Arman_1's Poems

Here's the list of poems submitted by Arman_1  —  There are currently 87 poems total — keep up the great work!

Imitation of Life

Imitation of Life
By Arman Hoque

Life is but a dream,

 I wake to every day.
Like a paused memory
to which I hit play.
Motions flow fluid around me,
Emotions expressed surround me.

Potions may suppress me,
But I’ve got to come out.

by Arman Hoque

added 10 days ago

By Arman Hoque

I settle in my life and wait,
For life itself to unveil my fate.
Hubris has made me hesitate
To make my life and to create.

Age is a number, but it’s more than that.
It’s a label we wear - as ostentatious as a hat.

by Arman Hoque

added 14 days ago

By Arman Hoque

For those who have a voice,
We are granted a choice.
To speak of what aught be heard,
To paint an image of events occurred.

Just as a painter paints with paint,
Words and imagination are the only restraint.
To craft...

by Arman Hoque

added 14 days ago
Alter Ego

Alter Ego
By Arman Hoque

I took a step on a path, on which I firmly stood.
I realized I’d been standing, plainly
The world had been moving all around me,
Suddenly past, present, and future had found me.

I collected my...

by Arman Hoque

added 21 days ago


To think about the future
May cause a lot of stress.
But it’s just human nature,
Don’t make the present into a mess.

Take the future one step at a time,
Savour each moment,
each experience so sublime.
Take the good with the bad,

by Arman Hoque

added 24 days ago
Mothers Day - Poem to Honour You

Mothers Day - Poem to Honour You
By Arman Hoque

This is a poem to honour you today;
Though thoughts wonder if you’re truly gone or just out to play…

This is fate and this is the way;
Fate has played its cards to stay.
This is a poem to...

by Arman Hoque

added 1 month ago


From a seed dropped
in a pool of blood stopped,
A journey of life within you
Commenced to begin to…

Become everything that is now me,
Decades perspective allows to see.
It all started and started to end with you;
As you started...

by Arman Hoque

added 1 month ago


Sometimes I feel I need to focus,
Wake us up from this shared dream;
Takes a moment to realize I woke us;
Calm us down, try not to scream.

There’s a moment on every path,
When faith and prayer don’t cut it.
Life screams at us it’s...

by Arman Hoque

added 1 month ago
Voice of Protest

Voice of Protest

Hail the people who made the choice
To give the downtrodden a singular voice.
Like a candle holds the night at bar
Protests indicate an unjustifiable war.

When events are happening in a land so far,
It’s common to look no...

by Arman Hoque

added 1 month ago
Hero’s quest: eyes wide shut

Hero’s Quest

I woke up in the morning and crawled out of bed
What happened in bed be need left unsaid.
Let’s focus on the hero’s quest instead.
These quests really get into the head.

You end up a hero, damaged or dead.
These are the...

by Arman Hoque

added 1 month ago
Inspired Again

Inspired Again

Nothing inspires anymore;
Not like the fire that burned before.
Nothing permeates passion to the core;
But the story continues; wait, there’s more….

Nothing tastes the way it used to taste.
Not now is a a time for...

by Arman Hoque

added 1 month ago


Hey Buddy, can you spare me an ear?
I’ve got a terrible notion my time is near.
What have I done with my life as it went?
How have my investments been spent?

How have I lived my life? How have the bells tolled?
How have chances laid...

by Arman Hoque

added 1 month ago


Most of my life you were defined by your love,
One of first eyes I saw, whom I thought the world of.
You kept me straight and narrow,
Taught me to shoot like an arrow.

You set the bar high,
Always watching me learn to fly.

by Arman Hoque

added 1 month ago


Say what you will about the thrill;
That moment’s rush when you feel the chill.
Capture the moment, the rest you fill

To avoid that looming void,
Sobering tactics you tacitly deployed,
As the return to reality you narrowly avoid.

by Arman Hoque

added 1 month ago


I know there’s something wrong with my brain.
I get reminded of it again and again.
Nothing assuages the ongoing pain.
Life looks darker when it starts to rain.

I know sometimes it’s hard to be around me.
Sometimes I wish of...

by Arman Hoque

added 2 months ago
The Secret

The Secret

Days begin to blend, no beginning no ending.
How to address this cycle without sounding condescending;

Be…. You have a right just like a bee..
Free as you will,
With duty to fulfill.
Fly from flower to flower,
Till you...

by Arman Hoque

added 2 months ago
My little Girl

My little Girl

She’s got a drive like wild fire!
Carrying spirits on higher.
Lifting the collective mood
A passion and flair for food.

Competitive traits are in her genes;
Genius potential is within her means.
She’s got a lot on her...

by Arman Hoque

added 2 months ago
Playing with Fire

Playing with Fire

There’s a fire that burns,
Everyone learns,
It adds spice to life’s inspiration.
It’s the moment of choice,
When you find your voice
And overcome hesitation.

An artist’s block,
You breath life into the rock;
Paint a...

by Arman Hoque

added 2 months ago


The sky is bright, nice sunny day
The moon so often passes this way
Not so often, it’s really quite rare
When the line of obscurity is there.

A solar eclipse used to test people’s faith,
In 2024, it occurred on April 8th.

by Arman Hoque

added 2 months ago
A Cancer

A Cancer

I grew like a cancer in her,
Two young kids in love.
Moonlight dancer, pledging to her,
Not knowing what that talk is of.

Years it takes to finally understand,
The choices made at that last stand.
Excision of me and mine,...

by Arman Hoque

added 2 months ago


Sitting on the edge of the beach,
Just close enough for the water to reach.
My toes dipped in, as far as it goes…
Serenity spreads as serenity grows.
My body relaxes, instinctively knows.

This is a prime location,
To escape...

by Arman Hoque

added 2 months ago


A certain entertainment,
That overwhelms containment
Is the anticipation of going
On vacation.
Your mind begins to wander
Whether you’ll be fonder
Of weather warmer still;
To escape winter’s remnant chill.

A brand new...

by Arman Hoque

added 2 months ago
Precarious Path

Times are tough when you’re telling me to be strong;
Every instinct tells me that trust is wrong.
How holds the faith of a family bond
When all that holds us together is gone?

I found a path through precarious ways,
Through passive,...

by Arman Hoque

added 3 months ago
A vision too bright.

A vision too bright.

A touch of pure darkness,
A memory of light.
Reverts our perception on
A vision too bright.

You can’t see into the light,
You can’t avoid darkest of night.
Metaphors swirl; creating a new world
Every un-turning is...

by Arman Hoque

added 3 months ago


Sisters are forever,
Truly a blessing to an ever loving brother.
Never a moment in my life have I felt alone,
Your following footsteps have shown.

I can fly, I can crawl,
I can muddle in the muck with y’all.
I rise up when I...

by Arman Hoque

added 3 months ago
Sunlight in the Universe

Sunlight in the Universe

After all is said and done,
There is a priority one.
The reason the race is run
between the seed and the sun,

 lay the dirt,
Everyone else may get hurt

 as the seed yearns to grow;
Little of others does it...

by Arman Hoque

added 3 months ago
Other Side,

Other side

I’ll meet you on the other side;
When I’ve come to terms you’re no longer here,
There’s no feelings I can hide from my self.

I’m left alone … abandoned on a shelf
Cast off as a possibility ;
Worst off as a wannabe;

Break me...

by Arman Hoque

added 3 months ago


One is just a number;
Not much fun.
Kind of lonely till you add another
Then loneliness is done.
Two can be amusing, some make quite a pair.
Even with just the two, life could be quite fair.

Three lends foundation,
Finally we...

by Arman Hoque

added 3 months ago
Fermented Rice

Fermented rice

I washed a cup of Jasmine rice,
Thinking this will taste very nice.
I Washed it till water runs clear,
Then let it soak for a while.
But I forgot about it and it soaked for a day.
Another day came and went,
That cup of rice...

by Arman Hoque

added 3 months ago


Through dimensions of space and time
We search on our quest to find
Life or meaning of life as we know it;
None of our quests have answers to show it.

Our world is a bubble of fortune and chance.
Elements coming together...

by Arman Hoque

added 3 months ago
White Noise

White Noise

Some sound cracks the silent night
Some fear casts a violent fright.
Imagination runs on a wire too tight.
What happens when we shut the light.

Darkness falls across the room,
Bringing a depressing gloom.
I try to sleep and...

by Arman Hoque

added 3 months ago
Prince of Dark

Prince of Dark

Prince of dark lends Dramatic spark
To an otherwise futile name.
Like numerous others who claim the same.
Those who claim recognition to be a prince none the less;
Of darkness only; other mandates yet a guess.

Prince of...

by Arman Hoque

added 3 months ago
The Death of Winter

The Death of Winter

With a howling gasp, winter blew another breath;
To stave off its inevitable death.
The cold winds and frosty chill
Cast a pallid frost on the land untill.

Slowly, surely come will the spring.
A renewed life with it...

by Arman Hoque

added 3 months ago
11th Grade

11th Grade

We’ve got the style and
We’ve got the grace;
We’ve got it all to put you in your place.

We are the 11th grade, we've got it made;
We will we will rock you.

Put up resistance,
We can’t be wrong.
Challenge us harder and it...

by Arman Hoque

added 3 months ago


I’m so angry with you,
What you put me through.
Your actions may have cost
Much more than you have lost.

Let’s say it was a great mistake,
Let’s wish in forgiveness I shall partake.
Let’s hope time passes to make

by Arman Hoque

added 4 months ago


I know you’re wracked and feeling guilty;
That you survived, while my sickness killed me.
Yet think instead to happier moments that thrilled me.
The parts of my life, you fulfilled me.

You survived me, you chose life.
Escaped the...

by Arman Hoque

added 4 months ago
A Moment Gone that Goes On and On

A Moment Gone that Goes On and On

The pull of life,
Never seems to stop,
Like a bubble expanding just before the pop.

Fragile - life’s path -the page on which we’re caught.
Futile - life’s lessons, we learn or we are taught.
Fatal - life’s...

by Arman Hoque

added 4 months ago
Extension of Life

Extension of Life
Arman Hoque

With praise and scorn,
And a battle well worn,
Humanity passed the threshold to creating life in AI.
We thought it was shocking, yet we’ve done it before;
We’ve wiped out whole species; created and influenced so...

by Arman Hoque

added 4 months ago

By Arman Hoque

You’ve got a taste of the good stuff now,
You’ll never want to go back to normal.
You'll want as much as circumstances allow.
Sometimes you’ll push the boundaries between comfort and formal.

You’ll try a little...

by Arman Hoque

added 4 months ago
Last Valentine’s Day

Last Valentine’s Day

By Arman Hoque

Last Valentine’s Day I gave you my heart,
Locked up in a glass box you could keep on display.
This Valentine’s Day I don’t know where to start?
There’s so much to say.

I miss the bloom of roses,

by Arman Hoque

added 4 months ago
Reasonable Doubt

Reasonable Doubt

Does it come across as a whisper or a shout,
When on comes hand that reasonable doubt?
What transpired can be cleared out,
Till it’s a tale that gets spoken about.
Truth is determined more stout .

What Comes across as...

by Arman Hoque

added 4 months ago
After the War

Story#7: After the War

We came back to Ethiopia after a long stay in Nairobi, followed by an excursion to Bangladesh. That was 1991, the year the Derg fell from power in Ethiopia, the year Lenin’s statue fell - the year a cyclone hit...

by Arman Hoque

added 4 months ago
Story 6: The end

Story #6 - The End

I had a 4:30 squash game scheduled with Billal. I was waiting in the apartment in Hamilton, Ontario that I shared with my wife, Hadeel. It was February 4th, 2004.
My world was about to collapse into itself.

I received...

by Arman Hoque

 1 View
added 4 months ago
Who Knew?

Who Knew?

Who knew life was as simple as a rhyme?
That all we have to give of ourselves is time?
Life is not as simple as a straight line;
But reality to certain rules it does confine.

Time moves forward regardless of how we turn;

by Arman Hoque

added 4 months ago
Mare Imbrium

Mare Imbrium

On lunar surface, Mare Imbrium twirled
In the glow reflected off our own world.

A Sea of Showers from Latin as its name
or a Sea of Rains, Almost but not quite the same.

A Sea of Tears, for those that lament the moon;

by Arman Hoque

added 5 months ago
Mr. Fahrenheit

Mr. Fahrenheit

I’ve got a fever, maybe a couple of degrees;
My brain starts to swell, intensifies what it sees.
My mind starts racing, my mouth starts moving,
My feet start pacing; My anchor I’m losing.

I’m getting high on reality,

by Arman Hoque

added 5 months ago
Endurance: deliberate mistake


There’s a poem that exaggerates;
It reaches thoughts and permeates.
It reaches soul and gravitates.
Makes you move, it necessitates.

Life casts expectation, often it inflates;
Predicts win or failure through infinite debates.

by Arman Hoque

added 5 months ago
Reading Into This Poem


I read quick snatches at a time,
Whether it be fiction, prose or rhyme.
I steal time from every other day,
To read what choice pages have to say.

To say there’s no time to read is a self crime;
An intellectual stunting, surreal as...

by Arman Hoque

added 5 months ago


The World Is a ball, I hold In my hand -
So simple this game of existence,
So easy to understand.
The vision of perspective,
Gained from sheer persistence.
Life continues on this marble I hold,
Life speaks through introspective....

by Arman Hoque

added 5 months ago
Twice I Saw the Fire

Twice I Saw the Fire

Twice I saw the fire, burning a rare kind;
Incendiary thoughts from actions of same mind.

No burning bush, nothing awaiting two souls;
Leaving progenitors with just two aching holes.

Three time’s a charm,
Who knew...

by Arman Hoque

added 5 months ago

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Are you a poetry master?

Who wrote the poem "Love After Love"?
A William Shakespeare
B Robert Burns
C Derek Walcott
D Rabindranath Tagore