown with all the lace. They're all shadows in your hand that I have to chase. I can feel you in the hour; you look so fine. But I can never look upon you;...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The leaves on the trees sings.

The leaves on the tree sing. 

In your hand, you hold my soul, and it sings a tune without words and never stops at all. But the sweetest thing is in the gale I heard. Then there must be a storm, and you are always there to keep me warm. So why am...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The angel of the night.

She is a shadow in the night.

She walks into the beauty of the silent night and shines so bright. Even the fireflies run and hide whenever she walks by. I am mellow to her tender light that shines so bright. And her smile and brow, and her tint...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The chimes in the night.

The chimes. Break up the night.

I'm standing in the darkness, and a chimes from the town Church Tower break up the silence of the night. I stand on the hill overlooking the grave sites and see the shadows of all the people from the past. They all...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The wedding on the hill

The wedding is on the hill.

The bridegroom doors are open wide, and I'm the next of kin. I met the guests. The feast is set, and the wedding guests stood still as they listened. The bridegroom had his will. Then we walked, and merrily did we drop...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The curtains on the wall.

The curtains on the wall.

My curtains are forcing their will against the wind; children sleep, exchanging dreams with seraphim. The city drags itself awake on subway straps, and an alarm awakes as a rumor of war. Lie stretching into Dawn unasked...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The text.

The text.

Like an injured bird, your text is full of significant words. What I read feels small and absurd. I can see the code you sent is broken. I can't picture your hands; you text too many demands; nothing my thumb presses will ever be heard....

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The box made of dreams.

The box made from dreams.

Build yourself a box. And make each part with care when it's strong enough. Put all your troubles in there. Then take another look, and you will see there's nothing there. Then put in it all your thoughts, failures, and...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The old farmhouse.

The old farmhouse.

As I walk for miles, the scent of the beach comes near. Then the fields of wheat appear, and as I cross, I can see a farm in the fog. So I tap on the window pane, and I can hear whispers in my ears from many years ago. I have...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The letter that was never sent.

The letter that was never sent.

Your love is like a melody that is sweetly played in June. And I will stay with you, my dear, till all the seas go dry. There will not be one more teardrop in your eye. There is no more use for us in this world....

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The man with the golden eyes.

One moment in time.

The clouds may turn a shade gray, but I'm here for you today. Sometimes your eyes of heaven shine. But they're his gold, and they're often declined. The external summer will never fade. Even if the clouds turn gray, death...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
A nickel or a dime.

A nickel or a dime.

As I look, I can see golden daffodils dancing on the hills in the breeze. Then I look, and I can see 100 ships sailing in the sea. I can see a road made out of diamonds as far as my eyes can see. I look one more time and can...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The dream never meant to be.

The clouds are always gray.

I wondered, like a cloud that floats over the hills. As I look, I can see 100 people and a host of golden daffodils. On the side of a lake. And trees dancing in the breeze. As stars that twinkle way up high in the sky....

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The red rose lying in the white snow.

The red rose was lying in the snow.

It's the darkest night of the year, and I can hear the church bells ring whenever you come near. As I watch the snowflakes come down, they never make a sound. They look like little pillows, and when they fall...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The old box and key.

The old box and key.

You found a box, and don't tell anyone else its contents or its secrets; it's not to be shared. That's all up to you, if you dare. As you stand there with your man standing over there, don't let him come near. The box is not...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The scent.

The scent

I can smell the scent of lilacs in the air every time you come near. I go to sleep and wake up in the middle of the night, and the scent is still there. Now it's on my pillowcase, in my mind, and in my dreams. It's like you put a spell...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The girl with the Auburn hair.

The girl with Auburn hair.

Without you by my side, who am I? You give me your love straight from your heart. I can have any man that you want. Just your Auburn here as it blows in the summer breeze and your eyes of emerald green. Your skin is...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The teardrop drop and a little girl

The teardrop and the little girl.

A little girl runs by as she looks up at the sky. She runs up and down the stairs and wonders why she is here. Her brother looks at her as she comes near. He sees a pretty little girl with flowers in her hair....

by A J C

added 3 months ago
Tears by my bedside.

The teardrops  by my side.

Why do you sit by my bedside in tears, pain, and sorrow? When you know it's my turn to die? You spend all day, but there is no pay. Where I'm going, there is no fee, and it's free. I feel the pain, tears, and sorrows...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
A man needs a mate.

A man needs a mate.

A man needs a mate. Someone he does not have to date. Someone who will make him feel safe. Just someone he can talk to and understand all his needs. Someone should take away all of his fears and sorrows. Just someone to give...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
Shadows from the grave.

The shadow from the grave.

Deep into the darkness, I pair. Without any fears. Doubting if you still love me that is my biggest fear. But I look into my dreams, and you still appear. And I hear the echoes of your whispers in my ear late at night...

by A J C

added 3 months ago
The three kids.

The three kids.

I was all alone, feeling sad and depressed. I looked up and saw three kids in front of me. One could not speak, another could not hear, and one more could not see. Then they asked me why. I was so sad somehow that made me feel...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
My man.

My man.

You come to me with open arms. I know you would never do me any harm. Remember the fun we had in the sun? When the clouds turn gray, you lose your way, but now you can start a brand new...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The siren screaming in the middle of the night.

The screaming of the sirens in the middle of the night.

I don't want to hear the siren screaming in the middle of the night or the blue lights blinking on the window pane. All I know is that I'm in a lot of pain. I can't even tell you what my...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
Love, lust, and greed.

Love, lust, and greed.

Love and lust are poles apart. Lust is chaos; love is...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
Tomorrow Will never come.

Tomorrow will never come.

I see that there are shadows on the wall, and I can hear noises down the hall. As I look, I stumble down to the floor. I look, and I can see Your Shadow, and I follow it to a red door. I wish it was black, but I don't...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The blossoms of may.

The blossoms of May.

The apple blossoms fill the air, and the buds of May are already here. I look at you, and you shine so fine. Memories and desires fill my mind. Yet I see a glimmer and then a gleam of light in your beautiful eyes. To my...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
Deep inside my mind.

Deep inside.

As I lay by your side, deep inside you, I could feel your warmth and love. Just one kiss from your sweet lips and the touch of your soft tongue on mine. Can I please stay here till the end of time? I kiss your nose and can see a...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
Don't let go.

Don't let go.

You hold the key in the palm of your hand to take away my fears, pain, and tears. Just pull the plug and don't let go. I want to see your tomorrows, not your pain and sorrows. When I look into your eyes one last time, I will have...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
All my friends?

All my friends.

In my time of need, all my friends leave. When I need hope, all my friends are smoking dope. When I need a ride, all my friends run and hide. When I get thirsty, all my friends have no mercy. When I get hungry, all my friends...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The closed book.

The closed book.

When you look at me, I'm a close book. But you have the key; do you really want to see it? So you take a dare and open it, and you see in the shadows a man with a blindfold on. Then you can see that he has a scar on his arm. He...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
When darkness comes around.

When the darkness comes. 

When you're lying there, there is know hope to be found. I will kiss your lips and ease your pain. When the darkness comes around. I will be there to light your way, and I will always stay. I will wipe your tears and...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The silly grin on your face.

The silly grin on your face.

Me and my girlfriend are in a boat on Echo Lake, and she wears a silly grin on her face. I have a fishing pole in one hand and a can of beer in the other. To my surprise, I get a rise. So we head to the shore one more...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The footprints in my mind.

The footprints are in my mind.

I lay here on my couch. It's old and torn. So I fade away into the back of my mind, but you are nowhere to be found, no matter how hard I try. I can see footprints and shadows from the past, but they don't last. I...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
From trash to treasure.

From trash to treasure.

You'll hear a knock at the door. It's a man standing there, and you tell me I don't need you anymore. So you put me in a bag, then you take me out to the trash and shut the door. Then I look and see this pretty girl in...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
Standing in the dark one night.

I'm standing outside in the dark of the night. And who do I see standing there? my friend Nicole shining bright. She can light up the darkest night. Just her smile, you can see for a mile. Her eyes sparkle like the stars in the sky. She is like a...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
Would you still love me?

Would you still love me?

As I sit in the doctor's office, trembling in fear, he comes in and tells me I will be dead in a year. All your dreams will disappear, and I won't know your name or your brother's or mother's. Why do I have to endure all...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The lighthouse

The lighthouse in the night.

When I look into your eyes, I can see a lighthouse that shines and breaks up the darkest of nights. It shows the way the ships must go. Just like your heart, I can hear the echoes. From far away. It tells me that you...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The donut shop.

The donut shop.

I'm driving by the donut shop and want to pull in. But I know in my mind that it would be committing a sin. I won't cry, and I won't beg. But my lips and tongue crave the sweet sugar of a donut. Your sweet lips on mine can't...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
Tick tock.

Tick tock.

I watched the clock tick on by. The pendulum swings from side to side. Maybe it's time for me to say goodbye. I can't run and hide. It's going to chase me down till the end of time. I don't care, because you're mine. It's only a matter...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The forgotten.

The forgotten.

What I miss the most on Valentine's Day is the feel of your sweet lips upon mine. Then the card that was never sent. Because you forget. But I have to live with it, and I have no regrets. Maybe I should hit the rewind button, and...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
Paid in full.

Paid in full.

Here, I sit hands-on the telephone. I heard a voice I knew from a long time ago. The echoes I heard brought me back to a lot of scars and bad dreams. We used to sit by the stream and hold hands. Then watch the leaves as they drift...

by A J C

added 4 months ago


I don't know why I think the way I do. It's on my mind, and there is nothing I can do. But I never left it all behind. It is always there for you to find. I don't know why I say these things to you. Sometimes it surprises me too. I will...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The dark place.

The dark place.

I go to the dark place way back in my mind. I can't find a way out, no matter how hard I try. It is a place you never want to be or see. But it always finds me in my darkest dreams. If I can find a way out and step into the light,...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
Because the nights.

Into the night.

I look up and can see the stars fall from the sky. The sun comes up, and I can see the sunshine in your eyes. Your love is like a cloud that holds a lot of rain. So does your love gives me a lot of pain? Damn your love, and damn...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The ugly caterpillar.

The ugly caterpillar.

I was walking on the sidewalk, and there was this ugly caterpillar crawling along. Something you would step on when no one was around. Well, all the years have passed by, and I went to this party, and there stood a girl with...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The man in the window way up high.

The man in the window is way up high.

The man in the window—that's who I am. The birds and squirrels all come to see me. The squirrels look up at the sky. I live on the second floor, which is so high. The squirrels look up and wait as I drop...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The air, clouds, and the sky..

The air, clouds, and sky.

I'm that cloud that floats by every time you walk by. I'm the sun that sparkles in your eyes. I'm the wind that blows through your hair when I'm not there. I'm the light of the moon, so you can see your way through. I'm...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
You make me crazy.

You make me crazy.

We all caught the same disease, and we were so close I could touch your nose; even the rose I gave you froze. We both bled from each other's wounds. When I show you, you don't care. It leaves me throwing punches in the air. So...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The golden key.

The golden key.

You hold the golden key in the palm of your pretty little hand. Yet you don't know or understand. If you look and find the door, Use the key, open it, and tell me what you see. I hope it's me. Standing there, holding my heart in...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The old North Church

The old North Church.

I watch with an eager search. I can see the belfry tower of the old North Church. As it rose above the graves on the hill. Lonely, spectral, and still. I look and can see the belfry's height. I see the glimmer and gleam of...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The beauty of the night.

The beauty of the night.

You walk in the beauty of the night. Until one day you see the light and all the best of the night and the bright. All meet in the aspects of your eyes, then the dark runs from you and hides. All the dark shadows I see...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
You hold the torch.

You hold the torch.

A mighty woman with a torch, here you stand; you never make any demands. I am in prisoned by the whispers of your name. How can I compare it to a cool summer day? And the rough winds do shake the buds of May. I see a ray of...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
Into the darkness.

Into the darkness.

Deep in the darkness of the night, I look. I stand there, wondering and fearing. Doubting all my dreams. I don't dare to dream anymore. The silence was broken, and I never received a token. The only word that was spoken. I hear...

by A J C

added 4 months ago


Summer is here, and the air is nice and warm. When winter runs away, it's all gone. All the clocks are moving ahead. Then back again this same time next year. I put my winter coat away. It is torn anyway. Time to get out my shorts and...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
I am me.

I am me.

I am me. You are you. And that I will never be. So don't try to change me, mold me, or shape me. And if you must try to convict me, first talk to the man above, for in the end, I have only one...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
I will wait.

I will wait.

When I was a child, I used to daydream about you. Then the teacher would yell and break my spell. But you still dwell in my dreams every day, it seems. You see, you are like a stream; I'm the leaf floating down it. You take me to...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
One minute in time.

1 minute in time.

Take one minute in your life and look all around. Now that it is gone, what have you found? You can't get it back; you left it behind. You just wasted a minute of time. I see new friends that never end. The trees have pretty...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
Time to change.

I sit outside, and my cigarette glows in the dark. Maybe it's time for you to make a new start? All of your kids hate the things you have done. They despise you for what you have become. Unless you change your ways, no one is going to want you...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The morning paper arrives.

The morning paper arrives.

People wake up every morning and drink that coffee or tea; sometimes they give you a kiss on the cheek. But for me, I look out the window and daydream of all the beautiful things I see. I can hear the birds singing in...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
To you.

To you.

You always...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The twinkle in his eye.

The twinkle in his eye.

When I look, I can see a sea of people without any hope. I can see young children smoking dope. I can see the hangman at the gallows holding a rope. I can see the pope on his knees, looking up at the sky. But even the...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The richest man alive

All my poems tell a story. About a man with no pride, fame, or glory. I am here for one thing: to help you in your time of need. If you should need a dime, I will give you my last one. If you ask me for a lung, I will give you one of mine. That is...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
Emerald green eyes.

Emerald-green eyes.

My cat has eyes that are emerald green. They are the most beautiful things I have ever seen. If she sneaks outside and climbs a tree, I have to go to the shed for a ladder to set her free. Sometimes she gets a few fleas. But...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
A blink in time.

When I was young, The world looked tall, and everything had colors. I was very pretty and had a lot of lovers. There were no others. Then I blink my eye. Everything turned black and white. All my lovers ran for their lives. My blue eyes have faded,...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The wilted rose.

The Wilted rose.

You look at my words, and you see nothing. Well, if you take a peek behind them, you will see everything. But my actions speak louder than your words. If you say I love you, and don't mean it. Then don't say it. You see a pretty...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The candle on the mantle.

The candle on the mantle.

I sit at home all alone. I have to carry all my love in a jar. That I can't open. I know there is someone out there who cares and can open that jar. It sits on the mantle next to a candle. But I can't find the wick to...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
2:00 in the morning.

It's 2:00 in the morning.

It's 2:00 a.m. in the morning, and I'm still awake. Can you help me fix my latest mistake? I still love you, and you know I do. Can you come over and stay for a while and give me that beautiful smile? For that smile, I...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
Debit or credit

Debit or credit.

If you want to play, you have to pay, or sometimes it may be for free. They do take credit, debit, or money. But if you get hacked or attacked, you have to say goodbye to your honey and your money. Either way it won't be too...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
Like no other lover.

No other lover.

As you leave, I can hear the door slam. I sit here in a puddle of tears, and I can hear everyone that hits the floor. All I can do is stare at the door, waiting for your knock just one more time. Something in the way you smile is...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The dead man in the gutter.

The man in the gutter.

The sun is out, and the buildings reach the sky. But there's a dead man lying in the gutter with the sun in his eyes. The flies surround him. So I take one more look, and I find a white cane laying on the sidewalk. But when...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The clowns teardrop.

The clowns teardrop.

The clown sits there in the alley with a teardrop in his eyes. The morning paper flies by. The buildings reach up to the sky. Why does he sit there? I don't know the reason why. He has a fake smile and sits and watches the...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
In the palm of your hand.

In the palm of your hand.

I had open heart surgery, and you held my heart in the palm of your hand. I can still hear. The echoes of it beating did it make you feel grand. My heart was not happy, I know, because your monitor told me so. I can feel...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The snow falls.

The snow falls.

It's very cold out; it's 20 degrees. Someone, please help me. I am a man in need. My coat keeps me warm, but I'm still cold. Maybe it's because I'm very old. The snow is falling all around me. It looks very pretty and makes me...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The Golden rule.

The golden rule.

As I sit in this room and look at you, you are my teacher. Can you show me the golden rule? 2 + 2 makes 4, but what is the meaning of love? I don't think I know anymore. Is it one sweet kiss, or does it hurt, and does it make you...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
Break the chains.

Break the chains.

I can see visions in your eyes of chains and pains; you have no more pride. Just like me, sometimes I don't think I'm alive. We have to break the chains and heal the pain, then we'll go out into the rain and wash them all away....

by A J C

added 4 months ago
The Lady in White.

The Lady in White.

When I wake up at night, I can see a lady holding a baby. She has a teardrop in her eye. Oh my God, it's my mother and brother; they never survived. She arrives when I'm not looking. I have to wonder what she is doing. They...

by A J C

added 4 months ago
Teardrops fall from the trees.

Teardrops from the trees.

A teardrop falls from the tree. I think it's telling us that the end is here for you and me. The sun turns a shade of black, and now is the time do not look back. The deer are running by, and you can see all their...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
The locked door.

The lock door.

You give me a key to open the door. But it won't open, and I don't know the reason why. I guess that's up to you to decide. Whether I should run or hide. I can take a peek in. But I don't see your grin. Your smile is like a cool...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
The last poem.

Now you see me.

Now you see me, but now you don't. My days of writing poems are over, so move on over. I can't compete with writers and teachers. I have the feelings, but I don't have the words. You guys have the feelings and words. I'm like the...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
The gallows.

The gallows.

I look over and see that there is a man standing next to me. He wears a black mask and does not throw shadow. I can feel a tightrope around my neck, and I really think I'm not going to see another tomorrow. The man waits for a sign....

by A J C

added 5 months ago
Bring her back.

Bring her back.

I place my head on your chest, and your beating heart puts me to rest. I know that I am blessed. So I dress you in your favorite gown, and I won't stop, and I won't frown. You are the one I really loved. But now it has stopped,...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
The writer.

The writer.

I think I love you, but the words won't come. So, can we go out and have some fun? Then go lay in the sun on the beach and watch the tide come in and go back out. Can I shout out that I love you? You already know I do. That is why I'm...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
I don't know.

I don't know.

I'm sorry, but I don't know what a lover's sweet, smooth lips feel on mine. I always get left behind. I don't know what the smell of her scent is like as she walks through the door. I sit on the floor and try to imagine her smooth,...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
Home sweet home.

Home, sweet home.

Lord, please bless this home. Because it's the only thing I own. I may say and do the wrong things. But it's up to you to teach me. I want to thank you for all my friends for sending them to me in that time of need. Keep evil...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
The choice.

The choice.

You have a big decision to make. It could cost you your life. There is a man with a gun, and he is here to take your wife. But he gives you a choice. One of you won't survive. It's up to you who will live or die. I won't lie. I...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
Someone is there.

Someone is there.

The sun is bright when I go outside.  There is someone who follows me? Sometimes he's in front of me, and sometimes he's in the back of me. If it's cloudy, he goes away. But when I go in he fades away. He will not come into my...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
The color red.

The color red.

My blood flows through my veins like water running down a drain. Every cut of your flesh is just one more of many pains. So you scream and yell; it doesn't mean a thing. Your ring is tainted with your blood. But you are rolling in...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
I love you dearly.

I love you dearly.

The sun rises and sets. But still, that makes me upset. You hurt me, and I tried to forget. But in my mind, I still have no regrets. I still love you dearly and always will. I will just stay home and take my pills. Maybe that...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
The man in the corner.

The man in the corner.

I was handed a skeleton key to a steel door. Behind it, I saw dark shadows and someone sitting in the corner on the floor. I know he came here a long time ago from the past. So I said, Please, Lord, I don't want to see...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
Hold my hand.

Please hold my hand.

I know you can't hold my hand or grab and hold anything, and it always ends up on the floor. Please, Lord, I don't want to see anymore. You can't walk, talk, or close the door. All I end up doing is crying on the floor. Can...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
To Mom

To Mom. I'm sorry for the three words I could never say to you. But try to understand that it was not you; it was me. I know you can never understand how I feel deep down inside. But it still hurts me and makes me want to cry. The pain never ends;...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
Hold me close

Hold me close.

Hold me close and try to understand. The way I feel when I'm in your hands. Hold me close and hold me tight. Then I will take you into the night. So hold the candles high, and we'll shine bright and turn the night into daylight....

by A J C

added 5 months ago
Hear My Prayer.

Hear my prayer.

I see everything in black and white. What am I doing wrong, and how do I make it right? Open my eyes so I can see the light. I don't want to fight anymore; it's just not right. Please, Lord, keep me in your sight. Show me the...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
The last Teardrop

The last teardrop

I can see in your eyes that the last teardrop hits the floor as you shut the door. I don't want to hear your goodbyes. I just want you on my side. So don't go running, hide. I will always find you, wherever you hide. My heart...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
The Hug

The Hug.

I was sent to a place at a very young time in my life. Believe me, it was not very nice. I was sent to this one building and saw a girl stricken with blindness and having no legs searching the floor. Do you really want to hear any more?...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
In your eyes.

You are on my mind.

My eyesight is fading away. But I will always love you anyway. I still see your beauty in my mind. Could you still love me? Do you still want me? That's up to you to decide. Either way, what we once shared. will never go away....

by A J C

added 5 months ago
The Cleaning lady

Now you understand.

You come over and knock on my door to clean and mop the floor, clean me, and feed me in my time of need, then you leave and go away and come back the next day. When will I see you again?  When I look at you, I can see your...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
The Fool.

          The Fool

If I had nothing, would you still love me? If I was a liar, would you set me on fire? If I were a fool, could I still learn the golden rule? If I couldn't walk and talk and all I could do was drool, could you still love me, or...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
The Orphans

The Orphans

I was home alone. Then I noticed there were people all around me. They came from the past. To open my eyes at last. They opened their mouths, but nothing came out. So they all pointed to the floor, where there was a hidden door. I...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
The fireflies

The fireflies

The fireflies are glowing like the stars at night. But they make their own light. What an awesome site! Overnight, they go to work and light the way to a new Christmas day.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
Come Home

Come Home

I can see the blood and fear in your pretty blue eyes. How can I help you, and why? I won't tell you any more lies. I think you are going to die, and I can't lie. If you need some blood, you can have some of mine. I just want you to...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
Please Stay

Please Stay

The moon will go down, and the sun will rise. But it doesn't compare to having you by my side. But I still feel all alone, and I can't find my way home. But I still love you, and I will never leave you alone. I tried everything I knew...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
The Rain

The Rain

I have no more love and no more hate. The pride and the lust have faded away. Everything I touch has faded to gray. Why did you do this to me anyway? Is the love you had for me all gone? I don't understand; maybe I'm wrong. I watched as...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
The Wind

The wind

I am standing by your side. But you do not see me? I don't know the reason why. I am the wind that blows through your hair. Yet I whisper, and you don't hear. I am the robin sitting in the tree. Just look up, and you will see me. I touch...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
Way Up High in The Sky

Way Up High

A man beats his dog every day. But that dog still loves him anyway. Is there any way a person can find a way to harvest that love that won't stray? Someone who doesn't have hate is never late, and they don't have lust or greed. Just...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
Close Your Eyes

Close your eyes.

I know the time we had was short. I still love you, and you can stay as long as you like. That would be all right. So hold on to me tight, and you can close your eyes. Then I will never leave your side. The path you must take is...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
The Rose

The Rose

When I look at you, I see a queen. When I look at myself, I see nothing. I don't have any education and no career. All I know is that I love you, my dear. I can't give you diamonds, and I can't give you gold. I have nothing left but my...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
This You Should Know

This You Should Know

There might have been things I missed. It doesn't mean I am unkind, and it doesn't mean I am blind. You think I don't mean a single word I say. But it's all I have to take you away. I bought you all the things you wanted. But...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
The Picture

The Picture

There is a picture on the wall of me walking down the hall. I'm so happy. I'm clapping. I don't walk, but I can talk. The light is so bright. What a beautiful sight. I think I'll stay all night. But you can stay as long as you like....

by A J Caron

added 5 months ago
Hold Me Close.

Hold me close.

Hold me close and try to understand. The way I feel when I'm in your hands. Hold me close and hold me tight. Then I will take you into the night. So hold the candles way up high, and we will shine brightly and turn the night into...

by A J Caron

added 5 months ago
The Left Behind

The Left Behind

As I walked into the woods, I saw a baby surrounded by a pack of wolves. They were there to keep him safe. They did not mean him any harm; their purpose was to keep him calm. He had a charm about him that I did not expect. He was...

by A J Caron

added 5 months ago
Big Blue Eyes

Big Blue Eyes

I was sitting at my computer, and I looked up, and there you were. Your red hair and blue eyes sent me for a ride. No matter how hard I tried, I could not get you out of my mind. You shine like the stars, way up high in the sky. My...

by A J Caron

added 5 months ago
The Snow

The snow is 2 feet high. Then I look up at the sky. Maybe I should stay home and get high? Or grab a shovel and cry. So what I am going to do is get high. Then grab the shovel and cry. I went outside, and the snow was up to my knees. It was not a...

by A J Caron

added 5 months ago
Another day goes by

Another day goes by, and still I sit here and cry. With no one by my side, the children still cry. Why can't you find a way to show a little kindness in your heart? That would be a good place to start. Take a good look around; hatred is nowhere to...

by A J Caron

added 5 months ago
The Meaning

The Meaning

You kiss my poem. I hung it on the wall. I tell you, it means a lot to me. But you don't understand it at all. Okay, your boyfriend comes over and brings you flowers. But you don't care; you take a shower. You take care of the elderly...

by A J C

added 5 months ago


The reflections I see in your eyes. Is that of another guy? So you don't have to be shy. If he should hurt you or make you cry, I will be there, right by your side. Then he better run and hide. You see, I still have feelings for you...

by A J Caron

added 5 months ago
The Deception

The Deception

I look at you, and your beauty blinds my eyes. I want to get down on my knees and cry. Everyone tells me to go run and hide. I do not see your other side. If I did, it would be a big surprise, and I would lose all my pride. True...

by A J Caron

added 5 months ago
The Mate

The Mate

A man needs a mate. Someone he does not have to date. Someone who will make him feel safe. Just someone he can talk to and understand all his needs. Someone to take away all of my fears and deeds. Just someone who won't run and hide in...

by A J Caron

added 5 months ago
The Poet

The Poet

The poet sits in his chair all alone. All his friends have left and gone. He sits there, thinking about what went wrong. But he is very strong. He sits there every day, and the people walk by and go their own way. Why does he sit there...

by A J Caron

added 5 months ago
The Hunt

The Hunt

I'm only out for the hunt. When I catch them, I hang them on the wall. They do not have to be short or tall. All they have to do is stop by or call. Their feelings mean nothing to me at all. To me, I don't care if they crawl on the...

by A J C

added 5 months ago
To My Lover

To my lover

I am cold and scared. Can you take me by the hand and calm my fears? I have nothing to give you but my tears. Please don't go running. I just need a friend who will stay by my side. Someone who can give me back my pride. Someone who...

by A J

added 5 months ago
The Evil One

The Evil One

I'm in your mind and dreams. But you can't see or hear me. Your mind is mine. So you better run and hide. But you will find there is no place to go. I will take you to a place you would never want to go. So you better take it slow...

by Alan Caron

added 5 months ago
In The Sand

In the sand

I remember your name from a decade ago. I wrote it in the sand just a month ago. But I still love you so much. The tide came in and washed it away. But it takes me back to a place where we would both would stay. But I still will...

by A J Caron

added 5 months ago
The Emergency room

The Emergency Room

I was in the ER, lying on a bed. They told me you have less than a minute, and you will be dead. I can hear the whispers of the doctors behind the screen. Save the lungs, the liver, and the spleen. I'm not stupid; I know what...

by A J Caron

added 5 months ago
      All I Need To Know

        All I Need To Know

I may have depression, anxiety, and fears. I love and help people in their time of need, and that's who I want to be. I keep them close, and I'm sure you would agree. If I were like you, it would not be me. Depression...

by A J Caron

added 5 months ago

When you have to put your dog to sleep and she looks into your eyes, she knows she is going to die. There are no more rides through the countryside, and there is no place for you to hide. You sit there and cry. Every teardrop is one...

by A J Caron

added 5 months ago


Why do you turn your head when you look at me? Why can't you give me a hug and hold my hand? I never make any demands. But there you stand, with no pity or shame. To me, every day is the same. You look at a stranger and give...

by A J

added 5 months ago


I hope you find someone who will treat you right through the darkest nights. Just someone who cares and loves you and won't let you out of his sight. Someone to hold your hand, give you a kiss, hold you tight, and tell you...

by A J

added 5 months ago
The Flame


I can see the cries that come from your eyes. They make me want to lay down and die. But you must stay alive so that I can survive. Please don't deprive me of one last kiss. That is the only thing I would miss. I'm helpless...

by Alan J Carom

added 5 months ago
The Snowflakes Fall

The snowflakes fall.

The candles burn brightly as they break up the night. Oh my God, what a beautiful sight! As I lay by your side, I feel warm inside. I look outside and can see the snowflakes as they fall from the sky. I look into your pretty...

by Alan Caron

added 5 months ago

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