Richards.77936's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by richards.77936  —  There are currently 422 poems total — keep up the great work!

Honest Life

Let brotherly love continue,
Neglecting not any strangers;
It might be angels visiting you,
But vigilant to the dangers.

Remember the ones in prison,
And the ones who are mistreated;
The suffering that has been done,
That another might have...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Worship and Warning

Oh come, let us sing to the Lord,
Joy to the rock of salvation;
A joyful noise in one accord,
For a spiritual foundation.

Let us come into His presence,
A joyful noise of thanksgiving;
Songs of praising in the essence,
For His mercy and...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Ministry Goal

I rejoice in my suffering,
In my flesh I in what I lack;
For Jesus is my buffering,
From all of the toil and flack.

I had become a messenger,
For the stewardship of the Lord;
And in being a passenger,
On the vessel of one accord.

For I...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Repentance Call

Gather O shameless nation,
O nation not desired;
Building up a foundation,
Iniquities acquired.

Before the rule takes effect,
Before the day goes away;
Burning anger to affect,
Because you have gone astray.

For the anger of the Lord,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago

Testimonies are wonderful,
Therefore my soul is keeping them;
I find them so pleasurable,
As precious as a diadem.

The unfolding of words give light,
It imparts the understanding;
To the simple of what is right,
Of what the Lord is...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago

God is my light and salvation,
For He is to whom I shall fear;
Stronghold of life my foundation,
Who I shall honor and revere.

For of whom shall I be afraid,
As being the strength of my life;
Against evildoers He gives aid,
As they fall in...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Instruction of Wisdom

Fret not on evildoers,
For they will fade like withered grass;
Envy, not wicked pursuers,
God will condemn for their trespass.

Trust in the Lord and to do good,
Befriend faithfulness in the land;
From where you dwell do as you should,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Essential Faith

Now if Christ is proclaimed,
Being raised from the dead;
How can you be ashamed,
Resurrection as said.

If no resurrection,
Not ever Christ was raised;
Faith has no protection,
It is vain to be praised.

Then we bear false witness,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Realities of Wealth

There is a grievous evil,
I have seen under the sun;
Riches kept by the devil,
On what the owner had done.

Riches lost a bad venture,
Having nothing in his hand;
While on an adventure,
And sinking in some quicksand.

He came out of his...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
A New Life

Now, this I say and testify,
Testify upon the Lord;
That you must start to deny,
Gentile ways be ignored.

The vanity of their mind,
Darkened in understanding;
Iniquity of every kind,
Brazen in their demanding.

Alienated from God,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Thanks Giving Prayer

We always need to thank God,
The Father of Our Lord;
Giving Him honor and laud,
Showing that He is adored.

Since we heard your faith in Christ,
The love you have for the saints;
Knowing what was sacrificed,
And never having complaints.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Stand Firm

We ought to give thanks to God,
Brothers beloved by the Lord;
Being the firstfruits to laud,
Chose to be loved and adored.

Because God has from the start,
Sanctified by the Spirit;
Believing truth in the heart,
Through salvation in merit.

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago

I lift up eyes unto the hills,
From where that my help does come of;
The great physician cure my ills,
Compassion that is filled with love.

My help is coming from the Lord,
To whom has made Heaven and earth;
Because He has loved and adored,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Being Gracious

A deadly thing is poured out,
An evil disease cleaves fast;
Where He lies there is no doubt,
That His life will ever last.

Even my friend who I trust,
Who has eaten of my bread;
Knowing He is fair and just,
Never will He remain dead.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Rejoicing Always

Respect who labors amongst you,
And those over you that admonish;
Esteem highly love to pursue,
Any discontent abolish.

Amongst yourselves to be at peace,
And encourage the fainthearted;
Allow patience never to cease,
Help the weak who have...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Humble and Contrite

Rejoice with Jerusalem,
Be glad for her and show love;
For the Lord will not condemn,
While reigning from above.

Nurse satisfied with her breast,
Drink deeply with such delight;
Consoling you as you rest,
Divine richness through the night.

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Emptiness of Work

I hated all of my toil,
To toil under the sun;
For as I till the soil,
Man must work till it is done.

I hate life for my labor,
Vexation of my spirit;
Finding nothing in favor,
Rewarded for my merit.

Who knows whether I am wise,
Or just...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Coming Salvation

How beautiful on the mountains,
Are the feet who bring the Good News;
While water flows like fountains,
A town crier trek continues.

Good News of happiness and peace,
Your God reigns bringing salvation;
His voice lifting up not to cease,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Carrying Burdens

Let the one who has been taught,
All good things with who teaches;
Sharing the Word that who sought,
Passing to the far reaches.

God is not mocked or deceived,
Whatever one sows they reap;
Abundance will be received,
If the Commands, they...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Believer Lawsuits

Having a score as to settle,
A grievance against another;
Dare go unto them and mettle,
Into the Law on your brother.

The unrighteous instead of saints,
Since the saints unable to judge;
Unskilled in trivial complaints,
Since a pagan may...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Mighty Acts of God

Shout for joy all the earth,
Sing glory to His name;
Marvel the priceless worth,
Unto the Lord proclaim.

Sing forth giving honor,
Give God glorious praise;
Worship as a fawner,
Righteously in His ways.

How awesome are His deeds,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 1 year ago
The Emptiness

Come for testing you with pleasure,
Behold for this is vanity;
Enjoy what desires treasure,
Feel free to use profanity.

For it is mad and of pleasure,
Searching my heart on how to cheer;
With wisdom how can I measure,
My body with wine has...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Sin and Shin

Princes persecute me,
Without having a cause;
But my heart stands to see,
That Your Word has no flaws.

I rejoice in Your Word,
Like finding great spoil;
For each time I have heard,
Stirs me through my toil.

I hate and abhor lies,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Life in the Spirit

There is now no condemnation,
For those who are in Jesus Christ;
In the Spirit adoration,
Flesh not walking to be enticed.

Because the Law of the Spirit,
Through Christ Jesus has set you free;
Enables you to inherit,
That sin and death have...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
The Spirit versus the Flesh

Walk by the Spirit,
Not to fill your lust;
Desires merit,
In the Lord to trust.

Fleshy desires,
Against the Spirit;
Light the wrong fires,
Blocks to inherit.

If the Spirit leads,
Not under the Law;
Ensured of your needs,
Not to get a...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Confident in the LORD

Preserved by my God,
In Him I put my trust;
I honor and laud,
He is fair and just.

For He is my Lord,
No good without Him;
So loved and adored,
Stops me feeling grim.

The saints in the land,
Are excellent mates;
Delight where they...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Abundance Meets Need

Prove that your love is genuine,
Prove sincerity of your love;
I speak that you show everyone,
Being true to Jesus thereof.

You know the grace of our Lord,
Even though He was rich in wealth;
He became poor on His accord,
Poverty gave...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
God Given Tasks

What gain has man from his toil,
What profit comes from his labor;
Before they are used, they spoil,
Without sharing with his neighbor.

I have seen what God has given,
To the sons and daughters of man;
Blessings that flow down from Heaven,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Separation to God

Be not yoked with unbelievers,
Righteousness contradicts lawless;
For they are never receivers,
Of salvation like the flawless.

Light associates not with dark,
Nor believers with gentiles;
Because of the path they embark,
Having different...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Delight in His Will

Bless those who make the Lord his trust,
Who is turning away from pride;
And that has gone astray after lust,
Then repenting as they abide.

Many have multiplied over years,
Of His wondrous deeds and His thought;
None can compare as one...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Heirs and Sons

As long as he is a child,
No different from a slave;
On their own would be wild,
Until they lie in their grave.

Although He is Lord of all,
Guardian and manager;
Because the fact they will fall,
From their sinful behavior.

Being children...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
True Love

Oh, you were like a sister,
Nursing at my mother’s breast;
At times we had played twister,
Then would kiss you when you rest.

Nobody else would despise,
Would lead you into my house;
My mother making you wise,
Knowing you would be my...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
The LORD Responds

I am being sought by those,
Who has never invited me;
Because it is God only knows,
Who is always able to see.

Here I am not called by name,
To a place that I was not called;
I spread out my hand to proclaim,
To faithless people who are...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Eternal Afflicted Light

He has broken my strength,
And has shortened my days;
Weakened at such a length,
By the sinner who strays.

Take me away O God,
Whose years endure throughout;
Generations have flawed,
In having so much doubt.

God laid the foundation,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Troubled Times Confidence

How many are my foes, O Lord,
Many are rising against me;
For Your warnings, they have ignored,
Increased trouble I cannot flee.

Many are saying of my soul,
There is no salvation through God;
Attempting in taking control,
By saying the Lord...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Matured Trials

Count is as joy in your trials,
When you meet trials of all kinds;
Testing your faith that defiles,
Making steadfastness in the minds.

Faith works patience to make perfect,
That desire comes temptation;
Strengthening faith as to reject,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
No Other Gospel

I marvel that you soon desert,
Who called you in the grace of Christ;
Not even thinking to avert,
Worldly pleasures that have enticed.

You turn to another gospel,
Not that there is another one;
And distorted to the people,
How the Father...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Which Path

Bless be the man who does not walk,
In the counsel of the wicked;
Nor with the sinners who will talk,
With scoffers who are addicted.

For his delight is in the Lord,
As he meditates day and night;
And remaining in one accord,
Because His...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Approved Workers

Of these things put in remembrance,
While being charged before God;
Quarrels can be an encumbrance,
And causing you to become flawed.

It is not doing any good,
To only ruins the hearers;
Do best to present as you should,
Demons can be...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Appealing Wisdom

Does not wisdom call with her voice?
At the crossroad she takes her stand;
That is making your heart rejoice,
For the judgment as to demand.

She stands and placing in your path,
Crying out at the entry gate;
Guiding you away from the wrath,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Life Investment

Cast your bread upon the water,
You find after many days;
Sending a son or daughter,
They will find it that it stays.

Give a portion to seven,
You know not what disaster;
As the wrath comes from Heaven,
For you ignored the Master.

If the...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Dignity and Glory

The Lord is so majestic;
In His name in all the earth;
With glory to the angelic,
Because of His priceless worth.

Mouths of babies and infants
He has established of His strength;
For they have been sycophants,
Persevered at such a length.

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Come to the LORD

Seek the Lord while may be found,
Call on Him while He is near;
Listen closely upon His sound,
For honoring as you revere.

Let the wicked forsake their way,
And the unrighteous men their thought;
Their compassion making them stray,
For not...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
The Perfect Law

The Law of the Lord is perfect,
Reviving the soul-making wise;
Only the foolish would reject,
As to opening up their eyes.

The precepts of the Lord are right,
Rejoicing hearts to make them pure;
Enlightening to give insight,
And comforting...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Deliverance Thanksgiving

Oh give thanks unto the Lord,
His love endures forever;
Needs to be loved and adored,
Steadfast and will not sever.

Let the redeemed of the Lord,
Who were redeemed from trouble;
Never let it be ignored,
He pulled you from the rubble.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Gospel Advance

I want you to know what happened,
Has served to advance the Gospel;
Knowledge and wisdom are widened,
While speaking to the people.

That it has become known throughout,
My bonds in Christ are manifest;
No longer having any doubt,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Stronger Grace

Be strengthened by the grace,
That is in Jesus Christ;
And willing to embrace,
If not earthly enticed.

What you have heard from me,
Through many witnesses;
Entrusted as to see,
What it encompasses.

Commit to teach others,
Sharing the...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Deliberate Sin Warning

Think about the former days,
After you were enlightened;
Hard struggles that were always,
The sufferings that frightened.

Being publicly exposed,
To reproach and affliction;
Secrets that had been disclosed,
Of an earthly addiction.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
A Cry for Help

Listen to my prayer, O Lord,
Give an ear unto my plea;
Let not it be ignored,
Your faithfulness answers me.

Enter not into judgment,
No one living is righteous;
Enemies causing torment,
And should be brought to justice.

For those foes...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Hereby Know

By this, we know that we abide,
Because He gave us His Spirit;
And our faith has been applied,
By showing through our merit.

For we have seen and testify,
The Father looks on us with favor;
When we not ever would deny,
His Son being our...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Practical Advice

I plea you be in one accord,
And by being of the same mind;
Follow in the name of the Lord,
And being in the ties that bind.

I ask as a true companion,
Be side by side with the Gospel;
As you serve His dominion,
While preaching to the...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Apostle and High Priest

You who share heavenly calling,
Consider Jesus the High Priest;
The One who stops you from falling,
And will be preparing the feast.

Apostle of a profession,
Who was faithful and appointed;
The One for our confession,
Purifying of the...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
The LORD Declares

Do not listen to the word,
The prophets who prophesy;
Filling hopes that are absurd,
Speaking of what we not see.

They say continually,
Who despise the Holy Word;
Forecasts no calamity,
About which you may have heard.

Who amongst them...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Leaning on Jesus

Christ does not ask only for these,
But also those who will believe;
Through the Word floating in the breeze,
Those who are willing to receive.

They may all be one just as you,
The Father is in you and in me;
So that the world also construe,...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Harmonious Living

How good and pleasant it is,
When we dwell in unity;
Sharing all that has been His,
With living in harmony.

Like His oil on the head,
That runs down upon the beard;
His ointment in being fed,
Laud the One who is revered.

It runs down...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Supported Appreciation

You do well to share your trouble,
Hardships you are going through;
Let others pull you from rubble,
God will cure affliction in you.

Know the origin of the Gospel,
The partnership that you believe;
Sharing with the other people,
While you...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Appreciating Support

I rejoice in the Lord,
At length I have revived;
Let it not be ignored,
I have boldly survived.

Not that I am in need,
As speaking in respect;
And content without greed,
The Gospel I reflect.

Whatever state I am,
I learned to be...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Good Servants

Command and teach these things,
Let nobody despise;
For what goodness Christ brings,
Be humbled and wise.

Set as an example,
Believers as you speak;
The love of the Gospel,
Of the faith, they should seek,

Devote to the doctrine,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Christian Warfare

Be secure in the Lord,
In the strength of His might;
And be in one accord,
Remaining in His light.

Wear the armor of God,
And be able to stand;
As not to become flawed,
That Satan would command.

We wrestle against earth,
Against the...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Praising God

May God be gracious and bless,
Making His face shine on you;
Always in having access,
To the God that remains true.

Your way may be known on earth,
Saving health through the nation;
Experiencing new birth,
In being a new creation.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 1 year ago
Future after Death

Knowing the fear of the Lord,
What we are is known by God;
Letting it not be ignored,
Persuading others to laud.

Be known as to your conscience,
For manifesting your trust;
Remember in your defense,
That the Lord is always just.

We would...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 1 year ago
Request for Prayer

Pray that the Word of the Lord,
May speed ahead with honor;
To remain in one accord,
Always being a fawner.

Be delivered from evil,
In free course and glorified;
That your faith avoids the devil,
And think of the crucified.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Giving Thanks

I give thanks to our God,
Always because of His grace;
To whom we honor and laud,
And then we feel His embrace.

What He has given in Christ,
Everything you were enriched;
By which He was sacrificed,
From Pagan to Christian switched.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Works and Faith

You have the faith as well as works,
My faith and works I will show you;
Needing both because evil lurks,
Unto the Lord remaining true.

Even so, only faith alone,
Without your works then faith is dead;
The Father then cannot condone,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Ministry Counselor

I shall tell you the truth,
Being your advantage;
Remembering your youth,
Growing up at that stage.

Christ will convict the world,
Concerning righteousness;
For judgment to be hurled,
In losing consciousness.

It is concerning sin,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 2 years ago
The False Prophet

If a prophet or a dreamer,
Gives you a sign or a wonder;
They could just be as a schemer
In making your mind to wander.

A sign or wonder comes to pass,
Wants you to go another path;
For going through the looking glass,
Unknowingly to feel...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Praise for the LORD

Praise the Lord from up in Heaven,
Praise the Lord from in the heights;
Praise the Lord all He has given,
With wisdom everyone delights.

Praise Him and all of His angels,
Praise Him and all of His merit;
Praise Him for all of the gospels,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
False Teacher Judgment

Waterless springs and misty storm,
Of the gloom of utter darkness;
Anyone who does not transform,
The Lord is refusing to bless.

They speak swelling with vanity,
Enticed by sensual passions;
Acting like with no sanity,
And having immoral...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Keeping His Commands

We know that we abide in Him,
As He also abides in us;
Giving us His spiritual vim,
Since He gave His Spirit as thus.

For we have seen to testify,
That the Father had sent His Son;
In which nobody can deny,
Our Savior to be the One.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Engage in Battle

I thank the Lord, who gave me strength,
Judged me faithful to appoint me;
Persevering at any length,
By giving me insight as to see.

I obtained His mercy and grace,
Even though I was a blasphemer;
Forgiving while He embrace,
Being known as...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 2 years ago
Christian Life Struggles

You have followed my teaching,
My conduct and aim in life;
My faith and love in reaching,
Through all the toils and strife.

Patience through persecutions,
Steadfastness through suffering;
For all my contributions,
Christ is there for...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Benediction Instructions

May the God of peace sanctify,
Completely in body and soul;
Your spirit never to deny,
Allowing Jesus to console.

Faithful is He that is calling,
He shall also surely do it;
As He will keep you from falling,
With aid of the Holy Spirit.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 2 years ago
Remember to Obey

You shall lay up these words,
In your heart and your soul;
Listening to the birds,
As you let God console.

You shall bind as a sign,
Frontlets between your eyes;
Becoming more align,
As God makes you more wise.

You shall teach your...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Heavenly Sanctuary Service

When Christ appeared as a high priest,
That having come of the good things;
Through the greater more perfect feast,
Not made by hands of what it brings.

He entered in the holy place,
Not by the means of blood that flows;
But blood on the...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Spiritual Insight Prayer

Giving thanks I do not cease,
Remembering you in my prayer;
Hoping that your faith does increase,
Having compassion that you share.

That the Father of our Lord,
And the glory of Jesus Christ;
Gives wisdom not to be ignored,
With the...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 2 years ago
Spirit Life

Now no condemnation,
For those who are in Christ;
As a new creation,
Why He was sacrificed.

The Law of the Spirit,
Of life has set you free;
For what you inherit,
That has made your sin flee.

For God did what the Law,
What the flesh...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Servant Role

Grace has been given unto me,
A builder for a foundation;
A skilled master as to see,
Displaying a new creation.

A foundation in which was laid,
The cornerstone of Jesus Christ;
Because others have been afraid,
To tell why He was...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Forgiving God

You are enthroned forever,
Throughout all generations;
A reign that will not sever,
And giving aspirations.

You arise with compassion,
For it is time to favor;
Taking pity on Zion,
Appointed time as Savior.

For Your servants hold her...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Praising Works

I will give thanks unto the Lord,
Praising the Lord with my whole heart;
Because He is loved and adored,
Steadfast love never to depart.

Such great are the works of the Lord,
Sought out by all who delight therein;
While staying in one...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Confident Crisis Time

I cry aloud to God,
Asking Him to hear me;
Forgive where I am flawed,
Mine err to help me see.

On the day of trouble,
I seek to You O Lord;
To stretch from the rubble,
Defy to be ignored.

Ceasing not of my soul,
Looking for Your...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
A Morning Joy

I will extol You, O Lord,
Because You have drawn me up;
While my foes are ignored,
Drinking poison from their cup.

I cried to You for Your aid,
O Lord my God, You healed me;
I am no longer afraid,
Opening my eyes to see.

You have raised...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Alive with Christ

See that no one takes you captive,
By philosophy or deceit;
Rather look to remain active,
And be spiritually elite.

Remain in accordance with Christ,
With the fullness of deity;
Dwell in the One who sacrificed,
Life as He kept His purity.

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Prayer Instructions

I urge those intercession prayers,
Supplications and thanksgiving;
Be for showing how much one cares,
For the Lord all, they are living.

For all those in authority,
That we may lead a peaceful life;
Dignified with tranquility;
And godliness...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 2 years ago
The Love Law

Pass not judgment on each other,
And avoid any stumbling block;
In trying to trip your brother,
On the pathway where he would walk.

I am persuaded in the Lord,
In itself nothing is unclean;
For by walking in one accord,
He is building my...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
True Vine

Jesus Christ is the true vine,
The Father is the farmer;
As the fruit of the divine,
Reaping glory and honor.

Every branch within Christ,
That does not bear any fruit;
From the vine sacrificed,
Saving the rest from the root.

You have...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The New Creation

I saw the new Heaven and earth,
For the old ones had passed away;
Since land and sea consumed its worth,
The occupants did disobey.

I saw the new Jerusalem,
As it came down out of Heaven;
Brightly shined as a speculum,
The bride the Father...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Coming of Christ

Grace and peace from our Lord,
Who is and was and will be;
From the spirits in one accord,
As before His throne to see.

From Christ the faithful witness,
And the firstborn of the dead;
Ruling spiritual fitness,
Upon the throne as the head.

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Preach the Word

I charge you in front of the Lord,
Who will judge the living and dead;
Be appearing in one accord,
And to be spiritually fed.

Spiritually fed through the Word,
Preach and ready for the season;
Complete patience in what is heard,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Christ Centrality

Christ is the image of God,
Firstborn of all creation;
The unseen God that we laud,
That offers us salvation.

By Him, all was created,
Both in Heaven and on earth;
That God is elated,
All creatures with given birth.

Whether thrones or...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Essential in Faith

If Christ be preached raised from the dead,
Say not of no resurrection;
Never attempt to be misled,
And go in the wrong direction.

If there is no resurrection,
Then Christ not even had been raised;
It would be considered fiction,
No reason...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
True Security

Rise, you women who are at ease,
Hear my voice, complacent daughters;
Give ear to my speech if you please,
Come to the heavenly waters.

Many days and years be troubled,
For at that time you will shudder;
Disasters are to be doubled,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Defending Apostleship

I would have you to know,
The Gospel that was preached;
Not after man to show,
Rather from God outreached.

I received not from man,
Neither was I taught it;
Rather part of a plan,
Through the Holy Spirit.

For the revelation,
Coming from...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 2 years ago
Wise Expression

A good name is much better,
Than any precious ointment;
As the death of a debtor,
Than birth of disappointment.

Better to go in mourning,
Than for going to a feast;
For the end without warning,
Than in the lair of a beast.

Sorrow better...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Live in Love

Be imitators of God,
As a beloved child;
Giving Him honor and laud,
Never to be defiled.

Walk in love as Christ does love,
Offering to sacrifice;
Who gave up Himself thereof,
A ransom that paid the price.

Lustful immorality,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

I ask in the name of the Lord,
That every one of you agree;
We need to be in one accord,
No division is what I plea.

It has been reported to me,
There are contentions among you;
Causing divisions I can see,
Making it so hard to construe.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

 1 View
added 2 years ago
New Covenant Ministry

Christ is the mediator,
Being a new covenant;
As a negotiator,
And being the eminent.

For the promise we receive,
Eternal inheritance;
To all of you who believe,
Through committed repentance.

As where a will is involved,
The death of...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Vindication Prayer

Please vindicate me, O Lord,
I walk in integrity;
My trust not to be ignored,
Not wavering dignity.

Examine me and prove me,
Testing my heart and my mind;
Try my reins that You may see,
Unto You to be aligned.

Steadfast love before my...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Speaking to God

Continue steadfastly in prayer,
Watchful in it with thanksgiving;
With others continue to share,
For any wrongs be forgiving.

Withal praying also for us,
That God may open a new door;
Declaring mysteries as thus,
For any ailments that can...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Godly Exhortations

Since we have the confidence,
To enter the Holy Place;
Blood from Jesus for defense,
That is shining with His grace.

By the new and living way,
He opened through the curtain;
Through His flesh that we will stay,
As per His Word for certain....

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Live Out the Message

Let everyone be quick to hear,
Be slow to speak and slow to wrath;
Doing for the Lord and revere,
Avoiding trials on your path.

Anger of man does not produce,
The righteousness coming from God;
When you would let Satan seduce,
Sinful events...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Mature Trials

Count it all joy into trial,
Falling into a temptation;
Satan trying to defile,
For a righteous separation.

Testing faith produces soundness,
In building your perseverance;
Patience increases profoundness,
To the Word for obedience.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Blessings of the LORD

Unless the Lord builds the house,
Those who build labor in vain;
In harmony with a spouse,
Will have everything to gain.

If the Lord guards the city,
The guard stays awake in vain;
Because the Lord takes pity,
Of the trauma causing pain.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Ever lasting

All our days will pass away,
Under Your wrath brings our years;
To an end like a sighing stray,
That reconfirms all our fears.

Seventy years of our life,
By reason the strength of eighty;
Their span of the toil with strife,
As our hair has...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
From Death to Life

You were dead in trespass and sin,
Of a lifestyle in this world;
Following the prince on a whim,
Disobedience being hurled.

A spirit that has gone wild,
Passions of the flesh that still lives;
Noncompliance of a child,
From a desire that...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Warnings and Exhortations

Whether you are in the faith test,
About yourself do not realize;
Through Jesus Christ, you do your best,
For His wisdom will make you wise.

I hope that you find not to fail,
But pray to God not to do wrong;
So that at the end of your trail,...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Peace of God

I hope to see you in passing,
And to be helped in my journey;
Away from all the harassing,
From one who is an attorney.

I go to bring aid to the saints,
And pleased with their contribution;
Living without any complaints,
About latent...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
God of Peace

I hope to see you in passing,
And to be helped in my journey;
Away from all the harassing,
From one who is an attorney.

I go to bring aid to the saints,
And pleased with their contribution;
Living without any complaints,
About latent...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Glory to God Alone

Never unto us, O Lord,
But give glory to Your name;
Steadfast love in one accord,
Your faithfulness to proclaim.

For the mercy of Your grace,
Our God is in Heaven;
The heathens cannot replace,
All of which He has given.

He does all that...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Clay Jar Treasures

We have treasure in jars of clay,
Showing the surpassing power;
That we can claim on Judgment Day,
When we meet the Lord that hour.

We are afflicted in every way,
Not crushed nor driven to despair;
Not perplexed since we do obey,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Be Humble

Humble yourself unto the Lord,
Under the mighty hand of God;
For remaining in one accord,
As you give Him honor and laud.

Cast all of your anxieties,
Because He always cares for you;
Confessing your iniquities,
To God who is faithful and...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Nature of Resurrection

How are the dead resurrected?
What kind of body do they get?
Is the new body perfected,
After the Lord has paid their debt.

What you sow does not come to life,
Be not a fool unless it dies;
Once resurrected you rid strife,
And truth is...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Sufficient Grace

I must continue boasting,
Though there is nothing to gain;
Visions of the Lord hosting,
Revelations not in vain.

For I know the man in Christ,
Who was caught up to Heaven;
No temptations had enticed,
The reigning seat was given.

For He...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
New Creations

God makes a new Heaven and earth,
Former things will not come to mind;
That is giving life a new birth,
As the past will no longer find.

Rejoice in what He does create,
Creates Jerusalem with joy;
A new Zion that will be great,
That no one...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Trials and Maturity

Count it all joy with your trial,
The trials of various kinds;
Temptations make you defile,
With corruption within the minds.

You know it puts faith to the test,
For steadfastness in your patience;
Allowing you to do your best,
As your mind...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Coronation of the Son

Why do the nations rage,
As people plot in vain;
Act like beasts in a cage,
Going through so much pain.

For the kings of the earth,
Set themselves together;
As if they will give birth,
In the stormy weather.

Let their bonds burst apart,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Life Source

An angel showed me a river,
The river was water of life;
Bright as crystal made me shiver,
As it washed away all my strife.

From the throne of God and the Lamb,
Water that flowed so clear and pure;
Because God is the great, I AM,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Commanding King

Who is as the wise man,
Interprets of a thing;
Wisdom to know the plan,
God is willing to bring.

Wisdom makes His face shine,
Softness changes His face;
Glory from the Divine,
Is shining of His grace.

Keep the Law of the King,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Favouritism Sin

Show no partiality,
Holding faith in our Lord;
Showing hospitality,
His glory is not ignored.

If a man wears a gold ring,
As a poor man enters in;
Which one to the front you bring,
As a favoritism sin.

For if you pay attention,
From the...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Response from God

Fear not, O land, and be glad,
For the Lord has done great things;
No need for you to be sad,
For all the goodness He brings.

Fear not you beasts of the field,
Be not afraid and wallow,
Nourish from pastures that yield,
Tasting delight to...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Reconciled Ministry

In knowing the fear of the Lord,
Then we have to persuade others;
Let it not ever be ignored,
For warning sisters and brothers.

But what are we is known to God,
Hoping it known to your conscience;
That sin has been making you flawed,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Seeking God

Seek for the Lord and live,
For thus as He will say;
Confess He will forgive,
Trusting Him and obey.

Do not seek in Bethel,
Do not enter Gilgal;
Rather to the temple,
Worship the Lord you shall.

Go into exile,
That would come to...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

Pay attention all of you,
O earth, all that is in it;
Be a witness what is true,
Against what you do merit.

The Lord comes out of His place,
Tread upon places on earth;
The righteous will see His grace,
In glory showing true worth.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Judged Leaders

The Lord of Hosts will take away,
Supply and support for your bread;
Water dries up because you stray,
No longer what you have been fed.

The mighty man and the soldier,
The judge as well as the prophet;
Keeps vigilant on the stranger,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Christian Life

Be as a chosen one of God,
Having a compassionate heart;
Humbled to honor and laud,
Holy and beloved to impart.

Forbearing one another,
As the Lord has forgiven;
You should forgive each other,
Just how Heaven has driven.

Above all these...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
As One in Christ

Remember that at one time,
You in the flesh Gentiles;
Considered it as a crime,
Circumcised a lifestyle.

For that, you were at that time,
Were separated from Christ;
While being in your prime,
Iniquities have enticed.

Strangers of the...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Confidence of Faith

You stripped the sheath from your bow,
Calling for many arrows;
You have split the earth to show,
The rivers by the meadows.

The mountains saw You and shook,
As raging waters swept on;
The deep gave forth voice that took,
Its hands lifting...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Strong Grace

Remember Jesus Christ,
Had risen from the dead;
From David was enticed,
In the Gospel was fed.

Which I am suffering,
Being bound with chains;
But His Word buffering,
For enduring the pains.

I endure everything,
For sake of the elect;

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Trust the LORD

Let not the steadfast love,
Faithfulness forsake you;
Bind to your heart thereof,
His Word you know as true.

For mercy and the truth,
That you will find favor;
Good success since your youth,
God being your Savior.

Good success in His...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Pragmatic Counsel

I love and long for,
My joy and my crown;
Standing fast much more,
The Lord I renown.

I bid to agree,
My true companion;
Unto His decree,
From His dominion.

I sweat side by side,
Same mind with the Lord;
While I abide,
And in one...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Wicked Humans

Your steadfast love, O Lord,
Extends up to Heaven;
Your faithfulness adored,
From all that is given.

Faithfulness to the clouds,
Righteousness like mountains;
Your judgment on the crowds,
Just like flowing fountains.

Your judgment is so...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

There is severe discipline,
For him who forsakes the way;
Having caused to commit sin,
As to being led astray.

Hell and wrath before the Lord,
How much more within the heart;
The Word of God is ignored,
From the Lord that they depart.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Unbelief Warning

Today, if you hear His voice,
Try not to harden your heart;
Do not rebel but rejoice,
Listen and learn to impart.

For on the day of testing,
Going through the wilderness;
There is no time for resting,
Expecting the Lord to bless.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Who has Believed

Who has believed what they have heard,
To whom has the arm of the Lord;
That has been revealed in the Word,
And has not let it be ignored.

For He grew up like a young plant,
And like a root out of dry ground;
Did anyone praise with a chant,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
End-The end of all things are at hand, Be sober-minded with your prayer; Be self-controllTime Ethics

The end of all things are at hand,
Be sober-minded with your prayer;
Be self-controlled with the demand,
Be diligent handle with care.

Keep loving of one another,
Since love does cover many sin;
Treating like sister and brother,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Saying Thank You

When you come into the land,
That your Lord God is giving;
An inheritance to stand,
A residence for living.

You shall take some of the first,
Of all the fruit from the ground;
And the Lord will quench your thirst,
When praising a pleasant...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Closely Watched

He will command His angels,
To guard you in all your ways;
Protecting you from evils;
Avoiding someone that strays.

On their hands they bear you up;
That your foot strikes not a rock;
And drink from a hallowed cup,
Never alone where you...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Righteous Kingdom

A King will reign in righteousness,
As a prince will rule in justice;
Having a holy godliness,
In guiding the moral compass.

Each will be like a hiding place,
A shelter from the storm and wind;
Like streams of water giving grace,
And great...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Our Apostle and High Priest

You share a heavenly calling,
With Christ of our confession;
Because Adam and His falling,
We admit in a profession.

Who was faithful and ordained Him,
As faithful to the House of God;
Appointed with spiritual vim,
For blessing who honor...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Song of Judah

On that day this song will be sung,
Of the strong city in this land;
On the walls salvation is strung,
As the voice of God did command.

Open the gates to enter in,
The righteous nation that keeps trust;
With a faith that will avoid sin,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Lord Encourages

You whom the Lord selected,
Of the offspring and a friend;
Should never feel neglected,
He will be near to defend.

For from the ends of the earth,
Called from the farthest corners;
As His servant since your birth,
Being here as sojourners.

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Holy King

Let the people tremble,
Allow the earth to quake;
In fear to assemble,
Because they do forsake.

God is great in Zion,
Exalted over them all;
He roars like a lion,
To all those that did fall.

Let them praise His greatness,
Holy His...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Love Everlasting

What shall we say on things,
If God has been for us;
All the good that He brings,
Who can be against us?

He did not spare His Son,
But gave Him up for us;
So graciously has done,
Giving us all as thus.

Who shall bring any charge,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
An Approved Worker

I remind you of these things,
And charging you before God;
As to what a quarrel brings,
Causing hearers to be flawed.

Do your best in front of God,
Study to show how He approves;
Giving Him honor and laud,
Enticement as one removes.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Past Lessons

Give an ear to my teaching,
Incline your ear to the Word;
To what my mouth is preaching,
Adhering to what is heard.

I tell you a parable,
Uttering dark tales of old;
Of things that were terrible,
That our fathers have told.

Things that...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Resurrection Body

How are the dead being raised,
What kind of body possess;
If Jesus Christ would be praised,
And dead people did confess.

What you sow comes not to life,
As a foolish person dies;
Unable to cope with strife,
What is hidden from their eyes.

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Strengthened Love Prayer

I bow my knees to the Father,
Who of our Lord Jesus Christ;
Adopted us as a Brother,
That the Father had sacrificed.

The whole family in Heaven,
And on the earth has been named;
Of the adoption been given,
For as the Father has proclaimed.

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Steadfast Love

The Lord works righteousness,
Justice for the oppressed;
Showing His faithfulness,
For those who have confessed.

For He made known His ways,
His acts to the people;
Gracious to those who praise,
Going to His temple.

The Lord is merciful,...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

I give thanks unto the Lord,
Mentioning you in my prayers;
For you have loved and adored,
Since you know God really cares.

Remember without ceasing,
Of faith and labor of love;
Steadfastness that is pleasing,
To God your Father above.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Warning against Regression

Though we speak in this way,
Swayed to have better things;
In order to obey,
For salvation it brings.

God is not unrighteous,
To block labor of love;
But remaining conscious,
From on His throne above.

I desire each one,
For showing...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

Let us strive to enter rest,
So that nobody may fall;
Obedience at its best,
When the Lord making His call.

The Word of God is living,
Sharper than a two-edged sword;
Merciful with forgiving,
When confessing to the Lord.

No creature hid...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Wisdom Hymn

So where does wisdom come from,
The place of understanding;
That would keep you cool and calm,
Of something that is demanding.

It will hide from the living,
Concealed from birds in the air;
Compassion and forgiving,
Wisdom is willing to...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Essential to Faith

If Christ is raised from the dead,
Then there is resurrection;
Knowing of what lies ahead,
Points us in which direction.

But if no resurrection,
Not even Christ has risen;
Then you have a rejection,
Having no path to Heaven.

And if...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Faith Growth

His divine power granted us,
All the things that pertain to life;
Through the knowledge of Him as thus,
For the glory to cope with strife.

By which He granted to assure,
Promises as great and precious;
A divine nature that is pure,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Triumphant Faith

Since by faith we are justified,
We have peace with God through the Lord;
Our Lord who was crucified,
For us to be in one accord.

By faith in Him, we have access,
Into this grace in which we stand;
In our hope as we confess,
Of His glory...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Happiness from Wisdom

By wisdom, the Lord made the earth,
Understanding set up Heaven;
All creatures the power of birth,
For all of the beauty given.

By His knowledge depths are broken,
While the clouds drop down the dew;
By His commands that were spoken,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Confidence with the LORD

Preserve me for I take refuge,
For O God You are my Lord;
Your commands I cannot refuse,
For You never can be ignored.

I am no good apart from You,
Because in You, I take delight;
Knowing You are faithful and true,
While doing all that is...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Love Command

This is the message that you heard,
That you should love one another;
From the beginning in the Word,
Treat them as sister and brother.

We should never be just like Cain,
The evil one killed his brother;
Causing another of such pain,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Heirs with Christ

We are debtors not to the flesh,
Rather debtors unto the Lord;
Living according to the flesh,
And not being in one accord.

Living by the flesh you will die,
But by the Spirit puts to death;
Deeds of the body that shall lie,
You shall live...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Restoration of Israel

Fear not for God has redeemed you,
You are His and called you by name;
Freed from debts that are overdue,
Sent His Spirit to light your flame.

So when you pass through the waters,
He will be with you through the streams;
Be fruitful with...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Prophecy and Tongues

One who speaks in a tongue,
Should pray to interpret;
So the words that are flung,
Are heard like a trumpet.

If I pray in a tongue,
My spirit also prays;
But my mind has not swung,
With unfruitful delays.

So what am I to do?
I pray with...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Eternal God and Mortal Man

You have been our dwelling place,
Before the mountains were brought forth;
Always showing mercy and grace,
In all generations from the source.

You had formed this place we call earth,
Everlasting eternally;
Fruitful to multiply through...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Obedience, not Sacrifice

Hear me, O Heaven, and give ear,
O earth for the Lord has spoken;
I have reared and brought up in fear,
The children rebelled and broken.

The ox is knowing its owner,
And the donkey its master’s crib;
But does not know of the loner,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Thankful Heart

I give You thanks with my whole heart,
Before the gods I sing Your praise;
I shall always sing to impart,
Throughout the night and all my days.

I bow toward Your holy temple,
As I give thanks unto Your name;
Your steadfast love to Your...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Praise the King

O sing to the Lord a new song,
For He has done marvelous things;
All is perfect nothing is wrong,
For all the goodness that it brings.

His right hand and His holy arm,
Has been giving His salvation;
For avoiding from any harm.
And made me a...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Reconciliation Ministry

We regard no one to the flesh,
Although we once regarded Christ;
But the memories did refresh,
The reason He was sacrificed.

For if anyone is in Christ,
Then He will be a new creation;
And no longer to be enticed,
By any earthly vocation.

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Mercy Prayer

Rebuke me not with Your wrath,
Nor chasten with displeasure;
Guide me down the narrow path,
Be gracious with good measure.

Have mercy upon me, O Lord,
I languish and need to heal;
That my plea not be ignored,

 And give me spiritual zeal.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Heralding Watchman

How beautiful of the mountains,
Are the feet of who brings Good News;
Good tidings from flowing fountains,
Blessings unto the ones that choose.

The voice of your guard that God reigns,
The watchman lifting up His voice;
For eye to eye to...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Dependence in the LORD

To the Lord, I lift up my soul,
O my God, in You, I do trust;
Because in You who I console,
Knowing You are faithful and just.

Let me never be put to shame,
Nor let foes triumph over me;
For I continue to proclaim,
As I follow what You...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Sinners Portrait

The fool says that there is no God,
They are corrupt with evil deeds;
It is Satan they honor and laud,
While catering to his needs.

The Lord looks down on all of us,
To see if any understand;
That are seeking the Lord as thus,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Loving God

In this is love, not that we love,
But He loved us and sent His Son;
Propitiation from above,
For all of us to be as one.

Beloved, if God has so loved us,
We ought to love one another;
Since God has been unseen as thus,
Treat them as sister...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Time Mystery

What gain has one from his toil,
And the profit of his labor;
Working his hands in the soil,
For the envy of his neighbor.

I have seen the business that God,
Given to the children of man;
Showing the Lord honor and laud,
While taking care...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Call and Commission

Before He formed you in the womb,
He blessed you before you were born;
Laid out plans through life till the tomb,
While on earth that you sojourn.

I do not know just how to speak,
For I am only in my youth;
I have not learned how I should...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Help in Old Age

In the Lord I take refuge,
Letting me not be put to shame;
Never will he try to confuse,
The trust that I put in His name.

His righteousness delivers me,
And allowing me to break out;
He looks down upon me to see,
As He saves me from any...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Persistent Sin

Curse is the man who trusts in man,
While making his flesh his strength;
His heart knows not of the Lord’s plan,
Turning away at a great length.

He is like shrubs in the desert,
And shall not see any good go;
Parched places that wind will...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Potter Parable

Arise and go to the potter,
Letting him to hear the Word;
Say to his son and daughter,
Of the things that have occurred.

So I went down to his house,
He was working at his wheel;
I preached to him and his spouse,
On getting spiritual zeal.

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Love the LORD

I will love the Lord,
For He heard my cry;
My pleas not ignored,
That caused me to sigh.

He inclined His ear,
As long as I live;
Knowing He is near,
Willing to forgive.

The sorrows of death,
Has encompassed me;
As Sheol takes my...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Most High Protection

He who dwells in the secret place,
Abides in the shadow of God;
The Almighty will shine His grace,
While he gives honor and laud.

He is my refuge and fortress,
Because the Lord to whom I trust;
He forgives to what I confess,
Knowing that He...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Day of Pentecost

This Jesus that God had raised,
And that all of us to witness;
To whom we worshipped and praised,
Gaining spiritual fitness.

Exalted on the right hand,
From the Father had received;
Who had given to command,
His Spirit to who believed.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Liberty Law

See it better than another,
As another sees all the same;
Perception comes from each other,
Convinced as each one would proclaim.

The one who would observe the day,
Observes it to honor the Lord;
Eating after he goes to pray,
That God is...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Sixth Sign

Christ saw a man blind since birth,
Who sinned this man be born blind;
To cause this for what it is worth,
That has caused to lose their mind.

It is not that this man sinned,
That works of God be displayed;
Not be poorly disciplined,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Beginning Knowledge

To know wisdom and instruction,
To understand words of insight;
For helping of your perception,
In doing the things that are right.

To receive instruction to deal,
In righteousness and in justice;
For the wisdom that you will feel,
Of an...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Witnessing Creation and Scripture

The Law of the Lord is perfect,
The testimony of the Lord;
Making it wise as to reflect,
Reviving as in one accord.

The precepts of the Lord are right,
The command of the Lord is pure;
Enlightening to give insight,
That is for certain to...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Fatherly Discipline

Consider who endures sinners,
With hostile contradictions;
Grow not weary to be winners,
That results from the afflictions.

You struggle by resisting sin,
To the point of shedding your blood;
While building your discipline,
Temptations as a...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Doing by Hearing

Let all people be quick to hear,
Slow to anger and slow to speak;
For learning in how to revere,
What they should do and where to seek.

For anger makes not righteousness,
Because anger will bring on wrath;
Only producing carelessness,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

Let brotherly love continue,
Neglect not hospitality;
Because some angels come to you,
Disguised as unknown deity.

Remember those who are in jail,
As though you were in there with them;
If mistreated then post their bail,
Only the Lord...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Zion Restoration

I will not keep silent,
I will not be quiet;
I remain vigilant,
For another riot.

For righteousness is bright,
As a burning torch;
As I stand in the light,
This place that God will scorch.

The nations then shall see,
Glory from...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Bless Who Fear God

Bless all of those who fear the Lord,
Blessing those who walk in His ways;
Because they walk in one accord,
Continue to worship as one prays.

You eat the fruit of your labor,
Blessing the work done by your hands;
It is well helping your...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Forgiving God

The Lord executes righteousness,
Justice for those who are oppressed;
Compassion having graciousness,
For all of those that have confessed.

He has made known about His ways,
About His acts to the people;
For anybody that obeys,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
A Deliverance Plea

How long will You forget me?
How long will You hide Your face?
O Lord, will You hear my plea,
I want to feel Your embrace.

How long must I take counsel,
Having sorrow in my heart;
All-day and night in my soul,
My plea can never depart.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Living Hope

Bless God the Father of the Lord,
According to His great mercy;
Be born again in one accord,
Opening your eyes as to see.

Born again to a living hope,
Through resurrection from the dead;
Jesus Christ renders aid to cope,
Of comforting...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The LORD Is Great

All Your works I appreciate,
And all Your saints are blessing You;
They shall speak not to deviate,
From Your Holy Word that holds true.

They shall speak about Your Kingdom,
Of the glory of Your power;
And the greatness of Your wisdom,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Christian Life

Put on as His elect,
A compassionate heart;
Being humbled select,
With kindness to impart.

Bearing with each other,
And willing to forgive;
Forgiving your brother,
Harmoniously live.

Do all of this with love,
And showing that you care;

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Compassionate God

Praise the Lord, O my soul,
Praise as long as I live;
Sing praise to reach the goal,
All that your heart can give.

Trust not any princes,
Nor in the sons of man;
Someone that convinces,
No salvation to plan.

So when his breath departs,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
New Man Life

If you have been raised with Christ,
Seek the things that are above;
Let yourself not be enticed,
Anything on earth thereof.

Set your mind on things above,
Not on things that are on earth;
You have died because of love,
And given a second...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Praise the Creator

Shout for joy in the Lord,
Praise befits the upright;
He is loved and adored,
As you stay in His light.

Give thanks unto the Lord,
Melody with a harp;
Praise Him in one accord,
Praising Him with your heart.

Sing to Him a new song,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Supporting Appreciation

O rejoice in the Lord greatly,
That now at length you have revived;
You were indeed concerned lately,
The opportunity survived.

Not speaking of being in need,
Learning in a situation;
To be content when I succeed,
In being a new creation.

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Reach Forward

Let those of us who are mature,
Anything you think otherwise;
God will reveal what is obscure,
That will open up our eyes.

Only let us hold what is true,
Whereto of that we have attained;
Let us walk the same we construe,
In the wisdom we...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Ministry of Reconciliation

For now, no one is of the flesh,
Even though how we had known Christ;
Rather our lives did refresh,
Because Jesus was sacrificed.

You are now a new creation,
By leaving the old pass away;
Through God having your salvation,
Because you do...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Cause to God

Let me have silence as I speak,
And let come upon me what may;
Because of what that I may seek,
Be able to come our way.

Why should I take flesh in my teeth,
And putting my life in my hand;
Not knowing what is underneath,
That could cause...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Faithful incitement

You must remember predictions,
From the apostles of the Lord;
Not forgetting the afflictions,
Never letting them be ignored.

The last time there will be scoffers,
Who walk in their ungodly lust;
For the passions of the mockers,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Lord Challenges

I took to the ends of the earth,
And called from the farthest corners;
I am the servant since my birth,
That God picked from the sojourners.

He chose me and not cast away,
Who is my Lord and will strengthen;
I will fear not and never stray,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Wisdom Happiness

Bless the one who finds wisdom,
And who gets understanding;
That flows down from His Kingdom,
Coping what is demanding.

The gain from her is better,
Than all the silver and gold;
Follow God to the letter,
With insight that will unfold.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Law Misuse

I urge you when I am gone,
That you may charge some people;
They do not profess upon,
The teachings of the Gospel.

They teach different doctrine,
Devote themselves to false tales;
That promotes evil and sin,
And how the stewardship fails.

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Humility Exaltation

Amongst yourselves, have this in mind,
Which is for you in Jesus Christ;
In remaining humbled and kind,
Not letting yourself be enticed.

Though He was in the form of God,
But not counting equality;
To grasp why you honor and laud,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Distress Cry

Hear my prayer, O Lord,
I plea for mercy;
Not to be ignored,
Answer Your decree.

In Your righteousness,
Enter not judgement;
Showing faithfulness,
Cleanse me from ailment.

I poured my complaint,
Shewing my trouble;
Foes have no...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Law Freedom

We ourselves are Jews by birth,
And not as Gentile sinners;
As we sojourn on planet earth,
Spiritually beginners.

We are not justified by deeds,
Rather in faith through Jesus Christ;
Through the Father for our needs,
Because Jesus was...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Christ versus Heresy

Know of how great a struggle,
All of those who have not seen;
Face to face with the trouble,
Of the conflict that has been.

That your heart be encouraged,
And knit together in love;
Never to be discouraged,
By any events thereof.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Beginning Wisdom

I will give thanks to the Lord,
Praise the Lord with my whole heart;
And remain in one accord,
In assembly to impart.

Great are the works of the Lord,
Studied by all who delight;
Sought out all to be adored,
For the wisdom and insight.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
A Good Servant

Now the Spirit expressly tells,
Within in the latter of times;
Someone may depart that expels,
From their faith for committing crimes.

They trust in deceitful spirits,
And the teaching of the devil;
From the dark side that elicits,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Old Age Help

From my youth the Lord has taught,
As I proclaim wondrous deeds;
For everything I have sought,
He has fulfilled all my needs.

Though with old age and gray hair,
The Lord does not forsake me;
I know He is just and fair,
Giving me insight to...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Protection Plea

Be gracious to me O Lord,
My eye is wasted from grief;
Let not my soul be ignored,
My body needs your relief.

Because I am in distress,
My life is spent with sorrow;
With my sighing I confess,
Wondered about tomorrow.

My strength fails...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The LORD Our Protector

I lift my eyes unto the hills,
From whence comes of my rendered aid;
For curing any of my ills,
Confident not being afraid.

My assistance comes from the Lord,
Who created Heaven and earth;
Knowing that I am not ignored,
Since He watches me...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

In returning, you shall be saved,
In quietness and in your trust;
For you are no longer enslaved,
To temptation from any lust.

But you have been so unwilling,
While fleeing upon a horse;
That iniquity is thrilling,
And that you rather stay...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Spiritual Wisdom

The mature imparts wisdom,
Not a wisdom of this age;
But the heavenly kingdom,
Bringing us to a new stage.

For the rulers of this world,
Who are doomed to pass away;
Sees not what God has unfurled,
Since this place led them astray.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Unity and Diversity

A prisoner for the Lord,
I will walk in the manner;
Worthy and in one accord,
Because He is my planner.

With all the humility,
And gentleness with patience;
Gives me the ability,
For building my confidence.

Bear love for one another,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
A New Year Revelation

Two thousand twenty two is here,
As we celebrate with a joyous cheer;
Giving a devotion, commitment and love,
To our Lord God the Almighty up above.

In return we are blessed with Holy bliss,
Informing the world telling it like it is.

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
A New Year Wish

We all love one another,
Like sister and brother;
Derived from our youth,
With following the truth.

I pray that all goes well,
And that you will excel;
Through every venture,
Of being in your future.

May the upcoming year,
Bring hope to...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Year end Review

Another chapter in life,
Is nearly about to close;
Seeing the toils and strife,
From the streets and roads we chose.

Yet it seemed to move by fast,
Wondering where it had gone;
For the good times did not last,
As a new year starts to dawn.

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Comforting God

Hope for you is unshaken,
As you share in suffering;
You have not been forsaken,
Christ is here for buffering.

He shares in our comfort,
And want you to be aware;
Rewarded by your effort,
If you are willing to share.

To have such an...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Unity in Christ

The Lord is our peace,
Has broken down the wall;
A love that will not cease,
Catches us whence we fall.

Abolishing the Law,
Expressed in ordinance;
Erasing our flaw,
Advocate for defense.

He might reconcile,
One body unto God;

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Lessons from the Past

Give an ear to my teaching,
Inclined your ear to the Word;
To what my mouth is preaching,
Heed to what as it is heard.

I speak in a parable,
Utter dark sayings of old;
That has been declarable,
Through generations been told.

Things that...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Living in Harmony

How good and how pleasant,
To dwell in unity;
Blessings are abundant,
To live in harmony.

Like a precious oil,
Being poured on the head;
Erasing all toil,
Daily work that has fed.

Ointment runs down the neck,
To the skirts of the robe;

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Christ Our Advocate

I am writing these things,
So that you may not sin;
But an advocate brings,
The means to purge within.

Jesus Christ the righteous,
The propitiation;
Brings the world to justice,
And giving salvation.

And hereby we do know,
If we keep...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Prince of Peace

There will be no gloom who anguish,
In former time brought in contempt;
As many people will languish,
That the latter time is exempt.

The people that walk in the dark,
Will be now seeing a great light;
It shines guiding where to embark,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Immanuel Prophecy

Ask a sign of the Lord,
Be as high as Heaven;
Requests are not ignored,
If sincerely given.

Put not God to the test,
Never to tempt the Lord;
Show a passionate zest,
Being in one accord.

O house of David hear,
It is too small for you;

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Conquering King

Muster daughter of the troops,
A siege is laid against us;
With a rod strike at the roots,
For judging Israel as thus.

O Bethlehem who is small,
Too little among the clans;
Now is beginning to fall,
Not following what God plans.

Yet out...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Receiving a Sign

Ask a sign of the Lord your God,
Let it be as high as Heaven;
And be sure to honor and laud,
Thankful for all He has given.

I put not the Lord to the test,
Never try to be in contempt;
Rather I will do my best,
His commands I will not...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

O God, my Lord,
For my name sake;
Your Love adored,
That I partake.

Deliver me,
I am in need;
Too poor to see,
How to succeed.

My stricken heart,
Like a shadow;
Shaken from start,
Mind too shallow.

My knees are weak,
Body fasting;...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Action of Love

This is what that you have heard,
That you should love each other;
And sharing as in the Word,
With your sister and brother.

We should never be like Cain,
Who had been the evil one;
Causing one another pain,
The murdering that was done.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Godliness Exhortations

Since we have confidence,
With boldness to enter;
Being in accordance,
With Jesus your mentor.

Into a holy place,
Within the blood of Christ;
The Father shines His grace,
Cleansed by the sacrificed.

The new and living way,
That opens up...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Grace Strong

Be strengthened by the grace,
That comes from Jesus Christ;
Allow Him to embrace,
Whose life was sacrificed.

What you have heard from me,
Trusted to faithful men;
Have testified to see,
To teach others often.

Share in the suffering,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
World Warning

I am writing unto you,
For your sins are forgiven;
So continue to be true,
For your place up in Heaven.

Forgiven for His name sake,
With knowing Him from the start;
You have to remain awake,
To block Satan from your heart.

You do know...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Encouraging Report

I have come to you,
Bringing the Good News;
Of love that is true,
With heavenly views.

In all the distress,
And the affliction;
But the Lord will bless,
To rid addiction.

Your faith gives comfort,
For now where we live;
Giving you...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
God Alone Trust

For God my soul waits in silence,
Since from Him comes my salvation;
Because He is my best defense,
Against all of the temptation.

He is my rock and salvation,
My fortress not greatly shaken;
He calms me from my vexation,
Knowing I am not...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
LORD Dependence

To You I lift up my soul,
O my God in You I trust;
And in You I will console,
Because You are fair and just.

Let me not be put to shame,
Nor foes triumph over me;
For in You I do proclaim,
With lowly humility.

Those who wait will see no...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Cry for Help

Please hear my prayer O Lord.
Give an ear to my plea;
Let it not be ignored,
I ask You for mercy.

Righteously answer me,
Enter not a verdict;
Knowing all that you see,
I ask not to convict.

For no one is righteous,
No one is justified;

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

Behold the days will arrive,
When God fulfills His promise;
To be glad you are alive,
To see the day of justice.

In those days and at that time,
He will cause a righteous tree;
People will pay for their crime,
Of righteousness you will see....

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Righteousness Upheld

What advantage has the Jew,
To value circumcision?
How can anyone construe,
Benefits to envision.

So much that in every way,
To begin with to entrust;
That is causing Jews to stray,
For satisfying a lust.

What is some were unfaithful?

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Salvation Founder

It was not to angels that God,
Subjected the world to arrive;
Rather for His Son for to laud,
Giving salvation to survive.

For of which that we are speaking,
It has been testified somewhere;
Be mindful who we are seeking,
The Son of man for...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
By Grace Through Faith

You were dead in iniquities,
Through all your trespasses and sin;
From immoral activities,
That has corrupted you within.

Wherein in time past that you walked,
Following the course of this world;
Since the prince of the air had talked,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

Remember my afflictions,
As well as my wanderings;
That comes from my addictions,
Are causing such sufferings.

The gall of my misery,
As my soul still remembers;
Still remains a mystery,
About the burning embers.

Burning embers within...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
All Knowing and Ever Present

How precious to me Your thoughts,
How vast is the sum of them;
You see enemy onslaughts,
Knowing judgment will condemn.

If You would count them how many,
They are more than grains of sand;
But You will not let any,
In pilfering of the land....

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Faithful Exhortation

You must remember predictions,
From the apostles of the Lord;
Christ persevered the afflictions,
We must not let them be ignored.

In the end there will be scoffers,
Following ungodly passions;
For they will be truly mockers,
And wearing...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Israel Restoration

Who created and formed you,
Fear not for He has redeemed;
He called you to be pursue,
Iniquities to be cleaned.

When you pass through the waters,
And with you through the rivers;
Sheltering in His quarters,
Warming you when life shivers.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Zion Salvation

Listen who pursue righteousness,
For you must be seeking the Lord;
Get rid of your audaciousness,
While being in one accord.

Look to the rock which you were hewn,
The quarry from which you were dug;
The Lord will be returning soon,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The LORD Reigns

The Lord is robed in majesty,
He is robed with strength as He reigns;
Humbled having a modesty,
Through His monarchy that attains.

He has put on strength with His belt.
The world established never moved;
From His throne judgment is dealt,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Everlasting Love

What shall we say unto these things?
If God is for us who could not;
Knowing the goodness that He brings,
Catering to all that we sought.

He who did not spare His own Son,
But was given up for us all;
Because of what Jesus had done,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
My Salvation

The Lord is my light,
And my salvation;
Giving me the might,
With affirmation.

So who shall I fear,
He is my stronghold;
Knowing He is near,
As Scripture have told.

When my foes assail,
My flesh try to eat;
The Lord will prevail,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The City of Peace

For it shall come to pass,
Upon the latter days;
The mountains shall amass,
Fire will set them ablaze.

The Lord shall be on it,
Lifted above the hills;
Nations shall flow down it,
Destroying all their ills.

Many people shall go,
To go...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Partiality Sin

Show no partiality,
Having the faith as you hold;
For your spirituality,
In the Lord be good as gold.

If a man with a gold ring,
Having fine clothing that comes by;
A poor man with worn clothing,
Which one is catching your eye.

If your...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
God's Love

We know that we abide in Him,
For He has given His Spirit;
Building up a spiritual vim,
Safeguarding what we inherit.

For we have seen and testify,
That the Father has sent His Son;
Even though people would deny,
For the reason why it was...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Confidence in the LORD

Preserve me, O God, my refuge,
For in you do I put my trust;
I am pelted with a deluge,
From the desires of the lust.

For You are my Lord and my God,
I am no good apart from you;
And persist to honor and laud,
Knowing You are faithful and...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Chosen

The Lord had made a promise,
Not to go back on His Word;
For bringing about justice,
Who ignore what they have heard.

The fruit will set on the throne,
To keep the promise and rules;
As for His actions alone,
Will be judgment on the fools.

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Steadfast Love of the LORD

Heaven and earth are Yours,
The world and all in it;
Founded all that endures,
As founded to permit.

The north also the south,
That You have created;
We praise with our mouth,
For we are elated.

You have a mighty arm,
And having a...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Ashamed Not

Hold no guilt of testimony,
Share suffering, be not ashamed;
Never try to be a phony,
Let the Gospel to be proclaimed.

Who called us to holy calling,
Was not because of our deeds;
The grace of Christ stopped the falling,
Through His Word...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
God Our Refuge

God is our refuge and strength,
A real present help in trouble;
To persevere at any length,
For rescuing from the rubble.

We fear not though the earth gives way,
Though mountains move into the sea;
Its waters roar throughout the day,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Promised Restoration

Sing aloud daughter of Zion,
Be glad and rejoice in your heart;
As you can roar like a lion,
The Word of the Lord to impart.

All your judgments God took away,
He has cleared away any foe;
He is your King that you obey,
Never fear evil that...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Good Success

He was oppressed and afflicted,
Yet He did not open to speak;
Like a lamb that was convicted,
No escape did He try to seek.

By oppression and a judgment,
They took Him away to prison;
Because of some had discernment,
About the things that...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
End Time Ethics

The end of all things are at hand,
Be sober and watch unto prayer;
Be self-controlled of the demand,
Someone who is a betrayer.

Just keep loving one another,
Because love covers so much sin;
Warm charity to your brother,
Maintain spiritual...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

Go to the ant, O sluggard,
Consider her ways as wise;
Winter soon with a blizzard,
For the future open eyes.

Without having any guide,
No overseer or ruler;
Taking your journey in stride,
Vigilant of the fouler.

She prepares bread in...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Spirit versus Flesh

Walk by the Holy Spirit,
Gratify not desires;
Do spiritually merit,
As to what God requires.

For the fleshy desires,
Are opposed to the Spirit;
For what the flesh acquires,
Conflicts what you inherit.

But of you are Spirit led,
You are...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Glory King

The earth belongs to the Lord,
And all the fullness thereof;
All of whom dwell are adored,
Sending His blessings of love.

For He has founded the seas,
Established upon rivers;
Created the birds and trees,
Thrives on all He delivers.


by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
A Restoration

When the Lord had restored,
The fortunes of Zion;
It was like a reward,
Capturing a lion.

Then we filled with laughter,
Our tongue shouts of joy;
Knowing the hereafter,
Eternally deploy.

The Lord has done great things,
For us and we are...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Wise Sayings

A good name is better,
Than a precious ointment;
Not being a debtor,
Or a disappointment.

It is better to go,
In the day to a place;
Than at night when you know,
That you are a disgrace.

And for the day of death,
Better than time of...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
My Stronghold

Hear, O Lord, as I cry aloud,
Please be gracious and answer me;
I look for a sign in the cloud,
For Your return that I can see.

You have said of seeking Your face,
My heart says “Your face I do seek”;
I need comfort of Your embrace,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Instructing Wisdom

Fret not about evildoers,
The workers of iniquity;
Not envious of pursuers,
The wrongs that Satan would decree.

For they will soon fade like the grass,
Wither and die like the green plant;
Like the heat of summer will pass,
And carried away...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Righteous Refuge

Give an ear to what I say,
And consider my groaning;
Meditating as I pray,
As I continue moaning.

Give attention to the sound,
Hearken my voice to my cry;
My King and my God astound,
For I pray while I sigh.

In the morning You have...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
High Priest Apostle

There be any of you evil,
Leading you away from the Lord;
Leaning your heart towards the devil,
As Holy Scriptures are ignored.

Rather exhort one another,
As long as it is called today;
Deceitfulness to your brother,
Is a method for you to...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
New Life

This I say and testify,
That you must no longer walk;
As the Gentiles might try,
The futility through talk.

The understanding darkened,
Alienated from the Lord;
Ignorance not harkened,
Because Heaven is ignored.

Due to their hardness of...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Good Shepherd

The Lord is my shepherd,
I shall not desire;
As I follow His Word,
Gives what I require.

I lie in green pastures,
And led by still waters;
Teaching of the Scriptures,
To my sons and daughters.

He has restored my soul,
Led to the...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Imminent Death

Seek the Lord and you shall live,
Lest He breaks out like fire;
Confess and He shall forgive,
Showing what you require.

Devour but none to quench,
You turn justice to wormwood;
Casting righteousness to drench,
Into darkness where they...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

How can a man keep himself pure,
By guarding it as to the Word;
Taking heed and merely ignore,
The temptations you may have...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Revealed Mystery

You have heard of sharing the grace,
That God has given unto you;
For the blessings it will embrace,
With wisdom for helping...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

All our days will pass away,
We bring our years to an end;
Under His wrath within a day,
Like a sigh this life will...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Wisdom Instruction

The steps of man decreed by the Lord,
Because He delights in His way;
Especially in one accord,
And never is going...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Unshakable Things

You have come unto Mount Zion,
The city of the living God;
Where the lamb lies with the lion,
Where the righteous honor and laud.

The heavenly Jerusalem,
Many angels are gathering;
A joyous festive vinculum,

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Vindicated Ways

When my soul was embittered,
That made my heart pricked and grieved;
Causing nervously jittered,
From what I had first believed.

So foolish am I ignorant,
I was being a beast;
That made me seem arrogant,
A status that has not...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Gifts of Grace

I appeal for mercy from God,
You be a living sacrifice;
Holy acceptable to laud,
Spiritual worship to suffice.

Do not be conformed to this place,
Rather renewal of your mind;
Accepting Christ as you embrace,
Received as perfectly...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

See the letters I am writing,
Writing to you with my own hand;
Being someone who is fighting,
Against critical race...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Fear of the Lord

Bless everyone who fears the Lord,
Who have been walking in His ways;
They continue in one accord,
And abiding in Him...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Longing for God

As a deer pants for flowing streams,
So does my soul pant for the Lord;
With the yearning as though it seems,
As if I am being...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
A Protection Plea

In You, O Lord, I put my trust,
In You, O Lord, I take refuge;
Knowing You are faithful and just,
Shielding me from lustful...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Glorious Dignity

How majestic is Your name,
Your glory is above Heaven;
The reason that I proclaim,
For all that You have given.

Out of the mouth of infants,
You have established Your strength;
Against my foes and tyrants,
Upholding at any...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Day of the LORD

Behold, the day is coming,
That shall burn like a furnace;
The mountains will be crumbling,
Consuming the vulgarness.

The arrogant will be stubble,
As well as wicked evil;
When the earth will be rubble,
Setting ablaze the...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Wicked Oppression

Save me, the godly one is gone,
The faithful have also vanished;
From amongst the children at dawn,
And causing us to be...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Glory From Groans

The Spirit helps when we are weak,
Never knowing what we should pray;
Intercedes for us as we seek,
Groanings of deep words to...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Sons and Heirs

As long as he is a child,
Is no different from a slave;
Filled with many things beguiled,
With obedience to behave.

Under guardians and managers,
Until his father sets a date;
Shielding him from any dangers,
That are stalking lying in...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
God the Creator

May the glory of the Lord,
Shall endure forever;
Rejoice in one accord,
That it will not sever.

So rejoice in His deeds,
Who looks on earth that shakes;
From a mountain that bleeds,
That flowing lava...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
A Prayer

I was so glad when you said to me,
Let us go to the house of the Lord;
With feet within the gates to see,
In front of the One we...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Apostolic Ministry

When I came to preach the Gospel,
Although the door was open wide;
There was still skeptical people,
Having some thoughts that I have...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Human Wickedness

Transgression speaks to the impish,
Deep in the heart there is no fear;
It loves tormenting to anguish,
Anyone who does...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Maturity Trials

Let no one say they are tempted,
“I am being tempted by God”;
For God evil is exempted,
To tempt one to become flawed.

He himself is tempting no one,
Only Satan uses that charm;
Not lured by the Father or Son,
That entices for causing...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Rebellious Deliverance

Who makes a way in the sea,
A path in mighty waters;
That believers can be free,
For their sons and daughters.

Who brings chariot and horse,
Drowns armies of warriors;
They lie down to stay the course,
Scouts are sent as...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
God Is Love

We know that we abide in Christ,
Because He gave us His Spirit;
And in us Jesus has enticed,
Through the faith and our merit.

For we have seen and testify,
That the Father has sent His Son;
As a means for to justify,
In believing what He has...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Spiritual Blessings

Bless God the Father of the Lord,
Who does bless us in Jesus Christ;
Spiritual blessings we adored,
For the one who was...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
True Wisdom

Who is wise and understanding,
By good conduct let Him show you;
Meekness of wisdom demanding,
Conversation of what is...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Celebrating God

O that You rend Heaven,
Open up and come down;
That we might be given,
Our salvation crown.

That the mountains might quake,
As the fire kindles;
Water boils to make,
Burns evil that...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Comfort God

Bless the Father of our Lord,
The God of mercy and comfort;
Comforting those who has adored,
And the afflictions to avert.

Comfort from a comforting God,
Through trial and tribulation;
The God that we honor and laud,
And who has offered...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Pleasing Sacrifices

Remember your leaders,
Those who spoke of the Word;
Scriptures from the readers,
That your ears having heard.

Consider the outcome,
About their way of life;
Of what they do succumb,
Through the toils and...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Judgment and Redemption

Justice has been turned back,
Righteousness far away;
Because the truth does lack,
So many gone astray.

For the truth has stumbled
Uprightness has dropped out;
The people have grumbled,
Having many a...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Deliverance Prayer

O God, save me by Your name,
Vindicate me by Your might;
Erasing me of my shame,
I seek favor in Your sight.

Hear my prayer to You O Lord,
Give an ear to what I say;
Not letting it be ignored,
From my tongue and lips I...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Two Ways

Bless those who walks not in counsel,
Of the wicked nor with sinners;
They are the culture to cancel,
Against righteous...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Justification Amplification

Just as sin came into this place,
Through one man causing death through sin;
Death spread to all as a disgrace,
Since free will has no...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Evil Men

Eat honey because it is good,
The drippings are sweet to your taste;
Knowing wisdom just as you should,
Adhere to your mind like a...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Wisdom Brings Happiness

Bless anyone who finds wisdom,
The one who gets understanding;
On how to enter His Kingdom,
By what God is demanding.

For the merchandise is better,
Than the gain of silver and gold;
Follow His Law to the letter,
By doing to what it has...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Joy in Trials

Count it all joy in your trials,
Meeting trials of varied kinds;
No matter of what the styles,
Temptations would be driving...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Christian Humbleness

Having encouragement in Christ,
Will give you a comfort in love;
Participation be enticed,
From the Holy Spirit...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Reconciliation Message

For the love of Christ controls,
Because we justly conclude;
One that died for our souls,
For faith given attitude.

He died so that we might live,
No more living in conceit;
But for Him for our sake,
That we can be made...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Tongue Taming

The tongue is a small body part,
Yet loves boasting of such great things;
And tends in showing of the true heart,
No matter what consequence...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

The Lord was sitting on His throne,
I saw Him high and lifted up;
His train filled the temple as shown,
While handing to me a...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Obedient Servant

The Lord has given me a tongue,
By all of those who have been taught;
I should know how the Word is flung,
For sustaining those who have...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Christ Alive

As you received Jesus as Lord,
Walk rooted and built up in Him;
Established and in one accord,
For building your spiritual...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Christian Practices

I entreat to agree in the Lord,
To long as being your dearest;
Show that He is loved and adored,
Your heart and mind as...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Thankful Deliverance

I love God my Lord,
He has heard my voice;
My praise I afford,
To sing and rejoice.

My pleas for mercy,
He inclined His ear;
So my sight can see,
Of Him being...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Sacrificial Service

As you have always obeyed,
Not only in my presence;
For salvation that God made,
Is much more in my absence.

Work out with trembling and fear,
It is God who works in you;
For His pleasure be sincere,
Working in remaining...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Thanksgiving Prayer

I thank my God remembering you,
Always in every prayer of mine;
Making my prayer as I construe,
Causing the Lord of glory...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Favoritism Sin

Show no partiality,
Of the faith that you do hold;
Glory for the Deity,
Respecting what you are told.

If a man with fine clothing,
Comes to worship into church;
Who is wearing a gold ring,
Do you help him with his...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Live in Holiness

Having put away your falsehood,
Let each of you speak the truth;
And let it be understood,
Be humbled and not uncouth.

Be members to each other,
Speaking truth to your neighbor;
Treating them as a brother,
Helping them in their...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Unexpected Salvation

The wilderness and the dry land,
The desert shall start to rejoice;
The crocus blossom in the sand,
As roses shall lift up their...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Compassionate God

Praise the Lord, O my Soul,
Praise as long as I live;
Letting him in control,
Through comfort He does give.

I sing praises to God,
For there is salvation;
I shall honor and laud,
Building my...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

Flee from the land of the north,
God spreads you as the four winds;
He declares you to go forth,
Iniquities He rescinds.

Escape to Zion to dwell,
O daughter of Babylon;
Stay away from where you fell,
To the sin of early...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Who Believes

Who has believed what he has heard,
The arm of the Lord been revealed;
Believing as shown in the Word,
To be considered as their...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Further Instructions

Continue steadfastly in prayer,
Watchful in it with thanksgiving;
Supplicate to the Lord to share,
The tribulations in...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Widow Support

Do not rebuke an older man,
But encourage like a father;
That happened since their life began,
That has taken them much further.

Treat older women as mothers,
Younger women as your sisters;
Younger men as your brothers,
The clergy being...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

Your manifest is wonderful,
So therefore my soul will keep them;
Because You are so powerful,
Compassionate not to...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Light of the Gospel

Having this by the grace of God,
We receive mercy and faint not;
Never losing heart for we laud,
Search the Scriptures what He has...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Remembrance of Grace

I will recount the steadfast love,
The blessings coming from the Lord;
Sending my praises up above,
How much He is loved and...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
A Song of Praise

You will say in that day,
Giving thanks to the Lord;
His wrath to turn away,
And be in one accord.

God is your salvation,
Putting your faith and trust;
Building a foundation,
For blocking any...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Our Protector The LORD

I lift my eyes up to the hills,
From where comes my assistance;
For faith and hope to cure my ills,
While chaos gives...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

The vision of all has come,
To you like words of a book;
That is sealed under your thumb,
For men in taking a look.

Open up your eyes and read,
But cannot for it is sealed;
I pray since you have a need,
So prophecy is...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
A Sinner Portrait

The fool says from his heart,
That there is not a God;
They are dumb to impart,
A statement that is flawed.

They do terrible deeds,
Nothing that does you good;
Conceited with their needs,
That only evil...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Faith and Works

Having faith as someone may say,
Can their faith available to save;
What good as they would disobey,
Allowing the sin to...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Justification through Faith

Who has enchanted you?
About Christ crucified;
Distorting what is true,
Because of how they lied.

Did you get the Spirit,
By the works of the Law;
Or by faith through merit,
Although having a...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

Why does He still find fault?
Who can resist His will?
When our actions not,
For anger to instill.

To answer back to God,
What is molded to say?
For have we become flawed,
Though we trust and...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Praising Greatness

All of Your works I shall thank You,
All of Your works I shall give praise;
All of Your saints bless what is true,
Your saints are praising You...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Overflowing Hearts

Be merciful to me, O God,
For in You my soul takes refuge;
The shadow of Your wings I laud,
Harmful storms causing a...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Collective Appeal

I would like you to know,
About the grace of God;
Of what the churches show,
How to honor and laud.

A test in affliction,
A trial that is severe;
Joy is an addiction,
With wealth that is...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Christian Living

Be submissive to your rulers,
Obedient to magistrates;
Follow the law as it orders,
The authority advocates.

Speak evil not to anyone,
Not a brawler avoid quarrels;
Rather let gentleness be done,
By remembering your...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Favor Restoration

You have shown favor to Your land,
Restoring all of the fortunes;
Rescued Your people with Your hand,
That came from sinful intentions.

You forgave the iniquity,
By covering all of their sin;
From confession of a plea,
For being purified...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Way of Wisdom

Wisdom has built her house,
Which has seven towers;
As she waits for her spouse,
Patiently for hours.

She has slaughtered her beast,
While mixing her wine;
Has prepared for a feast,
When her beau comes to...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

Righteous are You O Lord,
Being right are Your rules;
Your judgments You afford,
Divide us from the fools.

Your testaments command,
Faithfulness appointed;
While placing Your hand,
The humbled...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The LORD Is Good

The Lord is watching the righteous,
His ears are hearing of their cry;
Distress is making them anxious,
With hearing of their mournful...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The New Life

This I say and testify,
That you must no longer walk;
Never trying to deny,
Futility of your talk.

The vanity of your mind,
Darkens your understanding;
In God you become blind,
Of what He is...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Servant of the LORD

The Lord has forsaken me,
And my Lord has forgotten;
So where could He ever be,
I have been feeling rotten.

Can women forget to nurse,
A child comes from her womb;
Compassion being a curse,
To bury them in a...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Alive in Christ

I want you to know,
How great a struggle;
That I have to show,
You worldly juggle.

All who have not seen,
To be encouraged;
And all that has been,
Be not...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Grow Not Weary

Since we are surrounded,
By a cloud to witness;
Lay down what is founded,
For spiritual fitness.

Sin which clings so closely,
And run with endurance;
As you remain holy,
For blessed...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The LORD Delivers

I will bless the Lord all the time,
His praise always be on my heart;
The ladder to Heaven I shall climb,
In a life that I will...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Fight the Good Fight

O man of God, flee these things,
For pursuing righteousness;
With the faith and love it brings,
Will be giving godliness.

Fight the good fight of your faith,
Take hold of eternal life;
So that darkness does not wraith,
Causing you toil and...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

With my whole heart I cry,
Please answer me O Lord;
Your Law I not deny;
Let me not be ignored.

I call on you to save,
And hear you testify;
To rescue from the grave,
So I can...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The LORD's Voice

Give to the Lord glory and strength,
Ascribe to the Lord you mighty;
Persevering at any length,
Pray while listening nightly.

Ascribe to glory due His name,
Worship the Lord in splendor;
As His holiness to proclaim,
For His touch ever so...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Message Rejection

How shall I call upon God,
In whom they have not believed;
How should they honor and laud,
With no salvation received.

How are they without preaching,
From the Scriptures to be heard;
About Christ and His teaching,
As been written in the...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
My Strength

To You, O Lord, I call my rock,
Be not silent or deaf to me;
I have become like those who talk,
But are blinded and cannot see.

I became like those in a pit,
Crying for mercy in my plea;
No longer spiritually fit,
I am asking to rescue...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
One in Christ

Remember being Gentiles,
Uncircumcised of flesh by hands;
Because of lavish lifestyles,
You honor not godly commands.

Remember being divided,
Separated from Jesus Christ;
As earthly pleasures have guided,
Being immorally...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Church Divisions

I could never address,
You as godly people;
When you do not profess,
To be a disciple.

You are infants in Christ,
Not fed with solid food;
Your flesh is so enticed,
With carnal...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Practical Counsel

I plead to agree in the Lord,
Longing for in joy to standfast;
For remaining in one accord,
In a life that will ever...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Beloved Wish

You were merely like a sister,
Who nursed the breast of my mother;
We kissed at a coming twister,
But treated me like a...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Sin and Law

That which is good, bring death to me,
Sin produced death through what is good;
In order that sin what you see,
Beyond measure of what you...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Great Is the LORD

All of your works the Lord gives praise,
As all of the saints shall bless you;
The blessings will come all your days,
As long as you will remain...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Dependence on the LORD

I lift up my soul to the Lord,
For I will not be put to shame;
I continue in one accord,
And I will not stop to...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Reaching Forward

I am not already perfect,
But press on to make it my own;
Because Jesus did not reject,
Being made me as His alone.

I do not consider as made,
Forgetting what lies in the past;
Of the future not be afraid,
Rather confidence that will...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Spiritual Power Prayer

I bow my knees to the Father,
Of our Savior Jesus Christ;
Our Lord and our Brother,
Was on a cross and sacrificed.

Every family in Heaven,
And on the earth who has been named;
His glory that has been given,
That His riches have been...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Law and Sin

If I do what I do not want,
Then I would agree with the Law;
Even though others mock and taunt,
That is good because of no...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Refuge in the LORD

In the Lord I take refuge,
How can you say to my soul;
To the mountain that is huge,
While the Lord will console.

The wicked will bend the bow,
Fitting arrows to the string;
Shooting in dark they will go,
Towards the heart where they will...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Eternal Love

Give thanks unto the Lord,
Love endures forever;
He is good and adored,
Steadfast not to sever.

Give thanks to God of gods,
Because of steadfast love;
All others are frauds,
Only true God...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
A Repenting Plea

Return to the Lord your God,
For you stumbled because of sin;
Iniquities made you flawed,
Being corrupted within.

Take with you words and return,
Take away iniquity;
For salvation that you earn,
And spiritual...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

Vindicate me, O God,
Guard against the evil;
Deceitful who are flawed,
As friends of the devil.

Judge me and plead my cause,
Against this wicked place;
Cleansing me any flaws,
Showing mercy and...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Living Out the Message

Let each person be quick to hear,
Slow to speak and slow to anger;
While learning how to revere,
Embraced in the Lord to...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Coming Comfort

Please do not be ignorant,
As being too uninformed;
Sleeping makes you arrogant,
No hope if you are not warned.

For since we believe in Christ,
He had died and rose again;
Fell asleep as sacrificed,
For the remission of...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Two Points of Prayer

Every Word of God proves true,
He shields those who take refuge;
Because He will see you through,
When troubles become a deluge.

A shield if you put your trust,
Never adding to His Word;
He rebukes if used for lust,
As a liar what is...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Rich Blessings

Bless the Father of our Lord,
Who has blessed us in Jesus Christ;
Blessing us if in one accord,
With the One that was...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Growing Faith

His divine power has granted,
To us all things pertain to life;
Because a seed He has planted,
For coping with toils and...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Purpose of Proverbs

To know wisdom and instruction,
To understand words of insight;
To perceive to void seduction,
From the Lord that is a...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

When I came unto you,
Did not come proclaiming;
Testimony as true,
Without any blaming.

I testify for God,
In my speech or wisdom;
Giving honor and laud,
To enter His...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Restoration of Favor

You restored favor to Your land,
While restoring the fortunes;
Making it fertile in the sand,
To prosper with good intentions.

You forgave the iniquity,
By covering all of their sin;
Ignoring your authority,
That has corrupted them...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Humbly Proud

What causes quarrels and fights,
That your passions are at war;
While causing sleepless nights,
Regardless, if near or far.

You desire but have not,
So you murder to obtain;
Coveting what you have sought,
Not satisfied to...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Praising Deliverance

The Lord honored my righteousness,
Rewarded the cleanness of my hands;
And because of my faithfulness,
For following all His...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Praise His Works

I will give thanks unto the Lord,
Praising the Lord with my whole heart;
Being upright in one accord,
As His doctrine I will...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Our Refuge

Go is our refuge and strength,
Very present help in trouble;
Preserving at any length,
Pulling us out from the...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Thorny Visions

I must go on boasting,
Though nothing to be gained;
What the Lord is hosting,
At the place He has reigned.

I know a man in Christ,
Was caught up in Heaven;
Revelations enticed,
In the visions...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Support Appreciation

I rejoice in the Lord greatly,
That now at the length I revive;
That my confidence is stately,
Makes me thank God I am alive.

You were indeed being concerned,
But without opportunity;
Because of knowing you have learned,
To find spiritual...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Worldly Lights

As you have always obeyed,
Not only in my presence;
Fear and trembling not dismayed,
Working it out in essence.

It is God who works in you,
Both to will and good pleasure;
In everything that you do,
Resulting in His...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Rebellious Mission

Son of man, stand on your feet,
And the Lord will speak with you;
His Spirit makes you complete,
As you will learn what is true.

His Spirit enters within,
Pulling you up as to stand;
You hear His speaking begin,
And is about to...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Teaching True and False

Godliness with peace is great gain,
Binging nothing into this world;
Nothing out that we would obtain,
As the plans of God are...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Favor Looking

I lift up my eyes unto You,
Of whom is enthroned in Heaven;
As my mind trying to construe;
As the Creator has given.

The servant eyes look to the hand,
So our eyes look to the Lord;
Till He has mercy to command,
Any who are in one...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Thirsty Souls

O God who I earnestly seek,
You are my God that my soul thirsts;
Because this body is feeling weak,
Quench me from Heaven through...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
A Call to Repentance

O nation not desired,
Come and gather together;
For you have not acquired,
Righteousness for a tether.

Before decrees take effect,
Before the day passes away;
You must begin to reject,
Causing you to go...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Boasting in the Lord

I consider your calling,
Not many of you were wise;
World standards caused your falling,
Since Satan was in disguise.

Not many had been mighty,
Not many of noble birth;
Causing you to be flighty,
With living on planet...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
A New Creation

God made a new Heaven and earth,
The former things come into mind;
But not remembered for its worth,
For they have become misaligned.

But be glad, rejoice forever,
Be in joy of a new Zion;
A joy that will never sever,
Praising like a roaring...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Morning Joy

I will extol you, O Lord,
For You have lifted me up;
I will stay in one accord,
Your joy overflows my cup.

O Lord, You have heard my cry,
You rendered aid and healed me;
Comforting me where I lie,
Opening my eyes to...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Secured Zion

O you are an afflicted one,
Not comforted and storm tossed;
Because of what you have not done,
Paid the toll on the bridge you...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Big Problems

The behemoth in which God made,
He is eating grass like an ox;
His size making him not afraid,
The ground shakes wherever he...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Suffering Servants

Working together with Him,
We appeal not to receive;
The grace of spiritual vim,
Unless we truly believe.

In a favorable time,
That I listen to the Lord;
With salvation from my crime,
Knowing God has not...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Our Protector

I lift my eyes unto the hills,
From where does my help go and hide;
An anticipation that instills,
To a good servant that...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Innocent Prosper

My ear received a whisper,
Something secretly brought;
Sounding like a whimper,
Of what I should have sought.

Amid thoughts from visions,
A deep sleep falls at night;
Dreams having collisions,
That is bringing...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Glory and Dignity

Sing praise onto our Lord,
How majestic is His name;
Glory in Heaven adored,
Let every creature proclaim.

Out of the mouth of sucklings,
He ordained strength over foes;
To still them of the killings,
In making the crimson...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Only Savior

He who created and formed you,
He has called you by name as His;
Fear not for He will redeem too,
How dare you in trying to...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Lord Will Judge

Knowledge to whom He will teach,
And will explain the message;
Understand doctrine to reach,
Comprehending each passage.

Those who are weaned from the milk,
Those no longer suckle breast;
Life no longer smooth as silk,
No longer gets any...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
A Lament

You see yourself as a lion,
Troubled waters around your feet;
Instead you are like a dragon,
Bursting forth foul streams of...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
A Living Hope

Bless be God, Father of the Lord,
According to mercy and grace;
Gives lively hope in one accord,
To resurrection we embrace.

Jesus resurrected from the dead,
For inheritance in Heaven;
Immortality that is fed,
For salvation that is...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Thanksgiving and Prayer

I thank God remembering you,
Always in every prayer of mine;
While my heart and mind construe,
In thanking the Holy Divine.

For my joy is making request,
For fellowship in the Gospel;
Constantly increasing my zest,
With an outreach to the...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Faith Triumphs

By faith we have been justified,
We are having a peace with God;
Through our Lord the crucified,
Jesus who we honor and...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Unity Living

He ascended, what does it mean?
Did He descend under the earth?
Any witness that might had seen,
Such a feat for what it is...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Christian Humility

If you are encouraged in Christ,
With any comfort from His love;
The Holy Spirit has enticed,
With the affection from...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Confession of Faith

Hear the Lord our God,
The Lord One and only;
Because we have been flawed,
And have not been holy.

Love the Lord all your heart,
All your soul and your might;
Remember to impart,
Following in His...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
A Thankful Heart

I give thanks with my whole heart,
Before the Lord I sing praise;
Each day He gives a fresh start,
Being in my heart always.

I will bow down and worship,
Giving thanks unto His name;
He blessings overflow my cup,
His steadfast love I...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Disposal of Gog

As for you, son of man,
The Lord is against Gog;
Prophecy says to ban,
As he lurks in the fog.

He will turn you around,
While driving you on;
Never making a sound,
Until the light of...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Christian Ethics

Let love be genuine,
Without dissimulation;
Hold fast to anyone,
With good reputation.

Abhor what is evil,
Cleaving to what is good;
Avoiding the devil,
Of the things that he...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The King of Glory

For Your name sake,
Pardon my guilt;
Too great to take,
Darkness has built.

Who fears the Lord,
Teaching the way;
As to afford,
How to obey.

His soul abides,
In well-being;
The One who hides,
No one...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

Remember my affliction,
Wanderings through wilderness;
The gall from a conviction,
Misery from bitterness.

For my soul still remembers,
And is humbled within me;
Desired burning embers,
Disregarding His...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Treasure Clay Jars

Since we have the same spirit,
As to what has been written;
Salvation we inherit,
Heathens will be forbidden.

I believe and so I speak,
Knowing that Jesus is Lord;
Because of what we do seek,
It can never be...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Deliverance Plea

How long will You forget me?
How long to hide Your face?
I am blind cannot see,
For feeling Your embrace.

How long must I counsel,
With sorrow in my heart;
My plea did You cancel,
From my life You...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
A Chosen People

I lay in Zion a stone,
A cornerstone as select;
One that is precious and hone,
That many others reject.

Whoever believes proclaim.
For the honor who believes,
Will never be put to shame,
For salvation one...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Awaiting Redemption

Out of the depths I cry to You,
O Lord, are You hearing my voice?
Let my pleas for mercy pursue,
I realize I made a bad...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

Are the Jews any better off?
For Greeks and Jews are under sin;
Many Gentiles might scoff,
Claiming that you just cannot...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Not Ashamed

Be not ashamed to testify,
As a prisoner of the Lord;
Of the Gospel never deny,
Share suffering in one accord.

The power of God who saved us,
Called us to a holy calling;
Not because of the works as thus,
But purpose and grace...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Challenge and Blessing

See that you may be without fear,
Since I do the work of the Lord;
Rather you worship and revere,
While being in one...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
The Voice of the LORD

Ascribe unto the Lord,
Giving glory and strength;
Remain in one accord,
Persevere any length.

Give glory to His name,
Worshipping His beauty;
His splendor to proclaim,
The holy...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Deliverance Praise

I love you, O Lord,
With all of my strength;
So loved and adored,
For life at its length.

The Lord is my rock,
My fortress I stand;
Bended knee I talk,
Follow Your command.

My deliverer,
Whom I take refuge;
Shield and redeemer,
I never...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Plans of the Heart

Plans of the heart belong to man,
But the tongue answers from the Lord;
While thoughts coming from a plan,
Are not always in one...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Gentile World Guilt

The wrath of God is revealed,
From Heaven against heathens;
Unrighteous acts unconcealed,
Ungodliness of pagans.

Unrighteousness subdues truth,
For what can be known by God;
For God can show how uncouth,
Manifested being...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

In our faith we all died,
Not received the promised things;
Nobody had ever lied,
As to what our Lord brings.

But having seen and greeted,
Acknowledged they are strangers;
Exiles on earth needed,
As for knowing the...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago
Learning from Failures

I do want you to be aware,
You should not be ignorant;
About our fathers did share,
Under the cloud that they relent.

They were all under the cloud,
Moreover all passed through the sea;
While the Lord had fed the crowd,
Escaping from the...

by Richard Newton Sherrer

added 2 years ago

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Who is the author of the poem "The Raven"?
A Edgar Allan Poe
B Langston Hughes
C Emily Dickinson
D Robert Frost