Swarupbhattacharya263's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by swarupbhattacharya263  —  There are currently 310 poems total — keep up the great work!

O,God let me bless.

O,God let me bless.

If God will suddenly appear
and bless me two boons.
I'll ask 'him' to return my childhood friends
and the affection of my mother.

Still I envisage the classroom,
where I am sitting with my friends.
As if few flowers...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 8 hours ago
The suspicious man.

The suspicious man.

A man had having scar
on his face.
He was grave and gloomy
as if he was at rage.

As soon as the children saw him,
turned their faces
escaped and took shelter,
in their mothers laps.

The scar face man
became the...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

 1 View
added 21 hours ago
Butterfly and cicada.

Butterfly and cicada.

The Butterfly boasted itself
and addressed the cicada humorously,
"I am blessed by God,
so I am adorned beautifully."

"But you,the ugly creature
with shrilling voice,
is the herbinger of nothing but
only deafening...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

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added 1 day ago
Lessons from nature.

Lessons from nature.

Turn your head
towards the outside of the window.
Why do you sit by desk and bow?

You find your world
in the pages of the books.
Let see world is waiting outside the nooks.

If you embrace a plant
and listen their...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 1 day ago
Hope against despondency.

Hope against despondency.

I see how the mirthful Sun
is covered with despodent cloud.
How a love sick bird cries
when another one,lying dead on the ground.

How soothing maritime breeze,
turns into shipwreking squall
and how a humiliation,...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 2 days ago


I saw a naked tree,
standing on a day of winter
as if it held its hands up for prayer.

It was standing silently,
for self meditation
and praying for rejuvenation.

When the spring will contribute new life.
The naked tree...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 2 days ago


If you have passion
to read detective stories.
You read it to satisfy your curious minds.

If your minds flirt with you
to read love stories.
You read it to satisfy your love sick minds.

Nature always call us
to quench the...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 3 days ago


Defeat,you are dearer to me
because you impart me lessons.
Keep me less arrogant
and helps to creat new impetus.

Defeat,you hammer my heart
and make it strong like iron.
I struggle,suffer but tolerate
only for new gain.


by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 3 days ago


Defeat,you are dearer to me
because you impart me lessons.
Keep me less arrogant
and helps to creat new impetus.

Defeat,you hammer my heart
and make it strong like iron.
I struggle,suffer but tolerate
only for new gain.


by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 3 days ago
New visons.

New visons.

My dreams rose up everyday
when I was young.
It was illuminated with splendor of hopes
which never hid behind the shades.

When they were at the zenith,
they drove their chariot of aspirations
and burnt themselves like phoenix...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 4 days ago
My heart.

My heart.

My heart is like a flower
which blooms in a remote corner.
My heart is like a bird
which never sings sad.
It is as vast as sky
where the sun never hides in shy.
It is as deep as fathomless ocean.
The core only can be touched by...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 4 days ago
The abundant resources of nature.

The abundant resources of nature.

I was treading on the grasses
in a dewy morn.
The grasses were adorned
with dimond studded crown.

I became transfixed
and gazed and gazed
the treasures of nature
and my eyes were dazed.

Nature helped...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 5 days ago
Fading beauty.

Fading beauty.

She was a woman of fourty,
a country woman,
not a celebraty.

She accomplished household chores.
She had been with this family,
for last twenty years.

Every evening she stood,
infront of the mirror
and noticed her beauty...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 5 days ago
The wounded tiger.

The wounded tiger.

On the outskirts of the jungle,
there was a village.
Since dusk to dawn,
people heard the voices of rage.

Many saw its orange with black stripes coat
and the grinning teeth with fierce eyes.
Few found it with startle,

by Swarup Bhattacharya

 1 View
added 6 days ago
The widow bird.

The widow bird.

The bird raised low voice
as if she was moaning.
It was a solitary bird
and was lamenting.

The widow bird was sitting
on a branch of a tree.
Nothing could console her bereaved heart
which was bleeding.

The beruffled...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

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added 6 days ago


I was doomed
as I was burdened with despodency.
My mind hung a curtain
preventing to weave a fancy.

It was a cold day.
The nature was bizzare.
It seemed all the creatures went to hybernation.
Chorus of birdsong was rare.

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 7 days ago
The frolicking monkeys.

The frolicking monkeys.

The monkeys were playing
on the branches of the tree.
Sometimes they were sucking
the half eaten mango seeds and throwing.

The neem tree was on a platfrom.
Passenger were waiting for the trains
and enjoying the...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

 1 View
added 7 days ago


The antediluvian suriyan
with exposing sharp teeth
flots on Indian river,umpteenth.

Someone can assume
a floating log on the water surface
from a distance.

So one can be easily trapped
with this seductive act
if the eyes...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 8 days ago
Mother,the great fighter.

Mother,the great fighter.

I saw a grim fighter
when a mother bird
was trying to save her babies
from a cruel hunter.

I saw a poor mother
feeding her children
begging crumb of food
from another.

When a lion
attacked a baby deer,

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 8 days ago


They are so agile,
even air remains lag behind.
Legs are like four wings of bird.

They are armed with horns
which are like branches of tree,
can be their cause of hindrance to flee.

One can be attracted
by their dremy eyes

by Swarup Bhattacharya

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added 9 days ago


If some would ask him
about his marks in each subject.
He never told right one.
Fifty one turned into ninety one.

Unfortunately he couldn't remember it
and established himself as liar.
So his evil effort became vain.
What more a...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 10 days ago
Thirst of love.

Thirst of love.

Someone was riding at night
going through a wood.
The full moon was on the sky.
The night owl startled
and made hooting sound.

One could hear clattering of hooves
from long distance.
After reaching outskirt of forest

by Swarup Bhattacharya

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added 10 days ago


He had a habit to steal,
at least one thing everyday,
when he went to school.

If it wasn't pen then pencil,
book or exercise book,
he stole from his friends
and satisfied his evil will.

He couldn't resist his temptation

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 11 days ago
Why do I love her?

Why do I love her?

I love her
though she is not an angle.
She possess all the characters
like mortal fairies.

I love her
though she sneezes, yawns.
Sometimes she abuses.
Even she argues.

She doesn't talk always politely.

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 12 days ago
Curling smoke.

Curling Smoke.

You sore high like a bird
with your black and white wings
and you whispere in the ears of air,
originates from a factory near.

When you rest on the sky brest
and paint it black,
the polution level increses,
vital power,the...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 12 days ago
The goldflinch.

The goldflinch.

Till the end of the night,
the earth was painted with black & silver colours
but when the sun appeared
the earth was again painted with gold flares.

The fruits were turned into gold.
The tree leaves were smeared with gold.

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 13 days ago
The mother tree.

The mother tree.

The air was blowing
with a high velocity.
Thrust of wind was accompanied
with fierce howling.

The three baby birds were silent in fear
as the mother bird didn't return home.
The nest was hidden in leaves on a branch

by Swarup Bhattacharya

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added 13 days ago
Hope for changes.

Hope for changes.

The tree was standing naked
as the last leaf fell on the ground.
It was a solitary tree
So the chilled air sighed.

The tree was waiting for the spring
which would cover her with leafy rob.
She knew her helplessness

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 14 days ago
My futile youth

My futile youth.

I weared away my youth in trifles
as nature never appealed me.
I never stooped and picked up
when Robin bird dropped its feathers.

My mind never appealed to gaze
how the trees were drenching
after a long draught in...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 15 days ago
My leisure time.

My leisure time.

Neither I like to go another place,
to seek my pleasure.
Nor I want kiths and kins
to spend my leasure.

I don't want electronic media
to spend my idle time.
I don't like to go cafe or resturant
to take my dine.


by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 15 days ago
The generous earth.

The generous earth.

I was strolling along a mudy road,
of a village in an early morning
and I was in a relaxed mood.

I saw some velvety dewy grasses,
on the solitary village road side,
reflecting the sun lights like dimonds.

A naked...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 16 days ago
The money plant.

The money plant.

You are living
under the same roof
with human beings togather
and enjoying a life,better.

Your life is secured
as you never face strong wind.
You are never threatened,
as thunder never fall on your head.

But you are...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

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added 16 days ago
The due respect.

The due respect.

Gold,you are arrogant.
You take pride of your beauty.
You think you are unparallel
as you are pretty.

But when dimond shines.
Your face becomes pale.
Then you bow to it
and you look stale.

But iron,you are suffering

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 17 days ago
Ode to ornaments.

Ode to ornaments.

Anklet,you are frail
as you dance with dancer.
You pay your utter respect
to the feet of the dancing girl.

Nose ring,when you embrace
a dimond on your brest.
You shine under the sun
and increase the maiden grace.


by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 17 days ago
The poignant memories.

The poignant memories.

Once i visited the house
where I was born.
I was shocked to see
the dilapidated house
and those wobbly windows
where we stood every morn.

The colours of the house
the doors and windows were faded.
The tree was...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

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added 17 days ago
I am fond of red.

I am fond of red.

Flower I like you more
when you are robbed with red.
Then I find other flowers
not so beautifully robbed.

I find your lips
as colourful as coral
and like to suck your lips,
as it is red in real.

I like to see the...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

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added 18 days ago
Your love taught me.

Your love taught me to cry.
Droping tears from eyes
which were dry.

Your love taught me to smile
and kept the face bright
which was pale.

Taught me to stand
infront of mirror
which was only blind.

I was taught
to write love poems

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 19 days ago
Unity in the forest.

Unity in the forest.

Eagle,the bird of prey,
takes its speed from 0 to 40 mph.
and swoops down from higher
like sun ray.

It has fastest accilaration.
and appears like phantom.
It is attributed with short,rounded wings
but strong eyes...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 19 days ago
The shadowy figure.

The shadowy figure.

Silhouetted against the room light
a girl was standing.
The glass window was closed.
Outside it was dark night.

I was watching from opposite building.
Then she started to move to and fro.
She kept her right hand on her...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 19 days ago
The attic.

The attic.

There was an attic
on the roof top of our next house.
In my childhood days,I thought it was haunted,
and made me little bit maniac.

There was a big palm tree
very close to that attic.
When the leaves were moved,
it seemed to...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

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added 20 days ago
Homemade foods.

Homemade foods.

I was keen for outside foods
from hotel or resturent at my teenage
because I found them more tasty
and became more and less crazy.

Homemade foods never satisfied my appetite.
So I begged my mother for some money.
It was my...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

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added 20 days ago
Unwanted growth.

Unwanted growth.

I saw yellow flowers of weeds
on a moist crumbled wall
of a dilapidated house.
The flowers were ill breeds.

But they were well brought up
with the affection of sun and moon.
When mortal bodies
decided to give up them...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 21 days ago
The rags picker boy.

The rags picker boy.

I saw a boy of twelve or thirteen,
picking up rags from the dumps.
He was scerching among the dirts
as if scrounging some gold coins.

I came to know,
he was living in a slum.
Where light peeped hardly,
in the damp...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 21 days ago
Poised life.

Poised life.

It was my childhood passion
to enjoy circus,
in winter with my parents,
after all my exams.

I was keen to watch,
a man playing on rope.
He balanced on it,
with his dexterity and hope.

I became awestruck to see
how a man...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 22 days ago
My green patch.

My green patch.

I had a barran patch
infront of my house.
I never thought,
i could turn it into my choice.

Oneday I scattered some seeds of grams.
Sky spread modarate rains.
I was elated
when I saw some peeping heads.

Then I put into...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

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added 22 days ago
I wish for an isolated life.

I wish for an isolated life.

I can't suppress my rebellious mind
when it is tormented by din and bustle of the city.
As I can't find here my own entity.

My heart sings for an isolated place
Where I'll shelter in a den
in a lush green glen....

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 23 days ago
The school truant boys.

The school truant boys.

I like to see the faces
of school truant boys.
When others are infront of the grave teacher.
Then nature is their very near.

The trees,the ponds,the fields
are their mates.
and they are playing
with their...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 23 days ago
The half eaten apple.

The half eaten apple.

That day I saw a half eaten apple
laying on the side of the road
which was unable to fill the stomach a man
and unable to fill the stomach of cattle.

I kicked the apple
and it fell into a gutter.
I thought what could...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 23 days ago
When I am tempted.

When I am tempted.

O, Moon I am tempted to see
how tenderly you are hugged
by the small pond.

You spend a fruitful night
when you take shelter
on the your beloved brest.

The ripplings of the water
makes me think
stirring up your of...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

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added 24 days ago
The dancing peacock.

The dancing peacock.

I gazed and gazed and thought
If the rainbow was on the ground,
dancing and displaying its colours
when i found a peacock shaking its feathers.

The sunlights refleting on the feathers
and made it more glossy.
Had I...

by Swarup Bhattacharya

added 24 days ago

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