RowAroundTheMoon's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by RowAroundTheMoon  —  There are currently 131 poems total — keep up the great work!

Five Years


It's five years since I submitted a poem,
Amazingly the creativity it still has grown,
There’s a compulsion coming now and then,
Finally at last I can reproduce once again.

Life carries on it simply never stops,
Covid and Delta...

by stan brierly

added 2 years ago
Pohutukawa Trees

There's a uniqueness about Pohutukawa trees,
Oh how fascinating with what one sees,
On the coast they thrive and grow,
Those who climb all love them...

by stan brierly

added 7 years ago

The air's still no movement at all,
Peace and tranquility with no leaves to fall,
A winter's morning with a possibility or rain,
Nature it rests which is our...

by stan brierly

added 8 years ago
Fresh air

Taken for granted what we can't see,
Air we breathe for you and me,
Life giving commodity that keeps us alive,
Vital and essential to ensure we...

by stan brierly

added 8 years ago
The world is yours

Stand up tall and spread your wings,
Survey the world and what it brings,
Over the desert plus mountains and rocks,
There's no limit if you disregard...

by stan brierly

added 8 years ago
Our town

Peace and tranquillity love and happiness,
Don't dare settle for anything less,
Here right now we are favoured most,
Sunshine and warmth on the East...

by stan brierly

added 8 years ago

What's a birthday without a cake?
Have you time and the expertise to make?
Give it thought consider what others do,
Buy ready made if that really suits...

by stan brierly

added 8 years ago
Kiwi fruit

Succulent and sweet fruit from the vine,
A seasons produce delectable and divine,
Cut and sliced then peeled just right,
Green Kiwi Fruit what a marvellous...

by stan brierly

added 8 years ago
Another brilliant day

Its picturesque this world of mine,
As I look there is bright sunshine,
Wind has dropped the trees are still,
Air is fresh gone the morning...

by stan brierly

 1 View
added 9 years ago

I often wonder about life and humanity,
Think of people under duress and free,
Within my brain three words come to mind,
Trust and responsibility and accountability as...

by stan brierly

added 9 years ago
Changeble weather

Wind it whistles and sings winter's song,
Tosses the plants night and day long,
Trees they resist and then spring back,
Clouds scud quickly the grey and...

by stan brierly

added 9 years ago

Amazing this breakfast cornies to eat,
Firm and crunchy such a lovely treat,
A golden brown nice on the eye,
Milk and sugar give them a...

by stan brierly

added 9 years ago
Neighboring bees

Nature is incredible as to how she acts,
More than often we don't appreciate the facts,
Orchardists need bees to pollinate their crops,
Supplying their household or even the...

by stan brierly

added 9 years ago
Kitchen view

Amazing this breakfast cornies to eat,
Firm and crunchy such a lovely treat,
A golden brown nice on the eye,
Milk and sugar give them a...

by stan brierly

added 9 years ago
Water blasting

Moss and lichen it makes you slip,
Wet and greasy feet don't get a grip,
The ideal solution it to water blast,
Rejuvenate the area as it was in the...

by stan brierly

added 9 years ago
Saturday morning

Within the kitchen there's shadows and light,
Early morning sunshine is a pleasurable sight,
The clock ticks as minutes pass by,
Out the window there's a fresh blue...

by stan brierly

added 9 years ago

Work the soil and plant the seed,
Two rows only that's all you need,
Hoe and weed or water the ground,
Spinach is healthy its we've...

by stan brierly

added 9 years ago

Beautiful in appearance yellow and green.
One may wonder on what is seen,
Perfect these lemons hanging on the tree,
Somehow they attract the attention of...

by stan brierly

added 9 years ago
Solitary bird

He stands there in the pouring rain,
Black and erect its there he'll remain,
In no hurry the shower touching plumes,
On his own its nature he...

by stan brierly

added 9 years ago
Cherished moments

Standing in awe what do I see?
Sun peeping through how its warming me,
Clouds move slowly showing traces of blue,
Wind is brisk as it passes...

by stan brierly

added 9 years ago
Writer'S appreciation

Oh how pleasing the comments we receive,
The genuine feedback about what we conceive,
As a writer its always lovely to know,
Whatever the words how they are interpreted...

by stan brierly

added 9 years ago
Fossil found

A bachelor party that's what it took,
To re-write data in a history book,
Discovering a fossil thousands of years old,,
Uncovering a skeleton with a story...

by stan brierly

added 9 years ago
Farming and pollution

Amazing the situation and what is suggested,
Dairying has problems see what is requested,
Changing their lifestyle to keep soil right,
Enhancing the waterways keeping purity in...

by stan brierly

added 9 years ago
Dung beetle

Oh little creature you're older than time,
Out of sight yet you are fine,
One of millions that keep pollution down,
Amazing your diet of waste coloured...

by stan brierly

added 9 years ago
Retiree'S reflection

Seventy odd years working fingers to the bone,
Wisdom and knowledge my how it has grown,
Experienced a lot are mature and wise,
Amazing how often I got a...

by stan brierly

added 9 years ago
Owl whisperer

Peace and tranquillity didn't last long,
Colton Wright discovered what can go wrong,
Unfortunately an owl entered his kitchen room,
There it stayed and all too...

by stan brierly

added 9 years ago
Lawns and lawnmowing

Plant and sow in a well prepared bed,
Roll it out and see its well fed,
Cut and mow but give it time,
Once fully established it really looks...

by stan brierly

added 9 years ago

Man and technology with incredible dreams,
Have no limits or so it seems,
Creating two towers that reach the sky,
One thousand meters and that's mighty...

by stan brierly

added 9 years ago

Horses I know their power is neat,
Steady and placid ideal on the street,
A covered wagon it serves very well,
Hooped and loaded carrying products to...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

You have a thought preserve it if you can,
Don't delay its existence use it and plan,
Within only seconds it's lost and gone,
You can ponder and later search...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Reality Again

The dream is over
it's left well behind,
Condensed to a memory
where we could unwind,
Warm inviting sand
that tickled the feet,
Plus sparkling water
each morning we'd greet.
Absence of gulls
what a remarkable thing,
Replaced by minors

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Built on Trust

Where are those
who built this place,
Gone and forgotten
of them-no trace,
Yet the structure
with the crosses above,
Symbolises a faith
and also God's love.
Even the rushes
that surround the fence,
Portray Lord Jesus
his life of suspense,

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
New Leaves

Life's a struggle for man and tree,
I sit watching this's what I see,
That spring growth with leaves of green,
Young and tender the freshest I've...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Passing Glory

White of crest with black tipped wing,
Swiftly it glides this beautiful thing,
A movement here a rest there,
My how miraculous in the morning...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Gentle little creatures how quick they arrive,
It doesn't take much for them to survive,
A speck here and a seed there,
How they fossick under table or...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
That thrush

She's here again on my back lawn,
That solitary thrush when the day is born,
Hopping and listening seeking a meal,
Finding a worm that was trying to...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Welcome Coffee Break

A cup of coffee is warranted at times,
You become lethargic its one of the signs,
Thinking becomes clouded and you need a break,
Oh how refreshing make no...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Meal Break

Lets sit a while on soft green ground,
Look about see what is found,
Ants they scurry to and fro,
A belated dewdrop with a sparkling...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Come little sparrows
burst forth and sing,
Today you herald
the beginning of spring,
As you alight
on grass or tree,
You bring pleasure
are lovely to see.
First of September
in the early dew,
How you improve
my point of view,
When you hop...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Another Season

Signs of spring
how easy to find,
Traces of green
sap starts to unwind,
Leaves they form
what a delicate shade,
View the Magnolia's
and the colours-displayed!
Petals like tablespoons
they litter the ground,
Under the tree

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Walk a Little

How often really do we walk on hallowed ground?
Heedless of the life that is there all around,
Stop and pause and have a closer look,
Life in abundance matching any story...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Evening Flight

Up and away like a bird at night,
Above the cloud what a wondrous sight,
A gentle lift floating in the wind,
Gone the city its lights have dimmed.
To the right are remnants of sun,
Orange against blue it's almost done,
In the distance a star or two,...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Among pine needles in the grass,
I saw a toadstool as I pass,
Red with spots beside a pole,
Stopping to look I found it whole.
Elves and fairies goblins and such,
Myths and fables adults don't touch,
Leaves and netting traces of mould,
Strong and...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Two of a kind

Two of a kind we are indeed,
Plant an idea it grows like a seed,
Those without vision don't know what they've lost,
Such a pity and it has a heavy...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Out this window my view's the same,
Go outdoors if you are game,
Those heavy showers they show it all,
See the raindrops watch them fall.
Gravity .. it pulls them down,
Each fresh droplet can collectively drown,
Water it rushes to wash the street,...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Sunsets are Special

It's late afternoon the air is sweet,
Out in the country on the verandah seat,
Searching the sunset a time for dreams,
What of life is it what it seems?
There's a loneliness only years can bring,
Gone a loved one he no longer can sing,
But happy...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Lightning flashes it doesn't stay long,
Thunder it booms its forces are strong,
Rain falls to nourish the ground,
Strange the difference in vision and...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Night Vision

The moon, it whispers sparkling and bright,
There's a fascination with shadows at night,
The silver ripples from across the sea,
How they initiate the romance in me.
Landmarks are muted and mingle with grey,
Gone all traces of yesterday,

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Somewhere someone possesses my works of art,
Two individual rugs I designed from the start,
Laboured with love from beginning to end,
Weaving and knotting colours that...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Critics are dangerous they stifle skill,
Dampen the ardour bring on a chill,
Through cutting words many don't write,
Gone lost for ever another's...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Peace at Last

The mist hangs low it mutes the hills,
Flowing through valleys down it spills,
Wind rattles leaves on trees tall,
Moisture clings but does not fall.
Gliding silently a hawk swoops by,
No clouded background it's grass not sky,
The rooster is quiet...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Crystal Sets

I reflect casually
on what has been,
The crystal set
as it was seen,
Used the whisker
to locate a site,
Listened through headphones
well into the night.
No batteries required
with no power source,
Portable and compact
but elementary- of...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Fingers of foam stir up sand,
Tickling the grains like a pianists hand,
White water glistens in the morning sun,
One wave spent becomes over and done.
Backwards the movement a symphony of time,
Cast your eyes on this vision fine,
Hear the whisper of...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Diamonds appear they litter the grass,
Shower have gone quickly they pass,
Atop each leaf or even down low,
How they glitter to sparkle and glow.
Afternoon sun highlights the green,
Easy to see where rain has been,
There's a freshness on clover and...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Life goes on it doesn't stop,
Scouring bins that's their shop,
A tasty morsel a bun or two,
These are seeked by the cities few,
It is staggering what these souls find,
Midst milling people they are defined,
See their movements furtive and discreet,...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Oh for a kingdom and a sovereign state,
Those with vision know how to wait,
Way back in time among mountains and streams,
Maori knew independence and what it...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
A Little

Sit a little and think a lot,
Marvel at sunshine and what you've got,
Study the weather the trees and leaves,
There is beauty in what one sees.
Bountiful the green spring brings forth,
Warm the winds carrying from the north,
Birds they sing in...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Those Daisy's

Those lawn daisy's they shut up tight,
Waiting morning sun and good sunlight,
Throughout the evening then when its dark,
They are minute and even quite stark.
Tall and stately free as the breeze,
Brighter the sun the more one sees,
Such a contrast...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Police Helicopter


Under darkened skies what a wonderful tool,
Those who ignore it are themselves a fool,
Modern technology swoops down from the skies,
Has greater potential than most...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
America Attacked

On Wednesday morn the news was hot,
“Watch the telly see what you've got!!”
With disbelief I turned it on,
What a catastrophe a world gone...

by stan brierly

 1 View
added 10 years ago
Burning Questions

Life's burning questions we rarely reach,
How many listen to what others preach?
Who places babies into a mothers womb?
Who decides when we rest in a tomb?
Why do trees live longer that man?
What's the purpose of the Master Plan?
Is there life way...

by stan brierly

 1 View
added 10 years ago
There's a Difference

There's a difference between rain and dew,
How they reflect and beckon you,
Dewdrops are fine delicate and rare,
Raindrops magnify you know they're there.
Like a diamond the former is sweet,
Smaller by far but exceptional and neat,
Sparkling to...

by stan brierly

 1 View
added 10 years ago
Natural Cycle

The sun comes up it also goes down,
Where's the russet the gold and brown?
Below the horizon well out of sight,
Darkness settles there's a different light.
The silvery moon spreads across the land,
Fingering earth like an inquisitive hand,

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Casual Walk

Two weetbix two and two slices of bread,
Be positive be energetic ignore what is read,
Follow the news but accept what is right,
Enjoy the sunshine all that's within...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Pictured In Verse

In your eyes I see a yearning look,
Hence the reason for this memory book,
Time plays tricks it mellows us all,
Who is around when teardrops fall?
Love is stronger that a living tree,
Taking you further than the eye can see.
 It will survive where...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Grazing and Gazing

Feel the clover under your feet,
A country life is hard to beat,
Early to bed and early to rise,
Mists and dews each a surprise.
Hear the chomping of cows in grass,
See the contentment as you slowly pass,
Milking cows they have a worth,

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

There's a bond between tree and sky,
A private tranquillity when warm and dry,
Perfected by green and the blue above,
Clouds add lustre to these times I love.
On the deck there in the sun,
I can relax being the only one,
No chatter or noise to...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Twisted Beauty

Twisted and knurled weathered by the sea,
A dead pohutukawa no longer a tree,
A ghostly apparition of black and white,
Grotesque yet beautiful a wondrous sight.
Heres a chance to rest a while,
Time to think to joke or smile,
Around the island and...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Have you wondered what we have done,
Considered the battles we've fought and won,
Dreamt of conquests that came to pass
Watch the raindrops fall on grass?
Life in interesting variables are great,
Out of bed then through the gate,
Working with...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Swim little ducklings swim if you can,
Come a bit closer that is the plan,
Out of the water up close to me,
Cute and cuddly its you I can...

by stan brierly

 1 View
added 10 years ago

Have you ever stopped to think?
About those lambs and what they drink,?
They'll follow you since they were born,
Pure and white like fleece freshly...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

A word here and a word there,
Each has meaning for those who care,
You can sit and consider many things,
But there's music communication brings,
A simple letter is a work of art,
From one to another direct from the heart,
Thoughts and dreams to...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Where's The Harmony?

What price peace it can't be bought,
Who appreciates history the lessons taught?
Year after year it's the same old thing,
Wars and fighting destruction they bring!!
Throughout the World no harmony at all,
Bombs and rockets they rain and fall,

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

A universal language that's rich and deep,
Romantic and volatile it will never sleep,
From within the soul it speaks out loud,
Yes each poem makes our people proud!
Turned into rhyme life beckons and calls
Swift the pace as each minute calls,

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
The Pen

It lies useless without man's hand,
Stationary but available I understand,
When there's creativity I seek it out,
Then how eagerly it moves about,
Crossing the page and dotting the 'T's
Truly it's helpful doing what you please,
Once it's over it can...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

We can't stop how the pendulum swings,
Nor the seasons and what each brings,
Daily we're older more wrinkled in face,
But with maturity develop personal grace.
Travelling life's highway we twist and turn,
Accept many problems from which we learn,...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Time and distance will change it not,
Two romantic souls know what they've got,
Gazing through cloud the moon is seen,
That silver orb and the love in- between.
Reflect on moments you have shared,
Cherish them all unspoken or declared,
Presence is...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Stately they stand high in the lawn,
Waiting the moment to be airborne,
A brisk wind and away they go,
Highlighted by sun in its afterglow.
Millions of seeds there in the sky,
Many will live while others may die,
Miles and miles spectacular to see,...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Here Today

Rise and shine here comes the sun,
Today was yesterday another is won,
Crisp and fresh the coming of age,
What new marvels will be on this...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Looking and Thinking

I look out over a peaceful land,
Observe the waves doing what is planned,
White against blue they pound the shore,
Each one follows those that came...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
MIR Spacestation

Bought back down after all those years,
The MIR station used by world pioneers,
Up in space what an intriguing feat,
A special place where astronaughts meet.
It's usefullness over costs are too high,
The 'used by date' brings tears to eye,

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Special Journey

Years of dedication builds health and strength,
There's no limit to distance and length,
Years are spent to establish a team,
You labour diligently in that...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Lets Create Life

I marvel at life and the creative mind,
Its quite remarkable just what I find,
A few roots from out of the ground,
Reflect with vision a new model...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
World Rowing Championships

Years of dedication builds health and strength,
There's no limit to distance and length,
Years are spent to establish a team,
You labour diligently in that...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
How Can You?

How can you create what you can't see?
Let the mind wander and be free,
Amazing what's produced from outer space,
The internal computer it starts to...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Christchurch Devastated

Another earthquake struck Christchurch at one,
Wrecking the city with the damage done,
The inner area tall buildings and all,
Collapsed and folded the big and the...

by stan brierly

 1 View
added 10 years ago

Watch them flutter from spot to spot,
Focus the camera and get a shot,
Those delicate wings of orange and black,
Carrying each Monarch both forward and back.
Observe their progress in a balmy breeze,
How they glide over flowers and trees,
Up and...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Don't Push.

Don't push yourself train wise and well,
Read your body it has much to tell,
Know your workings listen to your heart,
Check with doctors before you...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Your Gym

What's it like that gym of yours?
Does it warrant the abandonment of chores?
Are you satisfied with what you do?
Are you seeking that something...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Those waste products they have a worth,
Consider the dumps gases from the earth,
Save and utilise the value is there,
Cleaned and used no cupboard is...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Beam me up that's what Scotty said,
Powered by antimatter and soon to be fed,
Instantly being transported like a grain of sand,
See space science then you'll...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Five Hundred Years

The worst floods for five hundred years,
Greater by far than mans worst fears,
Yet it's not the biggest by far,
Remember Noah well before the...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
What's It Take

Some may ponder and dream a lot,
Check their cupboards see what they've got,
But those who plan know what to do,

Use the crockpot and make a...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
To Return.

Remote but peaceful something you can feel,
Mists they disperse then nature is real,
Sand and stones a gem polisher's dream,
Sea and tide touched by a...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Departures are traumatic tears from the heart,
Sadness and grief when about to part,
A Genuine feeling of great personal loss,
Where's the togetherness the sparkle and...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

What is art how can you judge?
Clear and sharp or in a medium that'll smudge,
Oils or a pen a brush or gun,
Prints often duplicated or anything...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Colours Galore


Colours rule the world's not black and white,
Check this out you'll find it's right,
View the trees see leaves and sky,
There's such beauty it'll make you...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Oh how easy to forget about time,
Ignore it certainly by your own design,
But be conscious of what it can do,
Making you late for your next...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago


We move forward but can look back,
Remember times when under attack,
Aotearoa-Landof the Long White cloud,
European and Maori with both races...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago


Colours rule the world's not black and white,
Check this out you'll find it's right,
View the trees see leaves and sky,
There's such beauty it'll make you...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Oh how easy to forget about time,
Ignore it certainly by your own design,
But be conscious of what it can do,
Making you late for your next...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Where's The Harmony

What price peace it can't be bought,
Who appreciates history and the lessons taught??
Year after year it's the same old thing,
Wars and fighting and destruction they'll...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Start Beauty


Fog hangs low it moistens the air,
Water it runs here and there,
Sparkling the droplets on bough and twig,
Here is beauty that is mighty...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Back Visible

Its taken years but finally we see,
The dark side its visible to me,
That eclipse picture documented and fine,
Through modern technology it started to...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

You never know what God has planned,
We can't imagine or even understand,
Life and love what we value much,
Catastrophes and trauma we dare not...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
On Reflection

I think back to the days of yore,
Sledging out firewood using an axe and saw,
With our bush and those native trees,
Working early mornings with frosts we'd...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Time brings maturity to all things in life,
Cuts through each day like a well honed knife,
When productive in mind body and soul,
Eagerly you strive to reach a specified...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Out in the field incredible and real,
The smell of earth to touch and feel,
Turning the turf it is all yours,
Such a delight yet one of my...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Changed Our Pattern

Life is different its never the same,
Buy a meal its under an other name,
Gone the days of just fish and chips,
Now its shushi or something from Asian...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Dust is intriguing it is everywhere,
Like a poem there's reason to care,
This ones sent from Amber to me,
Amazing the timing and what I...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Davey Jones Missed One

Those heavy seas how treacherous they be,
Sank that tug put it below the sea,
People on board they had no chance,
Down she went without a second...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Think About This

Write with vision consider the spoken word,
Accept what's factual things seen or heard,
Take the time to ponder about life,
Assess daily activities the positive and...

by stan brierly

 1 View
added 10 years ago
Playful Creatures

Blackbirds and sparrows plus a thrush or two,
These little creatures come into view,
Chasing each other getting ready to nest,
Hopping on the lawn along with the...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

A drop of water on a fence of wood,
Then a web where a spider once stood,
Sun it shines bringing it to the fore,
Prisms of light and a whole lot...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Bigger is better that's the usual thought,
It really depends on what is sought,
Seeking massive gains in finance and such,
But also consider the penalties...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

It takes patience and a whole lot more,
To record incidents and what I saw,
Collecting and compiling data thats found,
Past and present there's plenty...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

What's the price of a cup of tea?
Or a coffee that's supplied to me?
Plus a cookie plain or rare,
Also the time to chat and...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

You never know the time nor place,
When there's a threat to the human race,
Have a holiday and enjoy the sun,
Always appreciate things you've done.
Within only minutes all beauty is lost,
Death and destruction a diabolical cost,
Earthquakes and...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Don't say die until you are dead,
Always take note about what is read,
All those specialists how effective they be?
Can they certify either you or...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Sculptures so lifelike they look at you,
Study them carefully take in each view,
Watch the eyes no matter where you stand,
Observe the pores and nails on the...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

The longest eclipse we will ever see,
A phenomenon rare, for you and me,
One thousand years, before- being matched again,
This is special, it'll linger and remain!
The earth's shadow- kissed by the moon ,
Then darkness descended and all too soon,...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

One may wonder about space and things,
Staggering the study and satisfaction it brings,
Read an article what have you got?
Knowledge plus wisdom if you search a...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Poetry Workshop

Today it was, for one and all,
A poetry workshop,where words doth fall,

Sculptures so lifelike they look at you,
Study them carefully take in each view,
Watch the eyes no matter where you stand,
Observe the pores and nails on the...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Open Road

Get behind the wheel let yourself go,
Explore territory you don't even know,
Search the skies see clouds of white,
Drive on the left not on the...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Some things you remember throughout your life,
Eating a nectarine paring with a knife,
Cutting through skin to reveal the juice,
Just having one - what is the...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Proudly it stands
midst houses of wood,
Guess its beginning
I wish I could,
Over the years
it has seen much,
Yet in time
what can it...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Work is Fun

I remember it well I worked with a will,
Chopping and splitting wood was a thrill
Several cart loads done before lunch,
Scones and cakes to devour and...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Stanley Bay

Let's go back to days of yore,
Sample the atmosphere of what was before,'
Take off years and then look across,
Gone the periods of trees and...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
Through the Gate

Come on in I'll show you around,
Thorough the gate see what I've found,
Step this way walk through the shade,
What an impression the entrance has...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago
That Chair

It's not often I sit in the chair,
Watch the sunrise note stillness of air,
See the edges of white and gold,
Enjoy the warm while outside it's...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

Man or bird they know not when,
They are imortalised by concrete or pen,
When they walk on path of grass,
Who's to say how time will...

by stan brierly

added 10 years ago

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Who wrote the poem One Art?
A E. E. Cummings
B Elizabeth Bishop
C Elizabeth Barrett Browning
D Sylvia Plath